05-21-2002, 07:30 PM
Y'know when you first meet Amarant? Has anyone ever named him, "Dick," or, "Gay" just for the fun of it? So that he'll say, "Some call me Flaming Gay," Or "Flaming Dick"? Just wanted to know if there were like-minded people.

Yeah yeah, it's stupid and something more of 5th grade humor, but still... I think it's pretty funny...

05-21-2002, 07:36 PM
this might get closed down

but i called him b@st@rd the flaming b@st@rd
olso ginger

fascist socialist
05-21-2002, 08:04 PM
This really can't generate much discussion... o_O

[closed liek whut!??!?!?!?!?]

Millenium Kain
05-22-2002, 01:06 PM
You're right, this is immature. Not to talk about stupid, which makes this SPAM. It's a wonderful cycle isn't it?

05-22-2002, 03:09 PM
*pokey-pokes Apoc-san*

You forgot to close the thread =P ;)