06-13-2008, 08:38 PM
Anyone heard of them? Thery're a promotion company based in L.A. They've contacted my band, saying:

"They are interested in our music, and that we have potentional to be a national thing."

Or along those lines anyway. So, for $400 they would submit our music 4 times a week for a year to music lables, TV shows, Game Companys, anyone and everybody they can think of that could use music. They could even try and get us on warped tour.

But theres some nitches, besides us being young and not having $400 dollars at the moment. The internet, primaraly peoples blogs are filled w/ 'horror stories' about The Hitt Music Group. Saying its a Scam, Illegitament Company, Evil. Then some say that they are legitement. Just not the best buisness. That they have low ratings as a buisness. But the BBB itself ranks it with the rank of BBB. The 4th highest. As a good buisness. Saying only 3 filled complaints, all of wich in the area of the Group not nogotiating the terms of agreements.

Basicly, we've head 2 sides. Both extreams. We've talked to them via phone. We've read and read and read. We really don't know what do. This could be a MAJOR break for us. Or, we could get completely screwed.

*Sorry if this should have went in someplace else. But its music realted so I chose here.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
06-13-2008, 08:54 PM
I don't think a "MAJOR break" has a 400 dollar pricetag

06-13-2008, 09:06 PM
ok, yea true. Plus we're not that great. Far beter band just in my area. Why us?