05-21-2002, 05:43 PM
This took me forever to get done, but I'm rather happy with it. My actual coloring of Feena was done in a much more simplisitic way because I discovered the digital airbrush in Painter 6 (which is like, ten times better then the airbrush in Photoshop). I wanted it to be more solid then extremely detailed, because this is more of an action piece, and I knew all of the effects would hurt a very detailed coloring.

Oh ya, this was practically all done in Painter 6.0. The only thing I did in Photoshop was setting up the base color layers and the text/designs. All the effects were done in Painter, so I'm very much in love with the program right now. :D

Anyway, I hope you like it. I plan on doing more versions later on, since I didn't get everything that I wanted in it. ^_^

End of the World - Feena (Grandia) ()

05-21-2002, 06:27 PM
Wow, thats pritty crazy kay. What is that program called? Just painter 6?

I would love to know, because it looks totaly diff. from the stuff you can do with ps brushes.

05-26-2002, 11:47 PM
One reply so far is rather embarassing.


05-27-2002, 12:19 AM
Thank you for bumping it, Kay ^-^

It's wonderful~ I like her pose, it's very nice. ^~ And it does look like Feena, too! Feena's so cool. XD *Coughs* Yesh, anyways.. :B You coloured it very nicely. I like how it's done. =O

The clothes are detailed well, so that's a plus. =D

Overall, I love that picture.. *Saves* ^-^

06-05-2002, 05:58 PM
That is so pretty! I don't know how you did it but it's SOOO gorgeous! I honestly wish I could CG like that.

06-11-2002, 08:19 PM
Very nice :D . I really like it. The colors are absolutely rockin', and I like her pose. Good Job!