All Seeing Eye
06-22-2008, 01:05 AM
Is it just me, or is the storylines in many videogames that are coming out in the past couple of years better then what Hollywood is showing in theaters today?

In fact, Hollywood seems to have realized this themselves and they're now digging deep into many successful videogame series planning to make movies from them. But as we all know, the movie version never surpasses the videogame version of the story.

Hollywood as a whole is dropping the ball in many ways, but you can't really blame them. Like with todays music, the majority of movies nowadays are being seen mainly by teenagers. So, is it a surprise that the average movie you see advertised for theaters is a Horror, Comic Book, Silly Comedy, or Videogame movie?

Sure you have some serious films that come out, but they mainly get popular after they hit DVD's nowadays. The Major money is being spent on the genres I've mentioned above.

Games like Assassins Creed, Call of Duty 4, and now Metal Gear Solid 4 are really giving powerful storylines that are the emotion thrilling kind Hollywood used to thrive on.

So is Videogames surpassing Hollywood, or is Hollywood still and forever the best place for great deep storylines?

06-22-2008, 02:53 AM
Videogame story > Hollywood stories

It is nearly impossible for Hollywood to make a good video game based movie by cramming all story and detail in two hours. So they make it a typical action/horror bullshit movie with very little in common with the actual video game story. You definitely know that it's going to piss off gamers and casual movie goers by doing that.

Anyway, with video games, people can take their time to play the games and enjoy its stories at multiple settings.

06-22-2008, 03:24 AM
Hasn't a thread about this come up before? I can't remember exactly, but I think it said something about video game storylines being better or something.

06-22-2008, 04:53 AM
Video game stories are better, because while new games are always being put out with new and exciting stories, Hollywood is forced to create nonsensical garbage like "Meet the Spartans", "Epic Movie", "Disaster Movie", "Scary Movie"... see where this is going?

06-23-2008, 01:28 PM
You guys are full of shit. You simply cannot call one medium better than the other. There are a lot of games that do a very shit job of storytelling, and most games, like most movies, have throwaway plots. There are, however, examples of shining brilliance in both mediums, though I rather suspect that you guys wouldn't recognize them because most of the games you hold up as paragons are really pop culture tripe and markedly inferior to scores of other games you'd never think about mentioning.

Domingo, singling out one particular series of films made by a small group of people as indicative of everything Hollywood produces is retarded. Epic fail.

Also, I'm declaring myself the winner of this discussion and putting an end to it since nothing useful will come of it.