06-27-2008, 06:09 PM
Hello! I've come to this forum for some time in search for game OSTs. It's common to find broken links, and stuff a little lost in the forum pages. Well I and some friends have found a good sharing system. It's name is Wuala.

It work as a online storage, but you can share things with everyone or just some friends. I'll explain how it works as brief as possible.

When you get an account you have 1GB of space. You have 3 ways of increasing space:
- You can invite new people. For each person you get 1GB.
- You can buy more space. 15 � / year for 10 GB, 65 for 100, etc...
- Or you can share space on your computer.

Sharing space works like this:
You set an amount of space to share in your computer. You recieve space in your account according to the percentage of time your computer is sharing. For example, if you share 20GB and you're online 75% of the time, you get 15GB. You can even be logged in more than one pc (I have a home server with wuala only to share space).

Sharing space is highly recommended, as it is the core of wuala. Wuala works like p2p. When you upload a file, it is encrypted, broken to pieces, and spread to the other user's pcs. You are always sharing more space than what you have, so the files can be sread more than one time. This ensures that you have more than one source do get back your files, and the download speed is higher.

Wuala uses a client written in Java :S, available for Win, Mac and Linux. The linux one even supports command line. Warning. Wuala is still in closed alpha, it still has some bugs, a lacks some features, but i believe it is reliable.

I think it could help having all the stuff in just one place, well organized. I have some invites to give. If you want one just pm me. IF you want I can also create the group, but I believe some of the forum gurus would the best to create the group and get moderators for it.