Nytro Starfyre
05-19-2002, 09:40 PM
[BTW-just count Cloud's Ultima Weapon in the same vote as his Buster sword, i forgot to put that in there. :P]

Not the monster planet's Weapons (capital W), i mean which is your favorite fighting weapon that the characters use?

If it isnt any of the ones in the poll, feel free to list a different one for any char. ^^;

now im bored

Majin Freeza
05-21-2002, 09:37 AM
Reno's nightstick.

BTW, Sephiroth's sword is the Masamune, not "Long Sword" xD

05-21-2002, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Majin Freeza
Reno's nightstick.

BTW, Sephiroth's sword is the Masamune, not "Long Sword" xD

he's right, and i voted for that, it just kicks ass. plus u need to have the option "other" on there, because i was going to vote for the Ultimate weapon, but it wasnt there.

and what the hell, "submerine", i thought we were voting on weapones.


Roneo Strife
05-21-2002, 08:48 PM
What the hell is a long sword?
:mad:That's disrespect to the Masamune:mad:
That sword is badass!!!

Angel Aeris
05-21-2002, 09:31 PM
"What the hell is a long sword?
That's disrespect to the Masamune
That sword is badass!!!"

Come on, people, it's not a big deal. Besides, if you check the manual's character introducion, there Sephiroth's weapon is called 'Long Sword'. :p

Anyway, I voted for Cloud's buster sword. Don't ask me why.

Nytro Starfyre
05-22-2002, 02:47 AM
^^ yeah, sry. i didnt know the name of it until after i posted this. Yes, i also forgot to put "other". ill try to think more next time X.x

05-22-2002, 04:34 AM
the mop owns all.

05-29-2002, 01:23 AM
bad-ass weapons:

cloud- apocalypse
berret- drill arm
tifa- god's hand (never misses:D )
aeris- (don't matter, she's dead...)
yuffie- twin viper
vincent- death penalty
cid- mast axe (the way he attacks with it looks kinda pathetic though)

funny weapons:

cloud- nail bat
barret- atomic scizors (he ought to have a crusty crab claw ;) )
aeris- umbrella "take that, you...!"
cait sith- all his weapons were silly... a freaky trumpet for crying out loud!!! "yeah, i'm going to yell into this megaphone, and it's going to hurt you badly!!! -grrrrr..." (all i see is just tht damned stuffed mog on roids running over and pounding on his enemy, nothing to do with a megaphone)
cid- mop "such a godly weapon... -so holy"(my personal weapon of choice, especially if i'm going up against a deformed 'tard-looking angel with only one wing and a cloud coming out of its butt who also happens to be the major world threat) the mop was the highlight of my gameplay, i never got rid of that thing... i use it to smear dirty chemicals into my opponents' faces all the time as i tell them to 'clean up their act' (so KoRny)

my favorite weapon was the sister ray cannon (if that's considered on of the 'other' choices... not so sure i can haul that over my back and fire it through someone's face and melt their skull until it explodes like that one WEAPON creature that 'got his picture taken' -he just looked right into that mighty barrel of death and said 'cheese, mother @#$%&!'. that was also one of my favorite scenes other than tifa falling down on her ass as her huuuuuge guns shake around O_o)

Crater Seraph
05-29-2002, 01:59 AM
WTF long sword :eye:?Come on, you have to know the name, it's the Masamune!!Anyways i voted for that it was da bomb!If you name it long sword again, i will kill you......j/k:D :

06-06-2002, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Crater Seraph
WTF long sword :eye:?Come on, you have to know the name, it's the Masamune!!Anyways i voted for that it was da bomb!If you name it long sword again, i will kill you......j/k:D :

how could you possibly 'kill' him? that's what i'd like to know?! just because he's not smart like you! doesn't mean you gotta go get him in his sleep or anything like that! [don't get any ideas] so just chill people.

Neo Xzhan
06-07-2002, 08:44 AM
*Mild spoilers*

The sister ray is really!!! impresive it shoots right through Diamond weapon and that just looks awesome. And Cloud's (well it's actually Zack's) buster Sword is cool, but Sephiroth's Masamune is the best.

Safer Sephiroth
06-07-2002, 10:05 PM
Sephiroths Masamune, it kick's ass.