05-19-2002, 04:46 AM
What do you think is the better fantasy adventure series? Use any criteria that you see fit. I'd have to go with Final Fantasy over Star Wars. I'm a huge fan of both, but I think as far as deep memorable characters, and true heroics (which is what I call a great adventure) Final Fantasy wins. Also Final Fantasy gives the nearly endless theories that Star Wars just doesn throw out.

Rydia's Lover 1982
05-22-2002, 06:21 AM
Well, they are both 2 of my favorite 3 fictional serieses with the other one being Zelda. They both seem to display similar deep messages about good vs. evil, so I really can't decide what I like better.

Neo Xzhan
05-22-2002, 09:30 AM
I like the Star Wars series better cuz everthing is related in FF it's just a new story with different characters. Sure in SW there r different characters but they all have to do something with eachother.

05-22-2002, 12:14 PM
I�d have to say Final Fantasy! The stories are kinda deeper than Star Wars! I like SW all right but I can�t get into that story like I do in FF! They put more into the characters... and the plot is more complicated......

05-22-2002, 12:21 PM
I�d have to say Final Fantasy! The stories are kinda deeper than Star Wars! I like SW all right but I can�t get into that story like I do in FF! They put more into the characters... and the plot is more complicated......

05-22-2002, 06:21 PM
I'm not a Star Wars Fan at all! AND EVEN if i were, it'd be ff all the way! FF IS ALWAYS DIFFERENT STORY, DIFFERENT STYLE, DIFFERENT CHARACTERS! Different weapons, items, ect. Final Fantasy always acts as if the other FF world was fake. The newness of each is what keeps FF together. In order:
1. FF
2. Golden Sun
3. Zelda
4. Mario
5. Sonic
6. 007
SKIP A FEW.......

191785867527855697-06842. STAR WARS

Nanaki XIII
05-24-2002, 04:38 AM
If we are talking about story, then of course Final Fantasy is better than Star Wars because one has 2 hours to tell a story, and one has 40-50 hours. But I think the characters are way more interesting, (and funny) in Star Wars and I would rather watch a SW movie over and over than play through a FF over and over. Sorry but Im a huge SW fan and I love FF but I like SW better.