05-22-2002, 05:01 AM
This is my first post here. My name is Ashton (i'm male) just call me ash! :D Of all the PS ff games, i've noticed that ff8 gets the most insults :eye: My first FF was X, and my second was 8. After playing X, at first, 8 seemed dull and boring. The screen graphics seemed bad, no voice acting. But i came to like it alot. And I really think it's a great game. But what do you guys have to say?
To fix this for the general forums i'm gonna add...
What's Your FAV FF? and why?

05-22-2002, 05:55 AM
Well, since this is your first post, I should tell you that this is "General Final Fantasy" which means "Final Fantasy in General..."

If you want to discuss a Final Fantasy game that is only about THAT game only... then post in the right forum (in this case, Final Fantasy 8).

05-22-2002, 12:47 PM
well ash if u really want to get a good one go buy ff7. the story line is killer.if u play that one u will know why ff8 gets all its insults

05-22-2002, 02:54 PM
Yus. Threads about FFVIII alone go in the FFVIII forum..
Moving it there now ^_^

05-22-2002, 05:50 PM
lol i know I have FF7. I love the storyline. But at first it seemed boring to me. I didn't like how it started off in a city, sorta like today. I like the more nature/medeval look older ffs had. But I started to really like it after I got to Shinra Headquartes, and made it out to the next town and saw the story of Cloud's life. But still I love FF8 and don't see why people dislike it so. In all truth I like 8's storyline almost better than X's. FF9 is cool too, but I wish they would have made it a little more realistic, using people instead of animals. But i still like it alot. Alot of people say 8 is only good for graphics, if the scenes are so cool, then the story must be pretty good too, for the graphics to be good, and have some much action.

05-22-2002, 10:04 PM
Yeah i liked ff8 but i could never finish it, i restarted it 2 times and never finished but i did get farther than i did the other times. I absolutly love the graphics even more than ffx, I'm not sure why. But the characters looked cool, I love the way Edea looks her whole outfit shows how much authority and power she has and the story was cool and adicting. Although I didnt like how hard some of the bosses got.

05-23-2002, 01:15 AM
I know what you mean. I've had to start over alot too. Infact, i've restarted in ALL of my FFs! FF4, FF7, FF8, FF9, AND X! atleast once! lol My fav scene was the one where Squall drove the car during Edeas parade. She looks cool, i love the music that plays when it shows her!

05-24-2002, 12:32 PM
Hey there Ash! Welcome to FFshrine.
*Ahem!* But I'm changing the subject here....sorry!

I think FF8 is ok, but I know it's not really the best FF. I have played FF5, 6, 7, and 8....and a demo of X. (I know, I know, what you're all thinking...what!? She hasn't touched 9!!! Well, I'm gonna get a copy!)
The gameplay and the development of characters was ok. The music was fantastic. But the story didn't appeal to me much. I found it rather predictable. But my most fave so far is FF7, I loved everything about it.

05-24-2002, 02:21 PM
I tell you why FF 8 gets all of the insults because the game was slow the storyline was sucked and the game was just to easy to get through by the time I was on the third desk I was only Lv 25. I mean come on Final Fantasy 7 was better all around and more challenging. Take my advise and go get FF 7 and you will see the difference.

05-24-2002, 09:21 PM
It didnt suck THAT much, there are 9 others that could suck more, i think that it was pretty good. But hey thats your opinion, the only think that sucked is the fact they dont tell you when its your last chance to do things, like with ragnarok and how you cant leave lunatic pandora after beating seifer. That sucked. And far as the leveling, you'd just have to try harder to level up, its much easier playing it a second time. ....but like i said before, i never beat it....^_^* I guess im not to good at proving points....ah what the hell still i thought it was pretty good, it was my first ps game, sure as hell beat zelda and mario.

05-27-2002, 04:43 AM
Naw, FF8 totally beats out 7. Storyline was alot better and the characters were just plain sweet. I luv every Final Fantasy and FF8's got to be my favorite game EVA!

Neo Xzhan
05-27-2002, 09:56 PM
I voted for it's ok. The graphics r good the sound is good as well, the story isn't that good, I believe that Ultimicia isn't involveld enough in the game seeing that u have to defeat her to finish the game. and actually I hated the battle system and especially the limit break system. I also disliked the way u have to junction everything, to get best results u need high lvl magics and stuff but u need these as well to defeat ur enemey's. Still I enjoyed playing the game.

05-27-2002, 10:27 PM
Originally posted by Reb42044203
I tell you why FF 8 gets all of the insults because the game was slow the storyline was sucked and the game was just to easy to get through by the time I was on the third desk I was only Lv 25. I mean come on Final Fantasy 7 was better all around and more challenging. Take my advise and go get FF 7 and you will see the difference.

I know what you mean. O_o I'm currently replaying the game, and I'm on disc 3 with my people being at levels 40-50. :B In all my other games, by disc 3, I'd be atleast... 70-80. But, I still loved the game. It *IS* addicting. =O I mean, like, the graphics are okay, and the storyline isn't that bad too. But the SIDE QUESTS. =O *Giggles* They are sooo much fun. And yet challenging! ^^

I also liked the characters too. Although, how could you not? :B They were all soooo cool. XD Especially *IRVINE* XD haha.

I admit, I never actually finished the game. But that's only 'cause the bosses/enimies became harder and harder..

~~~ Spoiler ~~~

Of course, the guide says that as you level up, so do the monsters. ^^; So yeah. FF8 was an okay game! =D

Psuedes Psyche
05-27-2002, 11:43 PM
I liked it. The second time I played it everyone was at around level 65 by Edea!!!

Crater Seraph
05-29-2002, 01:06 AM
If you like FF8 more than FF7 than you are.....uh, weird.First of all the characters in ff7 are way cooler, that game is fun(unlike ff8),the main character doesn't act like an idiot(Squall does)and it has a bit more characters,and it is a lot more challenging.....

05-29-2002, 06:52 AM
FF VIII was ok. Not the best. I started way back at FF I on the NES. Ya ya I'm old. I think FF V is actually my least favorite of the series. Just couldn't really get into it. IV was much better and VI was brilliant.

My favorite is probably IX though since it brings back so many fond memories and has the thick story of the "new age ff" (meaning FF VII and later).

I have to say though that FF VIII has a nice story, character development is a little lame, magic system....strike that most of the gameplay sucks. Its ok, I enjoy it, but I enjoy most rpgs and ff most of all. I won't slam it too hard as I do enjoy the sappy love story, but it will never rank in my top 5 FF much less top 10 games of all time.

05-29-2002, 12:45 PM
ooooo...if i was allowed..id stab each and everyone who said FFVIII sucked......

i am a hardocre FFVIII fan. i relly love it..to me..storyinle was GREAT

the GFX awesome [duh]

characters incredible

battle system, insane XD

etc etc. now...here is gonna be a shot in the chest for all of you..i HATE FINAL FANTASY 7. to me...that game was so bad....i dun see how you all make sucha big hype about it..bleh..and no, im not sayin it sux cuz of its GFX, -_-;;

i thought the storyline was just pathetic, it was like captain planet on steriods really, and then have some stupid psycho wreak havoc on the world, cuz they were f*ckin around with his mom's genes and stuff...-__- at least with FFVIII it stayed on a certain plot, "kill the sorceress"

and i bet some of you are like..."the junction system was hard and stupid" ok, does it relly take alot fo brains to put a certain magic into a certain stat slot? i mean come on....*sigh*

sorry, im defensive..but all i see is FFVIII bashers and then in turn sayin how FF7 towered over FF8, well, the tables have turned on this one...it is FF7 that sucked royally, and FFVIII that was the better game, and if you dun like my opinions, well...i think this one person said it best...


05-30-2002, 06:25 AM
Well, I thought it was pretty ruley and in fact it's my fav FF game. I just loved the themes in it and the characters it had ^_^.

05-30-2002, 11:37 PM
:) FF8 is my favorite of the last generation of games. It's characters and storyline touched a special part in my heart, that made it one of the most unforgettable experiences of my life next to Aeris' death. I love Rinoa to death, and she is my favorite character of all time. No one can top her, not even Yuna or Lulu from FFX. FFXII may change that. I saw a pic of a hottie more inticing than Rinoa. Whoa!!

One more thing, Diablos sure knows his stuff. FFVIII rocks!!

05-31-2002, 01:13 AM
Wow, i think diablos is the first one that actualy had balls enough to say ff6 sucked. Well i dont really like ff6 that much either, the graphics just sucked. And !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!spoiler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And when aris dies its just stupid. sepheroth just flys down from nowhere and slices her, and theres not even any blood it looked like a knife through pink cheese. When squall got slashed in the face they gave him enough blood to make it look real. Wow, i just now relize I like gore. COOL!

06-12-2002, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Crater Seraph
If you like FF8 more than FF7 than you are.....uh, weird.First of all the characters in ff7 are way cooler, that game is fun(unlike ff8),the main character doesn't act like an idiot(Squall does)and it has a bit more characters,and it is a lot more challenging.....

Dude..............Noones "weird" just because they like a game better than another game.

This brings me to another topic that has been digging itself into my mind for some time now. What is it with all these people who worship FF7 like it was some Fucking god!!!!!!!!!!!!???? All of them say "If you don't like FF7 your stupid and retarted". Another thing about them, they live to bash FF8. I mean thats all they do is bash FF8 and praise FF7 like its better than sliced bread.

I love both FF7 and 8, but the fact that I get bashed right along with FF8 just because I like it better than 7 really gets me pissed off.

*rant over*

I agree with you Diablo in almost all of your aspects. Although FF7 was a pretty good game.

06-20-2002, 11:46 PM
Yeah what is with people bashing ff8? Freakin queers. ff7 sux neways. I played it for 7 minutes and I was like "freak this shit."

Now.....the best game is [insert non-ff7 game here].

The invasion will come....

Selphie Kinneas
07-14-2002, 08:35 PM
I love FF8! I like the story , characters, all! If it had voices... FF7 is not bad. I like it. But the graphic is not as good as in FF8. But the story is very nice.:cool:

07-15-2002, 05:49 AM
It isn't my favorite Final Fantasy game. I like FFVII quite a bit better. That said, is it bad? No way. I quite like it. It had some very nice elements as well (ending in particular is what stands out for me.)