Roneo Strife
05-21-2002, 08:34 PM
Come on, be honest.

i did.

[Edited by Iris: In the future, please mark your spoilers, yesh? ;)]

05-21-2002, 08:44 PM
I honestly had to fight the tears...NOT, OK maybe a little. I thought was really sad when she died, surprised the hell out of me!

I think this belongs in the Role-Playing section, for all you moderaters out there. That's right, you know who you are;)

Angel Aeris
05-21-2002, 08:51 PM
Friendly advice- people who haven't played FF7 that far yet and see this thread, maybe very very mad at you now, since that's not a minor spoiler... You should have put something like 'Did you cry when... *HUGE SPOILERS*' or something in that way. ;)

And now to your question. Yes, I cried. It became all of the sudden, even though I almost guessed is cause in European version there is a picture of her death behind the cover. That's more than just stupid. Aeris is my favorite character, and Cloud was so sad when it happened... I'm emotional person and I couldn't stand it... :(

05-22-2002, 05:16 AM
i thought it was sad, but not like i could of changed it without using a gameshark. but guys, its just a game? act like humans. got it? i liked her. she was my favorite, but i didnt like it when she said stuff like tee hee! or something like that. i like tifa cuz she seems so troubled, the who is confused sometimes. but, this is from my point of view, so... dont get mad!

05-22-2002, 03:28 PM
Eh? o_O I swear this thread was in the FFVII forum.. XD
Um, right. Moving it there now, then.

05-22-2002, 03:42 PM
Yes I cried. I cried the fact she was nice. Cloud had possibilities with her, the fact she had great limit breaks. The first time I played it I never got to use her Great Gospel. I was upset about that too. But everytime I play it over and over I'm gonna make sure she uses it before then. :D

05-22-2002, 07:13 PM
It was surprising that she died, but I didn't cry, mostly because I newer really liked her anyway.

Majin Freeza
05-22-2002, 07:35 PM
No, I didn't... it's just a sprite being killed by other sprite:o

05-22-2002, 08:25 PM
I CREID! I t came as a total surprise as i forced myself not to tell my friend i had the game so they didn't discuss it with me and give the whole plot away.

Divine Strike
05-22-2002, 11:42 PM
I was upset when she died but i don't recall crying....the main reason for that is that a friend of mine told me she was going to really sucked.........she was lvl 30 the first time i played.....but the most recent save of mine with her...she is lvl 50.......and she has a few mastered materia......and great gospel....which i don't use much because Pulse of Life is better i think because it also acts as Life2(or life1 i can't remember), and Great Gospel only heals the "living" characters.

Millenium Kain
05-23-2002, 08:56 AM
For some reason I couldn't stop smiling. Probably because I thought it was a cool FMV. But I wasn't sad or anything, I didn't use her much so it wasn't a really big loss.

05-23-2002, 11:16 AM
I cryed, but I got extra angry at the boss afterwards! I meen, like reaaalllyyy mad! It was wierd.. I don't cry anymore, but I still get a White hot rage during that battle!

05-23-2002, 11:18 AM
I didn't cry, probably because someone told me it was going to happen about a week before it did:mad: . I was still upset though, because she was my favourite character. :(

05-23-2002, 07:05 PM
I think the saddest part was when i completed the game...OOOOOHH i loved it so much...after FF7 there was no other game that got my atention so hard:(

*...still waiting for FFX,looks AWESOME...*

05-23-2002, 07:39 PM
No I didn't cry when she died but I was very upset because she was a important character in the game.

05-23-2002, 09:10 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">My friend decided to tell me that this happens before I even got to play the game, so it didn't surprise me at all. So I didn't cry when it happened. In fact, it meant that I didn't really use Aeris much at all in my first game as I thought it would be pointless, although after that in later games I did take her, just so that I could see all her limit breaks. :uh?:

05-24-2002, 10:51 AM
Yeah, I guessed she was gonna die, cos I took this quiz in GM, and one of the questions was, in FF7 who dies tragicly
1 Cloud
2 Aeris
3 Barret
Wish it had been Barret though, he's kinda a anoying....

05-25-2002, 02:11 PM
i cried even though i didn't realy use aeris and i didn't realy like her at first.

I still get kind of upset when i hear her theme tune.

05-25-2002, 07:26 PM
It came all of a sudden. At first i laughed, then noticed she was dead and fell on the floor curled up. It happens.:rolleyes:

05-25-2002, 10:20 PM
The first time i almost cried, and i was also very pissed because i used her a lot, but when i played ff7 after the first time i completed it, it didn't felt so sad as the first time.

05-25-2002, 10:49 PM
i choked up, but i still do that whenever i hear aeris's theme song.

05-26-2002, 01:11 AM
Who wouldn't cry! Unless you already knew it would happen, thought she was stupid, or some other reason I don't know about. I didn't cry because I already knew it would happen and I really didn't like her. *click* ( visiting cousin who loves Aeris points gun to Mr. Cow's head) I mean I loved Aeris and I dehydrated from crying so much. ( cousin turns around, trips, and walks off ) ;)

Final Dragon Angel
05-26-2002, 01:26 AM
To be honest, I couldn't cry, my eyes burned like hell but I couldnt cry, I guess I'm like Cloud in that way, unable to shed tears...

It made me sad to lose Aeris, I used her frequently, giving her first pick of weapons, followed by Cloud, it was really devastating to lose the young flower girl and I hope the PS2 version has a way to revive her.:Sad:

Ogre Knight
05-26-2002, 05:56 PM
yah im like cloud, i laughed. But i did cry, because it was so funny! But really, I knew that that would happen. I mean she told you whant was going to happen to summan holy. And i hated her anyways, her little Tee hee stuff was annoing. I didn't even go on that date with her, i whent with tifa, because she was hotter.

05-26-2002, 06:02 PM
I was shocked, but kinda just waited for her to come back.

5 minutes later, when you found out she was really dead, I was sad, yea.

I didnt cry, but it was the most "emotional" moment ever to be triggered by a game for me.

It ruled :)

05-28-2002, 12:14 AM
I was just soo shocked. I was like nooooooooo. And yea I cried.

(I was dead, so nothing really happened, I went to the Promised Land.) lol That was Aeris talking guyz

06-23-2002, 08:29 PM
I didn't cry... but I was upset when it happened. What got me choked up was Tifa petting Aeris and then running off crying. I felt so bad for her.. she'd already seen so much hell in her life. I also was very sad when I saw the ghost inthe church. It was just something that was upsetting to me. I always get sad when I see her because I know she's going to die and there's nothing I can do.

06-28-2002, 08:12 PM
Why would you cry about something like that. I mean, someone had to die. I somewhat suspected it was going to be her because you can gain her limit breaks after almost every fight!

06-29-2002, 05:33 AM
Some people do I guess. I cried in Lord of the Rings twice and once in Harry Potter when it showed his parents in the mirror. I would have cried had I been shocked by it, but I already knew she was going to die so I didn't I was just choked up.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
06-30-2002, 02:22 PM
No I didn't, actually I have special save block saved just before that FMV.
Reason: Because I like to see Aeris die. Yeah you might think I'm a saddistic bastard, but I thought she was REALLY annoying.

Well I'll make some of you happy with this most probable true rumor I heard:
Everyone knows the game is incomplete, well in the complete version (PS2 Version) there should be a way of reviving Aeris, make your own Sephy, and LOADS more materia.
:D :D :D :D .
In that load of Materia, is meant to be a summon more powerful than Knights of The Round!!!!!

THIS IS MY 500th POST!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Ogre Knight
06-30-2002, 06:07 PM
Yes i think that that rumor is true because you can make your own Sep in the Japanise fersion and you can revie aries (i think)

06-30-2002, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by Ogre Knight
Yes i think that that rumor is true because you can make your own Sep in the Japanise fersion and you can revie aries (i think)

No, you cannot do either in the Japanese version. That's just a lame rumor.

Originally posted by Ogre Knight
yah im like cloud, i laughed. But i did cry, because it was so funny! But really, I knew that that would happen. I mean she told you whant was going to happen to summan holy. And i hated her anyways, her little Tee hee stuff was annoing. I didn't even go on that date with her, i whent with tifa, because she was hotter.

Ok, where to I start:
yah = yeah
im = I'm
whant = what
summan = summon
annoing = annoying

The translation is complete. Yay.
Sorry, but when it's that bad it just gets to me! X_X

06-30-2002, 10:00 PM
I hated Aeris for the longest time, but mostly because I'm pro-CloTi and anti CloAer. But then I realized.. I didn't need to hate Aeris over something dumb like that. if Tifa didn't hate her I shouldn't either. So now she's my total favorite character. Though I've never gone on a date with her.

Reviving her would suck. :\ I really hope they don't.

Ogre Knight
06-30-2002, 11:06 PM

Yeah I'm like cloud, I laughed :lol . But I did cry, because it was so funny! But really, I knew that that would happen. I mean she told you what was going to happen to summon holy. I hated her anyways, and her little Tee hee hee stuff was annoing. I didn't even go on that date with her, I whent with Tifa, because she was hotter.

Is that better?

Do you need a translation for "(i think)"? :rolleyes:

07-01-2002, 12:36 AM
I didn't cry, I thought she was stupid, weak, and tried to hard to get Cloud. When she died I was like "eh, I never used her anyway." I prefer Tifa, she's much better. :D

07-05-2002, 10:03 AM
I didn't cry even tho it's pretty easy to make me cry. Why? Cuz my dumbass "friend" told me about it when I was just starting to play the game. She also told me when and where, so I totally expected it. LAME! But, I was really sad. She rocked! The only reason I beat that freak-ass demon wall thing in the temple was because of her and the princess guard. WAAAHHHHH!:(

07-15-2002, 11:36 AM
it almost gets worse and worse the more times I play the game and watch her die. It's like.. I cringe when I see it happening.

Corran Horn
07-15-2002, 03:44 PM
Yes it was a sad and dark day in a FF game when Aeris died. I was crying my head off.

07-15-2002, 05:52 PM
...of course....I couldn't stand it was just standing there....and every action you led to the endangering of thing I didn't understand was......why wasn't there any blood on Seph's blade?....

07-16-2002, 04:21 PM
I didn't ~Cry~, but it brought a tear to my eye.........I think it was because she was such a great character....and so sweet and innocecnt....and all she wanted to do was help :(
It also brought a tear to my eye when Cait Sith 1 ~kinda~ died........

It became all of the sudden, even though I almost guessed is cause in European version there is a picture of her death behind the cover.

Yeah I know :notgood: it dont show her just shows the dit where cloud puts her in the water and he is leaning over her......before I knew she died...I thought she was asleep in the pictue *lol* :rolleyes:

07-19-2002, 05:08 AM
I was glad when Aeris died. She sucked. It was the best part in the game ^.^

07-19-2002, 06:59 AM
Lol you sound like my best friend!

it's so funny XD

07-19-2002, 07:33 AM
im comfortable to show my sensative side so yes honestly i did cry so what? she was a good chara. she was not strong in attacks but in healing she was all you needed in your party and with her limit that could save your ass so many times and her last one was awsome made all your people invincable it was way btter then most of the last limit breaks so there!

07-19-2002, 09:39 AM
heehee I cried a few days ago. My boyfriend was sitting next to me. I was so embarrassed!

07-19-2002, 10:01 AM
I can't say how sick it makes me to see guys who say things like:

"yea i didnt liek aeris cuz she suked she wuz week and dumm and i liek tifa cuz shez hawt"

That's what I call being a pig, or being a very barbaric male. Have you no maturity in the least? I mean for god sakes, it's okay to voice your opinion and say you dislike her, but really, do you have to go as far as to list your reasons why? Honestly, if you prefer a woman over another just because of looks, I wish you the most horrible like that should be taught more maturity. You guys insult the name "male, guy, man and dude".*Shakes head in disgrace*

Getting back on topic, I came close, but I didn't. I still couldn't believe my eyes though. The first time I played the game, I couldn't look at Sephiroth without wanting to totally anihilate him. But now, it's quite the opposite. I think he's t3h fuken l337, except for the whole Aeris thing. But y'know, Seph was he had to stop her in some way..o.O;; Sad nonetheless.

Kool Ranch
07-20-2002, 02:26 AM
I didn't cry because a friend of mine accidentally spoiled it for me:mad:

07-21-2002, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by Jade
Yes I cried. I cried the fact she was nice. Cloud had possibilities with her, the fact she had great limit breaks. The first time I played it I never got to use her Great Gospel. I was upset about that too. But everytime I play it over and over I'm gonna make sure she uses it before then. :D

Great Gospel SUCKS!! Not even all that great to me....! It's weird, i'm on disk 3, and i got Mythril from that old guy who sleeps alot & wakes up only once in a while... in disk 1 i got Aeris Limit 4 Limit break... And i got her Great Gospel From the smith guy wo asks for the Mythril, crazy, huh? & this is in disk three i got Great Gospel?!:confused: :eye:

07-21-2002, 09:03 PM
I admit it, I cried. XD Well, she WAS my favourite character in the game.. so, yeah. X_x

Second time through, I was a little sad, but I knew it was gonna happen.

Third and all those other times, nothing happened. XD

I never hated Aeris, and I didn't want her to die because then I wouldn't have a really strong healer. :B So.. yeah. O_o

07-22-2002, 03:41 AM
i rejoiced. i hated her. she so annoying. like a little kid. and she's weak and has sucky limits.

07-22-2002, 03:48 AM
Originally posted by Fallen_Vincent
one thing I didn't understand was......why wasn't there any blood on Seph's blade?....

From what I've read, it was because Square didn't want to receieve and "M" rating for Final Fantasy 7. However, they still

*Spoiler...I think*

Still have Seph's face covered in blood at the end..when he dies after the last battle, the 3rd one that is.

*End o' Spoiler*

So, I don't know, games with blood usually get a T rating, unless of course the blood is overused...personally, I don't see a problem with blood....after all, it's something we have to live with..o.O;;

poster formerly known as ian
07-22-2002, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Rites
I didnt cry, but it was the most "emotional" moment ever to be triggered by a game for me.

It ruled :)

Same here. I came damn close, but didnt cry.

07-26-2002, 11:15 PM
Yus, I did cry when Aeris died ;_; It was really sad. And surprising, too. The first time I played the game and got to that part I was like- WTF?!?
Really emotional.

*sniff sniff* :uh?:

08-21-2002, 10:22 PM
Yeah,*sucks in his manlyness* I ah, shed a little tear sort to say.

08-24-2002, 06:42 PM
I grew to like aeris, but I didnt cry.... It made me sad, but no tears.......

Quistis Trepe
08-24-2002, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Kool Ranch
I didn't cry because a friend of mine accidentally spoiled it for me:mad:

<font face= "lucida calligraphy"> Ditto. Except that I read it in an FFVII walkthrough and the author forgot to mark the spoiler. Well, I kinda cried when I read that exact thing that Aeris died. But I didn't cry when it actually happened in the game.

08-26-2002, 03:47 PM
I didn't cry, but I did get really sad. Was an amazing FMV all around, eventhough it was shocking since it was the first time in FF history that a character died permanently, at least that I can recall. It was really one of those "we're making teen/adult games now.....and here's our proof" moments.

08-26-2002, 05:12 PM
Yeah, btw, if you thought Aeris was weak it shows what a bad player you must be as Aeris is often regarded one of the strongest chartactors, sure shes not a physical attacker, but her final limit grants temporary invinsability and her abilty with magic is stroger to make up for it!
Next you'll be tellin us Garnet, Terra and any other magic users and natrual healers are useless too?! >.<

~The Evil Of Innocence~

08-28-2002, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Aeris
heehee I cried a few days ago. My boyfriend was sitting next to me. I was so embarrassed!

You were embarrassed?! I am a guy who had about 5 macho guys hanging around in my dorm room. Correction. That's not embarrassing, that's humiliating, well, anyways... I love Aeris so much that when it happened I didn't even want to continue. My friends didn't let me hear then end of it. If they played through and developed an attachment to Aeris as I did, they would have been crying too.

That made me want to kill Sephiroth even more and when I got to him, I made him pay with my Knights of the Round attack.

12-04-2002, 07:58 AM
Well, I didn't go as far as crying for her but I sure as hell as shocked and emotional about it cos Aeris was a pretty ruley character but I guess it made the game more interesting which is good, I guess. *Shrugs* ^_~

12-30-2002, 11:25 PM
I didn't cry, I was f***ing pissed off. She was one of my best characters!!!! I threw my controller down and wouldn't play the game for a couple days cause I was sooo pissed off. o_o;; I gotta learn to control my anger.

01-03-2003, 01:04 AM
Okay I cryed, I was only 8 though, but still it was sad. This beautiful caring girl, who puts all of her trust in you as the main character dies when evil kills her before your very eyes. So sad, but I won't cry again if I see that. The music also tends to get you during that scene.

Tonberri Master
01-03-2003, 06:36 AM
I was trying to supress a laugh when she died.

Its actually kinda funny, i mean, shes praying and then outta the blue sephiroth comes with his Masamune and stabs her. I suprised there was no blood!

Nanaki XIII
01-05-2003, 01:50 AM
I didnt cry but after that scene it made killing Sephiroth that much more important which i loved about that game!

01-15-2003, 11:26 AM
i cryed and i was like 14/15 then i think

01-31-2003, 05:09 AM
I got a little emotional I remember. I think I was playing it later at night in my room with all the lights off, so I got a little teary eyed, but I don't remember crying that much. Everytime I listen to her theme, though, I feel sad, just because it's a sad tune. Oh well. Yeah fighting Jenova afterwards was phat, and when Cloud picked her up and took her down to the water. It sucks, though. You thought Cloud was going to get somewhere with her and then *SHRIP!* she's got a 80-foot sword poking through her gut. Owwie!

02-01-2003, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Sivirus
I was glad when Aeris died. She sucked. It was the best part in the game ^.^

Sorry Aeris lover's but I LAUGHED I was like "yeah that's what you get for stealing Cloud from ME!":D
Once again, sorry Aeris lovers..........Cloud is mine!!

LinkVivi over and out

02-18-2003, 04:37 AM
It was the saddest monent in gaming history. At first I was extremly sad, then I was angery at Sephroith.

02-22-2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Shinji{}
Okay I cryed, I was only 8 though, but still it was sad. This beautiful caring girl, who puts all of her trust in you as the main character dies when evil kills her before your very eyes. So sad, but I won't cry again if I see that. The music also tends to get you during that scene.

only 8! nice one, start em young :D