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06-10-2008, 12:11 AM
Because FFShrine can always use more official nerding out threads, imo!

Anyways, I think most people here know I am a pretty huge comic nerd. For a long time, I didn't pay much attention to anything but my very favorite series/characters because I find individual issues to be not the nicest of formats, and checking out everything was prohibitively expensive. However, thanks to the internet and CDisplay (, I now follow a ridiculous amount of comics and do my comics buying via trade paperbacks, which I love as a format.

DC publishes the bulk of the stuff I read, though I definitely follow some Marvel stuff too. I am a huge fan of superhero team up books, like Justice League, JSA, Teen Titans, loads of X-Men stuff, and Runaways, and if I hear good stuff about anything like that, I try and check it out. I am a huge, huge Batman fan and I read just about everything that involves him or the Batfamily, even if I don't think it is particularly good. The only non-Batman solo superhero book I read right now is Ultimate Spider-Man, and it is excellent.

I do like some non-superhero stuff too, although I don't read much of it. I really enjoy Fables and Jack of Fables, and I loved Transmetropolitan. I am planning on reading Y: The Last Man soon also, which I have heard great stuff about.

I am woefully uneducated when it comes to comics being put out by people other than DC/Marvel, and I'd love it if people could recommend me some indie-ish stuff. ^___^

I have a ridiculous amount of comics either on my harddrive or burned, and I am happy to upload some issues of pretty much anything I mention for people to check out.

Since I know a lot of people are pretty psyched up about Dark Knight, and since I also already uploaded these for Neg....These are the two Batman comics that I really think are the best to read before seeing the new movie.

The Long Halloween ( is the best story involving Harvey Dent out there, imo. It's not terribly long and it doesn't require a huge amount of familiarity with the Batman-verse to follow, imo, so I really recommend that anyone who wants to see the movie check it out!

The Killing Joke ( is a comic I rave about a lot, and it's probably the best Joker story out there, though the competition is tough! It's a graphic novel so it's not terribly long either.

Anyways, post away! I know that even if there aren't a lot of huge comic nerds here, there are a lot of people curious about comics, and that is something to build off of. ;)

matt damon
06-10-2008, 12:16 AM
hahaha, because of skype, i know read it as "CD-is-play" <3 ndi

also, because of that same skype session, i have now DL'd tons of xmen comics. i hope to read the entire collection of comics that take place in the xmen universe. what i really look forward to is the phoenix saga, house of m, and the stand alone phoenix books, which are called something like phoenix:war song or phoenix: end song, or something like that.

06-10-2008, 12:19 AM
I will be reading them in very short order! Thank you, again!

I read X-Men pretty heavily in the 90s and also I dabbled in Wolverine. I've read a couple issues of probably most X-Men related comics, I guess :)

Can't wait to see what you'll want to share with me in the future ^_^

impudent urinal
06-10-2008, 01:38 AM
I had a sizable collection when I was younger, but then I moved and I have no idea what happened to it. All I have left of it now is one Venom comic that I decided to put up on eBay (which no one seems to want).Nowadays I just wait for the trade paperbacks of whatever series I'm interested in.

06-10-2008, 03:54 AM
I've tryed getting into comics.
What I like is hard to find in my neck on the woods.
So I haven't looked in a long time.

06-10-2008, 04:11 AM
My absolute favorite comic book right now is Spider-Girl. Most people don't even know of its existence and it just barely gets sold enough to stay running so I am trying to spread the word as much as possible.

READ SPIDER-GIRL. I can't say this enough. It is so, so good. it is the reality that I would like to consider what "really" happened in the Spider-Man story line. it has a wonderful classic comic feel without resorting to old fashioned cheesiness. It's got a wonderful sense of humor, a fast-paced and interesting storyline where something exciting happens every single issue (something I think a lot of comic books are severely lacking these days, good gravy some of them are boring), and it manages to maintain a lot of traditional elements of the original Spider-Man storyline while also twisting things in fun new ways since it's a young girl we're talking about instead of a dude. May is a brainy, noble, and loving character like her father, and being Spider-Girl causes her social problems as well, but she's also not an outcast the way Peter was, and she is actually fairly popular and has a cool football-playing boyfriend (who happens to be Flash Thompson's son! if that is not brilliance I don't know what is). Really, even if you are only vaguely familiar with the Spider-Man mythos and haven't read much of it you NEED to read Spider-Girl. It's made me love comic books again.

I also for some bizarre reason follow ASM still even despite the stupid bullshit they've pulled with it. I guess really the only reason is I want to know what's going on with MJ in this new reality. I definitely skip some of the issues. I'm getting more and more angry at it as it goes by though and I'm starting to think I'll quit reading it altogether soon. They've made Peter Parker decide to be a paparazzi now. I'm not kidding. These people claim they are just going to tell stories about the same Spider-Man in an altered reality but since they started they have been making Peter a more and more pathetic, obnoxious, and completely unlikeable character in every issue. His entire value system seems to have just been thrown out and every issue is just a huge checklist of extremely typical "classic" Spidey elements they wanted to include. HEY GUYS DON'T FORGET THAT OLD PARKER LUCK! HERE IS PETE GETTING UNLUCKY AGAIN! LOL! OH NO, HIS WEB SHOOTER GOT JAMMED! BET YOU'RE LOVING THIS CLASSIC MATERIAL HUH

And, of course, I read Transformers. Simon Furman's next story arc is a 4-parter which is going to wrap up the batch of storylines he's started, and the first arc written by someone other than him in the IDWverse is about to start, and I'm kinda nervous about it. I hope it doesn't ruin the new storyline that Furman has so carefully put together.

I've also been reading Ghost Whisperer due to my absurd JLH obsession (note: I don't recommend this. it is boring and the art is just okay aside from the covers, which are fantastic), and I randomly pick up an Usagi Yojimbo every now and then despite the fact that I'm not too keen on what it's like these days. Anyone who hasn't read the early Usagi material should definitely pick up the collections if you can find them though, it is downright amazing stuff, one of my all-time favorite comics.

I'm picking up Uncanny X-Men for a while maybe and if it hooks me enough I'll stick with it. I tried leafing through a bit of Secret Invasion and it just seemed boring as hell so that's definitely a no go.

06-10-2008, 01:42 PM
And here I was thinking I was probably the only person in the universe who actually liked Spider-Girl. Unfortunately, after following it faithfully for 100 issues or so, including the original What If story, I had to cancel all my comic subscriptions due to financial problems, and since then, I just haven't been able to get back into it. At the moment, I barely have enough space to store my old comics, much less add new ones.

I have, however, checked out a few of the newer Spider-Man comics, TK, and they are certainly shit, which is, coincidentally enough, exactly what Joe Quesada is full of. I was actually getting kind of interested in the direction those books were taking, what with Peter being unmasked and a fugitive from the government. To scrap that story, along with a couple decades of continuity, because that bastard didn't like the main character being married is unforgivable.

06-10-2008, 10:46 PM
no comics for me.
i read mangas.

the only comic i have is the first edition of teenage mutant ninja turtles that is lying on the bottom of my chest, where i put everything i dont need or its usefulness factor has faded.

06-10-2008, 10:51 PM
Can I have it. You're insane if you aren't keeping that on your bookshelf, lending it to your friends, and treating it like the legendary piece of genius that it is.

Seriously, can I have it? I'll pay you for shipping.

06-10-2008, 11:05 PM
i like deadpool.

06-10-2008, 11:19 PM
I've just recently come back to comics after a long hiatus (of being poor). However, I'm much more well read in the Marvel Universe than anything else. That said, I'm going to plug a DC title first:

Ndi, If you haven't read it, you need to pick up Brad Meltzer's Identity Crisis. This is one of the most brilliant relevant comics ever published and I have yet to find anyone who disagrees on that point. Meltzer crafts one hell of an emotional tale which introduces a lot of controversial retcons into the DCU. The pathos practically leaps off the page and boots you in the face-- in a positive manner.

I'm also a Vertigo buff too, including Hellblazer, Transmetropolitan, Sandman, and most recently, 100 Bullets.

In Marveldom, one of my favourite X-books just concluded recently, the Astonishing X-Men which was written by Josh Wedon of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame. I cannot emphasize more how much I enjoyed his 25 issue run with the series. Not only was the action great, Whedon can still make you laugh out loud just by reading a few bits of funny dialogue. The art too is quite aboveboard, illustrated in its entirety by John Cassady. If you like Warren Ellis (writer of Transmetropolitan) you'll probably be interested to know he's taking over Astonishing X-Men this July.

As for Spider-man, I can't quite agree with the hasty decision to retcon his unmasking, something I thought could take the character in bolder directions. Instead, they discarded that potential in favour of a return to the norm. Now, I must declare, this isn't all bad. The decision itself, yes, but it's implementation? Fantastic. One More Day, as the storyline's called painted a very nice picture of Parker's fears. Fear of letting go, fear of failing, fear of failing to protect his loved ones. The art too was fantastic. Especially the panels featuring Mephisto, who I hadn't really seen since Thor's Ragnorak, I think. Of note is that Parker didn't want to accept Mephisto's deal and it ended up being MJ who convinced him! Nice surprise. The Brand New Day stories aren't too bad if you can ignore/accept the bad decision that birthed them either. At the very least, I'm somewhat refreshed to see happy-go-(un)lucky Parker in lighter stories after the turgid Civil War and Back in Black.

TK, I feel obligated to inform you that the X-books are currently drowning in a very shitty event called Divided We Stand. I've been reading somewhat faithfully since House of M/Decimation, both of which were brilliant. Divided We Stand has no singular plot besides the X-Men disbanding yet AGAIN. Uncanny has Emma Frost and Cyclops trapped in the 60s version of San Franciso so if that's any indication you might want to wait it out. On the other hand, Wolverine (whom I hate), Colossus, and Nightcrawler have a far better story framed by Colossus' return to Russia. If you still want some X-action I'd suggest Astonishing X-Men, by far, the best of the X-books right now.

Lastly, I'm about to double the geek quota presently by saying that I read the Star Wars comics, specifically Knights of the Old Republic and Legacy of the Force. Both take place at opposite ends of the SW timeline with KOTOR in the past and Legacy set in the far future beyond the New Republic/Order (that's waaaaaay after the film Return of the Jedi for those curious). KOTOR pretty much tells the story of an unlucky Jedi (Zayne Carrick) framed for murder and maybe fated to become a dark lord. It's rather funny stuff and TK's brief rant makes me suppose Zayne might as well be classic Peter Parker only with the Force. If you've played any of the KOTOR games, some of the minor characters will be familiar to you since it takes place around the time of the Mandalorian Wars. They even managed to squeeze a Revan cameo in at one point. Legacy continues the Skywalker tradition with Cade Skywalker, another reluctant Jedi cast in the role of saviour against the new Sith. It's actually a little hackneyed, but I still read it.

06-11-2008, 12:22 AM
I love teen titans.

Seriously, old school starfire and raven were way more bad ass then the newer cartoony anime-ish looking versions.
Seriously, giant bushy red hair and humungo cleavage ftw

06-11-2008, 12:45 AM
Ndi, If you haven't read it, you need to pick up Brad Meltzer's Identity Crisis. This is one of the most brilliant relevant comics ever published and I have yet to find anyone who disagrees on that point. Meltzer crafts one hell of an emotional tale which introduces a lot of controversial retcons into the DCU. The pathos practically leaps off the page and boots you in the face-- in a positive manner.

I have indeed read Identity Crisis. :) It can be really hard to real just because....I guess of the way that it's brutal? But it's very well written and really enjoyable on the mystery front too.

I think of Vertigo stuff as DC just because they're who owns them, but I read a lot of Vertigo titles too. Are you a Fables fan, but any chance? It is such a good series and I am happy to upload some issues for anyone who wants to check it out. More people need to read it!

Whedon is someone who I think reads so much better in trade paperbacks- he's just coming off Runaways now too, and I am so excited to be able to read all of his story properly. I'm not sure if it's just the style he writes in or that he has delays so much, but I feel the same way about the Buffy Season 8 comics and those have been pretty timely. I love Warren Ellis and Astonishing X-men so I have nothing but high hopes for that!

Do you read X-Factor, by any chance? I am a huge, huge Peter David fan, so I fully admit that I'm probably biased, but I think it's such a great title, and it reads so differently from other X-Men related comics. I think Peter David is wonderful at taking underused/underdeveloped b-list characters and making them shine, so it is really the perfect sort of title for him to be on. :) It ties into a lot of House of M stuff too, and you said you were a fan.

06-11-2008, 01:25 AM
weirdly one more day was the thing which made me want to get back into comics. i have to admit i thought it was really, really bad for the most part. i thought it was pretty absurd.

i hate heroes and villains who derive their powers from magic stuff. i know it's dumb of me, i just find it really silly, even though comics are pretty silly in general.

anyways i am almost finished cable & deadpool and i really like it! it had made me interested in all this house of m stuff and the storylines following from that, so i might check that out next, as well as the original deadpool series. i am also thinking i will look at spider-girl. the other comic i've read some of recently is spider-man loves mary jane, and i am ashamed to admit i ... pretty much thought it... wasnt all that bad!

i used to only read marvel stuff when i was a kiddo, pretty much. i never really warmed to DC stuff. i mean the batman cartoon rocked, but aside from that it was all superman. i guess all of the dc heroes just looked sort of goofy when you're used to a certain set of superheroes. now that i am older i think i will be a bit more open minded about the whole affair! so i will probably download those comics in a day or two, yoooo. i have been told the killing joke is really good, too.

i meant to post most of this the first time. i didnt because my connection went weird!

also: i really dont like wolverine at all either doomjockey!

matt damon
06-11-2008, 01:46 AM
ha! mandi, neg, and i (and maybe brim, i can't remember) were having a discussion about heroes with magical powers on skype just the other day. it was pretty funny. i still don't like it, cause i think that heroes with magic fight villains without, or heroes vs heroes with magic, magic always wins (i have a skewed perception of magic though, i guess, because of stuff like charmed).

also, i don't like wolverine all that much either.

06-11-2008, 02:34 AM
Yeah, man Identity Crisis is just one of those titles you have to have if you're a fan of comics at all.

I actually haven't read a single issue of Fables as I have a problem with picking up new series (I usually don't, lol). Of course I'm not adverse to reading anything new! I admit, I Wiki'd the title some time ago when I first heard of it and it didn't sound too appealing to me. I'm willing to give it go though since you say it's decent.

True, Whedon absolutely loves a cliffhanger, but I confess each keeps me coming back to discover what happened. just as equally though does he end a story with satisfaction, a talent which many great writers lack. I've been checking out Buffy Season 8 and Angel: After the Fall religiously and both titles are pretty good. At least they satisfy that nostalgic longing for sassy vampire slayers.

I'm currently reading X-Factor as part of the (bad) Divided We Stand event and I'm happy to say I'm enjoying the story at the moment. I really only got into it after House of M/Decimation, but it's pretty good so far. I love Madrox's whole imperfect dupe thing, it's so randomly funny having those things pop up with different personalities. You're absolutely right, I probably would've never bought Madrox as a main character without Peter David's influence and I'm just remembering where from where I recall the name: the Spike (of Buffyverse) comics.

Belle, I am a huge fan of Cable and Deadpool! Fabian (i forget the last name) does such wonderful things with comedy and really makes Deadpool shine. The recap pages are similarly hilarious with some characters randomly breaking the fourth wall along with Deadpool, memorably, Apocalypse. I'm not sure I cared for the direction he took Cable, but Deadpool was spot on. If you're interested, Fabian will be writing a new weekly called Trinity that features the core triumvirate of the JLA: Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. While I'm not very big into the JLA, it doesn't disappoint at all as a source of playful amusement and superhero action complete with smashing and laser eyes.

Mangas are cool too Catastrophe, but so much harder and more expensive for me to get a hold of even though I can read Japanese to an acceptable degree. The last I read was probably Full Metal Alchemist, though I stopped some time ago when my source dried up (the shop closed). I know a lot of places online offer fan translations, but I'm a bit more comfortable with the author's original Japanese which I can never seem to locate. =/

Yes, I get very annoyed with the whole tough-as-nails-beer-swillin-army killin-let's-go-bub-snikt-lolz-i-just-bitch-slapped-Galactus reputation the writers give this guy. He's a popular character, sure, but there's no reason to consistently overrate him.

matt damon
06-11-2008, 02:40 AM
doomjockey, you just read the japanese version of mangas or are you open to reading the official translations by companies like tokyo pop?

06-11-2008, 03:04 AM
Yes, I get very annoyed with the whole tough-as-nails-beer-swillin-army killin-let's-go-bub-snikt-lolz-i-just-bitch-slapped-Galactus reputation the writers give this guy. He's a popular character, sure, but there's no reason to consistently overrate him.

From Runways V2 Issue 12 ^_____^

I do like Wolverine, but I totally agree and it is so much fun for me when they let him have moments like this.

06-11-2008, 03:25 AM
As for Spider-man, I can't quite agree with the hasty decision to retcon his unmasking, something I thought could take the character in bolder directions. Instead, they discarded that potential in favour of a return to the norm. Now, I must declare, this isn't all bad. The decision itself, yes, but it's implementation? Fantastic. One More Day, as the storyline's called painted a very nice picture of Parker's fears. Fear of letting go, fear of failing, fear of failing to protect his loved ones. The art too was fantastic. Especially the panels featuring Mephisto, who I hadn't really seen since Thor's Ragnorak, I think. Of note is that Parker didn't want to accept Mephisto's deal and it ended up being MJ who convinced him! Nice surprise. The Brand New Day stories aren't too bad if you can ignore/accept the bad decision that birthed them either. At the very least, I'm somewhat refreshed to see happy-go-(un)lucky Parker in lighter stories after the turgid Civil War and Back in Black.

Weird. you're the first person I have ever heard say *anything* good about One More Day. Even people who like the new direction for the character think that that story was a festering piece of shit. It's easily the worst Spider-Man story I'm aware of, and possibly the worst comic book story I'm aware of. I guess I am happy for you if you found a way to like it, but I'm totally perplexed.

I think the fact that Peter is still so afraid of these things that he will apparently make a deal with the devil over them is downright pathetic, and is not nice to see at all. he has been Spider-Man for so long now that he should be used to these things, and he should be capable of accepting the fact that his aunt specifically told him she understood the danger involved in staying with him after his unmasking and she wanted to face it. She was totally ready to go. She would have wanted him to stay with MJ. Any moron can see that. All this story did was paint him a weak, sorry, selfish, immature, whining asshole and that seems to be more or less how they've continued to portray him from then on. For god's sake the whole storyline was nothing but him running around screaming about people about how his 800 year old aunt is going to die and it's ALL MY FAULT WAH WAH WAH. Who wants to read 20 pages of Peter Parker yelling at Dr. Strange like some kind of grade schooler who doesn't want to go to bed?

Sometimes, I agree it's nice to see Spider-Man stories with a lighter tone. But these stories could have been told all along, with him still married to MJ, and nobody had to write shitty stories like Back in Black... but the people who OKd this nonsense in the first place are the ones who are now telling us they are going to save us from it by sacrificing everything that is good about the character. And frankly I would take depressing Spider-Man stories where his character is left intact over lighthearted ones where he is turned into a boring, selfish, and scrubby dolt. I don't even get why he is Spider-Man anymore in these stories. I don't feel any of his motivation or the sense of right that compelled him to be Spider-Man, and to keep coming back to it over and over again. He's just a loser with super powers now.

TK, I feel obligated to inform you that the X-books are currently drowning in a very shitty event called Divided We Stand. I've been reading somewhat faithfully since House of M/Decimation, both of which were brilliant. Divided We Stand has no singular plot besides the X-Men disbanding yet AGAIN. Uncanny has Emma Frost and Cyclops trapped in the 60s version of San Franciso so if that's any indication you might want to wait it out. On the other hand, Wolverine (whom I hate), Colossus, and Nightcrawler have a far better story framed by Colossus' return to Russia. If you still want some X-action I'd suggest Astonishing X-Men, by far, the best of the X-books right now.

Yup, I know what the storyline is. Maybe it really must be awful if you can say you enjoyed OMD and not this, though...

06-11-2008, 04:14 AM
doomjockey, you just read the japanese version of mangas or are you open to reading the official translations by companies like tokyo pop?

I've nothing against official translations at all (admittedly much easier and cheaper to get), but I often go for the Japanese stuff since the store closest to me used to import Shonen Gangan and Jump. That way I got to stay miles ahead of my friends. ;-) You have any suggestions? I haven't read a decent manga in ages. I used to get into the sci-fi-ish stuff like Parasyte. Also, I enjoyed what little I read of Hellsing.

LOL, Ndi, that's brilliant. I accept that he's not a bad character if the writer's decent enough. Was that was from Whedon's run?

TK, that's fine, but I think Civil War forewarned me. The whole idea that Tony Stark, could serve as a father figure to Peter stank of impending retardation, then Tony's abuse of that trust prepared me for the fucking stupid maturity lapse Peter suffered in One More Day. Also, it might have something to do with my having read some of Spidey's most awful adventures courtesy of Stan Lee and Len Wein in the golden days like Spidey vs. the Gibbon or the Looter or the Grizzly. Or the Hypno Hustler. *shiver* So yeah, I think I might be aware of faaaar shittier stories, unfortunately.

Personally, I'm thinking Moon Knight is the worst series I can recall off the top of my head.

That might be a misunderstanding with Uncanny. Divided We Stand is shitty only because it's entirely...superfluous. There's no unified plot so need to lump all those X-books together except to promote them to new readership. Like I said, specifically for Uncanny, the 60s Emma/Cyclops adventure feels pretty ridiculous, but the Kurt/Logan/Piotr plot is a better story. Wasn't trying to give the impression I thought the entire book was awful, but there are better X-titles right now.

06-11-2008, 04:17 AM
Can I have it. You're insane if you aren't keeping that on your bookshelf, lending it to your friends, and treating it like the legendary piece of genius that it is.

Seriously, can I have it? I'll pay you for shipping.

NEVER! got it before the TMNT craze even began.
it was when i tried to get into comics, but failed.
couldnt afford both comics AND videogames.
i chose games.

06-11-2008, 04:31 AM
TK, that's fine, but I think Civil War forewarned me. The whole idea that Tony Stark, could serve as a father figure to Peter stank of impending retardation, then Tony's abuse of that trust prepared me for the fucking stupid maturity lapse Peter suffered in One More Day. Also, it might have something to do with my having read some of Spidey's most awful adventures courtesy of Stan Lee and Len Wein in the golden days like Spidey vs. the Gibbon or the Looter or the Grizzly. Or the Hypno Hustler. *shiver* So yeah, I think I might be aware of faaaar shittier stories, unfortunately.

Well, for what it's worth, I've read Gibbon and Grizzly. The thing about old stories like that, in my mind, is that no matter how stupid they may have been, they at least didn't impact Peter Parker as a character and they also have the value of being something we can all laugh about. I'd much rather read a stupid story like that, which has no affect on the continuity really, than one like OMD which I can't laugh about in the slightest and which in my opinion has basically ruined the entire book for the foreseeable future.

06-11-2008, 04:36 AM
LOL, Ndi, that's brilliant. I accept that he's not a bad character if the writer's decent enough. Was that was from Whedon's run?

It's from Vaughn's run, but there is a moment like that with Molly (the little girl) that is even better in Whedon's run. It just was less conversation relevant. ;)

06-11-2008, 04:54 AM
I actually started getting into comics just this year, and due to financial issues I can't really buy much of the things I want :( I basically own a couple of Marvel Essential Collections, Some Graphic Novels of Alan Moore and I'm saving money to subscribe on some series.

Ndi, can you suggest me any good Batman Story to buy?

06-11-2008, 05:16 AM
I can probably suggest a million of them, but if I were to recommend one title for someone who hasn't read a ton of Batman, I would recommend Batman: Year One. It's a wonderful book, and given the story it tells, you don't have to worry about knowing any sort of backstory. The Long Halloween is very much in the same vein as that.

And since you mentioned liking Alan Moore, I have to plug The Killing Joke even though it's more of a Joker story than a Bats story. The deluxe edition came out really recently too, so it should be all over the place. :)

06-11-2008, 05:24 AM
Thanks a lot! You are being a great help here :)

06-13-2008, 03:17 AM
Newest ASM is more garbage. From now on I'm browsing each issue and only buying it if Mary Jane is present. At least they had him give up the paparazzi thing but the fact that he did it in the first place almost means it doesn't matter.

New Spider-Girl is awesome though. readitreaditreaditreaditreadit

06-13-2008, 08:14 PM
I finished reading The Long Halloween! I loved it ^_______^

I'll read the Killing Joke soon!

06-13-2008, 09:41 PM
I love comics!!! The list I currently read is:

X Men (all of them)
X Force
New Avengers
Mighty Avengers
Amazing Spider Man
Wolverine (My favorite)
New Exiles
New Warriors
Ultimate X Men
Ultimates 3
Ultimate Origin
Dark Ivory

That is all I can remember off the top of my head, I am sure their are more. I also hate what they did with Spider man recently. *Sigh*

But I like how Gambit is making a pretty big come back in the recent issues of X men.

Hex Omega
06-13-2008, 10:16 PM

nuff said.

with any luck it will become a regular thing.

06-13-2008, 11:16 PM
umm, I think people would be more inclined to download this if they knew what it was perhaps

06-14-2008, 12:35 AM
I used to be into comics. I stopped around the "Onslaught" saga. I just couldn't keep up.
I used to collect Wolverine, Gen-X, Spawn, Pitt, X-men, The Preacher, and a bunch of other indie comics.

There were a couple of reason why I stopped collecting. Mostly 'cause the comic shops I went to kept changing locations to the point where they were at out-of-the-way locations I couldn't get to by bus. Eventually, turned to collecting graphic novels (got cheaper than buying individual comics. Just add the price of each comic to bus fare multiplied by trips: $2-$2.50 each book + {$3.15 bus fare x No. of trips} also, before you say why not save with a Buss Pass, I didn't take the bus enough times to need a Bus Pass.)

Eventually, I either didn't like where some character's stories where headed, or lost track of some characters, or publishers simply got rid of some titles all together. Point is I stopped.

Now with all these movies and the Heroes T.V series coming out, I started reading up on what was happening. So far, I'm getting interested in some plots like the GL war and the Ultimate series, and really hating others like Spidey. I just might get back into collecting. :coolegg:

Hex Omega
06-14-2008, 01:03 AM
umm, I think people would be more inclined to download this if they knew what it was perhaps

this should answer your questions. (

also, fail, as you being a tf fan should know what Shattered Glass is, tk.

06-14-2008, 08:30 AM
Newest ASM is more garbage.

Totally. It really disappointed me. I thought they'd at least drag out the Spider-imposter mystery for a few issues and somehow tie it into the Tracer Killings. I had a better time reading the Marvel Adventures version of Spider-man and I usually hate kiddy comics.

06-21-2008, 06:09 PM
I finished the Killing Joke. Found it to be utterly magnificent. I do believe I'm reading Watchmen next. Followed by Young Justice and Hellblazer.

I absolutely ADORE Constantine and it's only fitting that I finally start reading the comics!

Thanks again Ndi, for all your help ^___________^

06-21-2008, 06:13 PM
this should answer your questions. (

also, fail, as you being a tf fan should know what Shattered Glass is, tk.

I didn't click the link because I didn't know what it was.

06-23-2008, 10:43 PM
So nice to see all these comic fans. We should have a thread where we could exchange comics we were currently reading. No better way to share the loove.

I stopped reading superhero stuff years ago, so I'm out of the loop on most Marvel and DC titles, but am open to suggestions if you have them.

impudent urinal
06-23-2008, 11:09 PM
So nice to see all these comic fans. We should have a thread where we could exchange comics we were currently reading. No better way to share the loove.

Why not just use this thread?

06-23-2008, 11:14 PM
Fine by me, I just want to know if people want it. I don't mind posting links as long as they're gonna be used.

06-23-2008, 11:25 PM
post please blood bro

06-23-2008, 11:28 PM
Starting tomorrow morning, I will!

06-23-2008, 11:29 PM
I am definitely up for uploading anything people are curious about, and for downloading anything that looks neat to me. :)

I know a lot of people here have already read it, but here is a link to Watchmen ( if anyone is interested. :)

06-23-2008, 11:31 PM
I'll stick for new releases as they come out. If anyone wants anything specific, all they have to do is ask.

Fuck it, no time like the present.

New releases day starts every Wednesday. Today is Monday so some of these will be a few days old.

Screamland 04 (2008) (Archangel-DCP)

The Mummy - Rise & Fall Of Xango'S Axe 03 (2008) (Bang Brothers-Dcp) rs-dcp_.cbr

Marvel Adventures Avengers 025 (2008) (Greengiant-Dcp)

Marvel Illustrated - The Three Musketeers 01 (Of 6) (2008) (Greengiant-Dcp)

Maintenance 10 (2008) (c2c) (DementedFurby-ISN)

Kick Ass 01 Directors Cut (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) (39 Mb)
Режиссерская версия первого выпуска с секцией бонусов: сценарий, скетчи, обложки.

Wasteland 17 (2008) (DementedFurby-ISN)

American Dream 004 (2008) (noads) (DuckDodgers-DCP)

DMZ 032 (With Air Preview) (2008) (Racerx-Dcp)

Ghost Rider 024 (2008) (Noads) (Frankblack-Dcp)

Ubu Bubu 02 (Of 4) (2008) (C2C) (Greenengine-Dcp)

Angel - After the Fall 009 (2008) (2 covers) (SpacemanSpiff-DCP) ff-dcp_.cbr.html

Everybody's Dead 04 (2008) (Minutemen-Zone)

Superman Batman 049 (2008) (lastkryptonian-DCP)

Ultimate X-Men 095 (2008) (Steam-Dcp)

Zorro 04 (2008) (noads) (greengiant-DCP)

Megas 04 (of 04) (2008) (Minutemen-LockeZone)

Amazing Spider-Man 563 (2008) (Greengiant-Dcp) (

Hellblazer 245 (2008) (The Engines-DCP)

Grendel - Behold The Devil 08 (of 8 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP)

Streets Of Glory 05 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP)

Gemini 02 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP)

X-Factor 032 (2008) (The Ramones-DCP)

Amazing Spider-Man 563 (2008) (Anonymous)

Birds of Prey 119 (2008) (Kryptonia-DCP)

The Spirit 018 (2008) (greengiant-DCP)

Brave and the Bold 014 (2008) (RacerX-DCP)

Wolverine 066 (2008) (c2c) (Jose Chung-DCP)

Aspen Splash 2008 Swimsuit Spectacular(2008)(Aspen)(WildBlueZero) __wildbluezero_.cbr.html

Batman and the Outsiders 008 (2008) (Minutemen-LockeZone)

Casey Blue - Beyond Tomorrow 02 (2008) (RacerX-DCP)

Genius - Pilot Season 01 (2008) (RacerX-DCP)

Ex Machina 037 (2008) (RacerX-DCP)

Punisher v5 058 (2008) (greengiant-DCP)

Catwoman 080 (2008) (RacerX-DCP)

Checkmate 027 (2008) (RacerX-DCP)

Bleeders (1 Shot)(2008)(Digital Webbing)(WildBlueZero)

Flash 241 (2008) (Minutemen-Zone)

Ultimate Fantastic Four 055 (2008) (SpacemanSpiff-DCP)

Un-Men 011 (2008) (Racerx-Dcp)

World Of Warcraft 008 (2008) (Racerx-Dcp)

Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic 030 (2008) (greengiant-DCP) t-dcp_.cbr

Star Wars - Legacy 025 (2008) (greengiant-DCP)

George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards - The Hard Call 03 (of 06) (2008) (Minutemen-Zone)

War is Hell - The First Flight Of The Phantom Eagle 04 (of 05) (2008) (Minutemen-LockeZone) _2008___minutemen-lockezone_.cbr.html

Wolf 001(2008)(Moonstone)(WildBlueZero)

Cthulhu Tales 003(2008)(BOOM! Studios)(WildBlueZero) o_.cbr

Dead Space 04 (Of 6) (2008) (Minutemen-Zone)

Teen Titans - Year One 05 (2008) (Avalon-Dcp)

Rex Mundi v2 012 (2008) (Kryptonia-DCP)

Scalped 018 (2008) (Team R&R-DCP)

Bomb Queen V5 2(2008)(Image)(WildBlueZero)

Blood Bowl - Killer Contract 01 (of 05) (2008) (Minutemen-WarZone)

Guardians Of The Galaxy 002 (2008) (Minutemen-Zone)

Incredible Hercules 118 (2008) (Minutemen-Lockezone)

Добавлено спустя 22 минуты 37 секунд:

Iron Man 030 (2008) (Minutemen-Zonesdiva)

Spawn 179 (2008) (TheCaptain-DCP)

Igor Movie Prequel 02 (2008)(TheCaptain-DCP)

Justice League of America 022 (2008) (Minutemen-Incrediblehunk)

Twilight Crusade - Templar (2008) (c2c) (Cake-DCP)

DC Special - Cyborg 02 (of 06) (2008) (Minutemen-Starsky & Hutch)

Anita Blake Vampire Hunter - Guilty Pleasures 012 (of 12) (2008) (Archangel-DCP)

Secret Invasion - Fantastic Four 02 (of 03) (2008) (Minutemen-ZonesDiva)

Trinity 03 (2008) (Archangel-DCP)

Madman Atomic Comics 09 (2008 (Thecaptain-Dcp)

Silent Hill - Sinner S Reward 04 (2008) (Noads) (Biz-Dcp)

DC Wildstorm Dreamwar 03 (of 06) (2008) (Minutemen-Incrediblehunk)

Tangent - Superman's Reign 04 (of 12) (2008) (Minutemen-Starsky & Hutch)

Gargoyles Bad Guys 03 (2008)(TheCaptain-DCP)

Fathom v3 00 (2008)(TheCaptain-DCP)

Godland 023 (2008)(TheCaptain-DCP)

Marvel Illustrated The Illiad 06 (2008)(TheCaptain-DCP)

Like so.

matt damon
06-23-2008, 11:32 PM
which is watchmen??

06-23-2008, 11:35 PM
best comic ever.

06-23-2008, 11:36 PM
It is an excellent miniseries written by Alan Moore that uses original superhero characters.

It is a classic, and it's only 12 issues, so definitely worth checking out. :D

06-24-2008, 12:14 AM
if anyone has any league of extraordinary gentlemen i would really like that, i havent read any of it since the first trade paperback! which was a lot better than the movies

aussi why did alan moore leave dc? =o

06-24-2008, 12:18 AM
Duo, I am on it. Gimme a minute to upload.

V1 -

V2 -

06-24-2008, 12:20 AM
I am sure there is more to it than this, but basically, he was unhappy that DC owned the stuff he wrote for them and not him? I know he was upset over some stuff with movies and merchandise of stuff he did being able to be made without his approval.

He is all about independant stuff now!

Duo, I checked rapidsearch quick and they have volume one of League! ^^

edit: just saw your stuff, espanha! I will get the WoW comic for Merl for sure, and I just wanted to say that both Brave and the Bold and Titans Year One are pretty awesome imo~

06-24-2008, 11:58 PM
this is a sweeet thread! just getting back into comics after a 6 year hiatus, give or take a few odd reads here and there!?! but yeah, at the moment i'm reading an iron man anthology and Locas by jaime hernandez, which is a love and rockets anthology of sorts!!! also following Rafael Grampa's work after seeing this bad boy...

06-25-2008, 06:59 AM
Alright guys, here's what coming out this week:

Nearly Infamous Zango #3, $3.50

Fire & Brimstone #1 (of 3), $3.95
Gold Digger #97, $2.99
Gold Digger Sourcebook #18, $3.95
Gold Digger Tiffany & Charlotte #1 (of 4), $3.50

Clockwork Girl #4 (of 4), $1.99

Archie #586, $2.25
Archie Digest #245, $2.49
Sonic X #34, $2.25

Aspen Showcase Aspen Matthews #1, $2.99

No Hero #0 (of 7), $1.00

Cavewoman Reloaded #6, $3.95

Bart Simpson Comics #42, $2.99

Oz Wonderland Chronicles #3 (of 4), $3.50

Jim Butchers Dresden Files Welcome To The Jungle #3 (of 4)(Adrian Syaif/Chris McGrath covers), $3.99

BPRD Ectoplasmic Man (One Shot), $2.99
Conan the Cimmerian #0, $0.99
Fear Agent #22 (1 Against 1 Part 1 Of 6), $2.99
Pigeons From Hell #3 (Of 4), $2.99
Star Wars Dark Times #12 (Vector Part 6), $2.99

Batman Gotham After Midnite #2 (of 12), $2.99
Cartoon Network Block Party #46, $2.25
Crossing Midnight #19, $2.99
DC Universe Special Reign In Hell 80 Page Giant, $4.99
Ex Machina HC Vol 01 (Deluxe Edition), $29.99
Final Crisis #2 (of 7)(Character/Story Silver covers), $3.99
Green Lantern #32, $2.99
Huntress Year One #4 (of 6), $2.99
Jack Of Fables #23, $2.99
JSA Classified #39, $2.99
Madame Xanadu #1, $2.99
Moon Child Vol 11, $9.99
Number Of The Beast #6 (of Cool, $2.99
Programme #12 (of 12), $2.99
Secret History Authority Jack Hawksmoor #4 (of 6), $2.99
Superman #677, $2.99
Supernatural Rising Son #3 (of 6), $2.99
Teen Titans #60, $2.99
Trinity #4, $2.99

Worlds Of Dungeons & Dragons #2, $5.50

Man With No Name #2, $3.50
Project Superpowers #4 (of 7), $2.99

Thicker Than Blood #2 (of 3)**, $3.95

What If Fantastic Four Tribute To Mike Wieringo, $4.99

76 #4 (of Cool, $2.99
Aletheia #2 (of 3), $3.50
Darkness #4, $2.99
Pilot Season Alibi #1, $3.99
Proof #9, $2.99
Vix #1 (of 3), $3.50

Knights Of The Dinner Table #140, $4.99

Angel Revelations #2 (of 5), $3.99
Avengers Fairy Tales #3 (of 4), $2.99
Avengers Initiative #14 (Secret Invasion Tie-In), $2.99
Black Panther #37, $2.99
Captain America #39, $2.99
Daredevil #108, $2.99
Fantastic Four #558, $2.99
Hulk #4, $2.99
Immortal Iron Fist #16, $2.99
Marvel 1985 #2 (of 6), $3.99
Marvel Adventures Fantastic Four #37, $2.99
Marvel Comics Presents #10, $3.99
Marvel Illustrated Moby Dick #5 (of 6), $2.99
Mighty Avengers #15 (Secret Invasion Tie-In), $2.99
Ms Marvel #28 (Secret Invasion Tie-In), $2.99
Mythos Captain America (resolicited), $3.99
New Avengers #42 (Secret Invasion Tie-In), $2.99
New Warriors #13, $2.99
Power Pack Day One #4 (of 4), $2.99
Runaways #30, $2.99
Secret Invasion Runaways Young Avengers #1 (of 3)(Secret Invasion Tie-In), $2.99
She-Hulk 2 #30, $2.99
Spider-Man By Ross Poster, $7.99
Thor Ages Of Thunder Reign Of Blood, $3.99
Thunderbolts #121, $2.99
Ultimate Spider-Man #123, $2.99
Ultimates 3 #4 (of 5), $2.99
Uncanny X-Men #499 (X-Men Divided We Stand Tie-In), $2.99
Wolverine First Class #4, $2.99
Wolverine Origins #26, $2.99
X-Men First Class Vol 2 #13, $2.99
X-Men Legacy #213 (X-Men Divided We Stand Tie-In), $2.99
Young Avengers Presents #6 (of 6), $2.99

Atomika #9 (of 12)**, $2.99

Kolchak Tales Night Stalker Of The Living Dead #2, $3.99
Phantom #24 (Checkmate Part 4 of 5), $3.99

Stephen Colberts Tek Jansen #1 (of 5)(New Printing), $3.99
Wasteland #18, $3.50

Caliber #3 (of 5)(Stanley Lau/Tomm Coker covers), $2.99
Hercules #3 (of 5)(John Bolton/Sveltin Velinov covers), $2.99

Neozoic #5, $2.95

Dreadnought Invasion Six #3 (of 4), $3.95

Beyond #2 (of 5), $2.99
Stranded #5, $2.99

Beyond Wonderland #0 (of 6), $0.99

06-25-2008, 08:24 AM
I read comics when i was a kid, then stopped for a while...first comic i picked up after a few years was the marvel civil war, which ppl said was pretty good...

it was complete crap...compared to the killing joke or the phoenix saga from back in the day the story was competely shallow and i really didn't care which side won..the reason they were fighting in the first place was pretty stupid too

another prob...lack of new intriguing original characters...she hulk?? spider woman??? give me a break

J. Peterman
06-25-2008, 08:26 AM
man comics cost too much back in my day buck and a quarter

poptart fantastico
06-25-2008, 12:52 PM
I like Gen-13, Vampirella, Ghost in The Shell (though that's really a manga, but it's still a comic...), Batman, Superman... I can't think of what else. Oh. Shi is one. Spider-Man too. I guess any Jim Lee comics...

06-25-2008, 06:25 PM
Final Crisis 2 (of 7) - Grant Morrison - J.G. Jones (2008) (RIP-ODB) Final Crisis 2 ()

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 013 (2008) (Minutemen-Dizzy).cbr Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 013 () Minutemen-Dizzy_.cbr

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 014 (2008) (Minutemen-DizzynLoop).cbr Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight 014 () Minutemen-DizzynLoop_.cbr

Buffy the Vampire layer Season Eight 015 (2008) (Minutemen-Dizzy).cbr Buffy the Vampire layer Season Eight 015 (2008) (Minutemen-Dizzy).cbr () Minutemen-Dizzy_.cbr

Photo Copy Comix Illustrated 1(1994)(Photo Copy Comix)(WildBlueZero) Photo Copy Comix Illustrated 1(1994)(Photo Copy Comix)(WildBlueZero) () Comix__WildBlueZero_.cbr

Pilot Season - Lady Pendragon (2008) (Minutemen-LockeZone) Pilot Season - Lady Pendragon (2008) (Minutemen-LockeZone) ()

Trinity 04 (2008) (Minutemen-IncredibleHunk & Resin) Trinity 04 (2008) (Minutemen-IncredibleHunk & Resin) ()

More as they come out.

poptart fantastico
06-25-2008, 07:14 PM
Downloading Lady Pendragon. I'm assuming it's a fantasy/medieval comic. Right? Thanks.

06-25-2008, 07:37 PM
Thank you so much for the first issue of Silent Hill: Sinner's Reward, Espanha!

I really could go either way on it right now, tbh. Would it be possible to get the second issue, please? So I can decide :p

No rush ^_^

06-25-2008, 07:38 PM
If there's a comic you're interested in but didn't find the first issue here, feel free to contact me and I'll get it for you, if you want. Same goes for any specific requests anyone might have.

Green Lantern 032 (2008) (Minutemen-Incrediblehunk) Green Lantern 032 (2008) (Minutemen-Incrediblehunk) ()

Superman 677 (2008) (Minutemen-Incrediblehunk) Superman 677 (2008) (Minutemen-Incrediblehunk) ()

Batman - Gotham After Midnight 02 (of 12) (2008) (Minutemen-Incredible Hunk & Resin) Batman - Gotham After Midnight 02 (of 12) (2008) (Minutemen-Incredible Hunk & Resin) () n-Incredible_Hunk___Resin_.cbr

Warhammer 40,000 - 00 (BOOM! Studios 2007) (All 3 Covers) (Minutemen-Arkham) Warhammer 40,000 - 00 (BOOM! Studios 2007) (All 3 Covers) (Minutemen-Arkham) ()

Blanco 01 (2001) (c2c) (Minutemen-Roadkill Cafe) Blanco 01 (2001) (c2c) (Minutemen-Roadkill Cafe) ()

PMing you soon, Neg!

06-26-2008, 06:50 PM
Huntress - Year One 04 (of 6) (2008) (greengiant-DCP) Huntress - Year One 04 (of 6) (2008) (greengiant-DCP) ()

Ramayan Reloaded Guidebook Ramayan Reloaded Guidebook

Madame Xanadu 1(2008)(Vertigo)(WildBlueZero) Madame Xanadu 1(2008)(Vertigo)(WildBlueZero)
() 1b8bb053182d08.html

Alibi - Pilot Season 01 (2008) (RacerX-DCP) Alibi - Pilot Season 01 (2008) (RacerX-DCP) ()

BPRD - The Ectoplasmic Man 01 (2008) (RacerX-DCP) BPRD - The Ectoplasmic Man 01 (2008) (RacerX-DCP) () ezero_.cbr

Crossing Midnight 019 (2008) (RacerX-DCP) Crossing Midnight 019 (2008) (RacerX-DCP) ()

Jack Of Fables 023 (2008) (RacerX-DCP) Jack Of Fables 023 (2008) (RacerX-DCP) () 7e2593fac4eec3.htm

Star Wars - Dark Times 012 (2008) (greengiant-DCP) Star Wars - Dark Times 012 (2008) (greengiant-DCP) ()

Aspen Showcase Aspen(2008)(Aspen)(WildBlueZero) Aspen Showcase Aspen(2008)(Aspen)(WildBlueZero) ()

Fire And Brimstone 1(2008)(Antarctic Press)(WildBlueZero) Fire And Brimstone 1(2008)(Antarctic Press)(WildBlueZero) ()

Darkness 04 (2 Covers) (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) Darkness 04 (2 Covers) (2008) (Minutemen-Zone)

No Hero 0(2008)(Avatar)(WildBlueZero) No Hero 0(2008)(Avatar)(WildBlueZero) ()

Teen Titans 60 2008 Team-DCP Teen Titans 60 2008 Team-DCP ()

Hercules The Thracian Wars 3(2008)(Radical)(WildBlueZero) Hercules The Thracian Wars 3(2008)(Radical)(WildBlueZero) () 99ee9e43711f50.html

Afterburn 03 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP) Afterburn 03 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP) () be138fa908ef19.html

Horrorhound Magazine 011 (2008) (c2c) (Carbunkle-DCP) Horrorhound Magazine 011 (2008) (c2c) (Carbunkle-DCP) ()

Dean Koontz's Frankenstein - Prodigal Son 002 (2008) (c2c) (DuckDodgers-DCP) Dean Koontz's Frankenstein - Prodigal Son 002 (2008) (c2c) (DuckDodgers-DCP) () d4b84a6699677a.html

Kade - Shiva's Sun 004 (2008) (c2c) (DuckDodgers-DCP) Kade - Shiva's Sun 004 (2008) (c2c) (DuckDodgers-DCP) () 0a9a817971f00c.html

The Darkness vs Eva - Daughter of Dracula 004 (2008) (c2c) (DuckDodgers-DCP) The Darkness vs Eva - Daughter of Dracula 004 (2008) (c2c) (DuckDodgers-DCP) ()

Conan the Cimmerian 00 Conan the Cimmerian 00 () 7e70b3a728d351.html

Project Superpowers 4(2008)(Dynamite)(WildBlueZero) Project Superpowers 4(2008)(Dynamite)(WildBlueZero)
() ro_.cbr ro_.cbr

Pigeons From Hell 03 of 4 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP) Pigeons From Hell 03 of 4 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP) ()

Number of the Beast 06 of 8 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP) Number of the Beast 06 of 8 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP) () s-DCP_.cbr

The Programme 012 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP) The Programme 012 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP) ()

Young Avengers Presents 06 (Of 6) (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) Young Avengers Presents 06 (Of 6) (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) () n-zone_.cbr

Ultimates 3 04 (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) Ultimates 3 04 (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) ()

Avengers - The Initiative 014 (2008) (Minutemen-Zonesdiva) Avengers - The Initiative 014 (2008) (Minutemen-Zonesdiva) ()

Hulk 04 (Both Covers) (2008) (Greengiant-Dcp) Hulk 04 (Both Covers) (2008) (Greengiant-Dcp)

Mighty Avengers 015 (2008) (Kryptonia-Dcp) Mighty Avengers 015 (2008) (Kryptonia-Dcp) ()

Fantastic Four 558 (2008) (Kryptonia-Dcp) Fantastic Four 558 (2008) (Kryptonia-Dcp) ()

Immortal Iron Fist 016 (2008) (Minutemen-Lockezone)
Immortal Iron Fist 016 (2008) (Minutemen-Lockezone) ()

Captain America 039 (2008) (Minutemen-Zonesdiva) Captain America 039 (2008) (Minutemen-Zonesdiva) ()

Secret Invasion Young Avengers Runaways 01 (Of 3) (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) Secret Invasion Young Avengers Runaways 01 (Of 3) (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) () _2008___minutemen-zone_.cbr

Marvel 1985 (2 Of 6) (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) Marvel 1985 (2 Of 6) (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) ()

Ultimate Spider-Man 123 (2008) (Steam-Dcp) Ultimate Spider-Man 123 (2008) (Steam-Dcp) ()

Uncanny X-Men 499 (2008) (Steam-Dcp)
Uncanny X-Men 499 (2008) (Steam-Dcp) ()

Ms. Marvel 028 (2008) (Minutemen-Shepherdsdame)
Ms. Marvel 028 (2008) (Minutemen-Shepherdsdame) ()

Daredevil 108 (2008) (Minutemen-Shazone) Daredevil 108 (2008) (Minutemen-Shazone) ()

New Avengers 042 (2008) (Minutemen-Zonesdiva) New Avengers 042 (2008) (Minutemen-Zonesdiva) ()

Another boatload for the day. Some promising reads there, especially a GN by Warren Ellis. I don't know if this is helping anyone get their fix or creating more nerds but I sure hope so.

matt damon
06-26-2008, 11:10 PM
hey espanha, do you have phoenix: endsong and phoenix: warsong?

06-27-2008, 01:52 AM
Thanks Espanha! I read Runaways 30 today, so I will grab the SI Runaways/Young Avengers tie-in from you now. I have heard Secret Invasion is poopy and I'm not particularly interested in following it, but I always want to read Runaways stuff.

06-27-2008, 02:09 AM
Haven't got my week fix yet, but most people who know me know that the comics I follow are the Superman ones (Action Comics, Superman and All Star Superman).

This week marks the debut of Robinson's run, and I can't wait to see where he's going to lead us.

My all time best comics though would have to be Kingdom Come.
Epic story telling, uber-great artwork from Ross (It's basically his career's best achievement so far IMO) and great characterisation centered on my favorite superhero.

If anyone wanted to get into the Superman comics at this point, I would tell them to get All Star Superman, which is written by none other than Grant Morrison (Animal Man, JLA, The Invisibles, Batman R.I.P. etc...) with art by Frank Quitely. A really well written story with equaly matched artwork that portrays an iconic Superman on the verge of death.

Although I buy some one shots or trades from time to time, I unfortunately don't have as much cash to spend on comics as I would want to, so I mostly stick to this one character.

Atom Narmor
06-27-2008, 03:45 AM
Espanha, anyone, "Thanos Quest" was in my grasp weeks after I ordered it but my fiance came in from getting her hair done right @ that moment and we were on hard times, so I put it back. I didnt want to of course but you know how it is..

Anyway, I wanted to find out how he defeated all those cosmic dudes to gain the Infinity gems. It was Thanos's greatest caper,

Wiki (

06-27-2008, 04:23 AM
Thanos Quest 1:

Thanos Quest 2:

Hope you enjoy it!

jewess crabcake
06-27-2008, 04:32 AM
Be still my heart!

06-27-2008, 06:31 AM
I have heard Secret Invasion is poopy and I'm not particularly interested in following it

I heard the same. Apparently, almost everyone is actually a Skrull now? Crazy!

Anyname, working on it!

matt damon
06-27-2008, 06:40 AM
Anyname, working on it!
thanks so much!!~~

Atom Narmor
06-27-2008, 06:59 AM
I cant use Rapidshare Ndi, never could!


06-27-2008, 07:06 AM
Thanos Quest 1 and 2 -

Anyname, I have it but you'll have to wait until I get home from work today. No time to upload all 10 issues now.

Atom Narmor
06-27-2008, 07:14 AM
More happier than any of you guys @ this present, documented time in cyberspace. Yes

1:14 AM

John G. Roberts, Jr.
06-27-2008, 07:17 AM
Please stop with your illegal distribution of printed media.

Your presiding Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,
John Glover Roberts, Jr.

matt damon
06-27-2008, 07:44 AM
Anyname, I have it but you'll have to wait until I get home from work today. No time to upload all 10 issues now.

thanks! and don't worry, there's no rush.

06-27-2008, 10:30 PM
PMed you, Anyname, with your request.

Johnny Jihad GN (2003) (Minutemen-Ka-Tet) Johnny Jihad GN (2003) (Minutemen-Ka-Tet) ()

Vix! 01 (2008) (The Scangstas-DCP) Vix! 01(2008) (The Scangstas-DCP) () ba20cf0a734472.html

Proof 9(2008)(Image)(WildBlueZero) Proof 9(2008)(Image)(WildBlueZero)
() 27f1e476cb8dd5.html

[B]Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files - Welcome To The Jungle 03 (of 04) (2008) (Minutemen) Jim Butcher's The Dresden Files - Welcome To The Jungle 03 (of 04) (2008) (Minutemen) () 0dd3c26d1a7707.html

The Man With No Name 002 (2008) (Minutemen-LockeZone) The Man With No Name 002 (2008) (Minutemen-LockeZone) () ecc9c0db7ac9c6.html

Archie 586 (2008) (DementedFurby-ISN)[/B Archie 586 (2008) (DementedFurby-ISN) ()
Secret History of the Authority - Hawksmoor #4 (Steam-DCP) Secret History of the Authority - Hawksmoor #4 (Steam-DCP)

Jeffery Dahmer - An Unauthorized Biography of a Serial Killer (1992) (Minutemen-Abaddon).cbr (14.75 MB) Jeffery Dahmer - An Unauthorized Biography of a Serial Killer (1992) (Minutemen-Abaddon).cbr (14.75 MB) ()

Caliber 03 (of 05) (2008) (Minutemen-LockeZone) Caliber 03 (of 05) (2008) (Minutemen-LockeZone) ()

Wolverine Origins 026 (2008) (No-Ads) ( Jose Chung-Dcp) Wolverine Origins 026 (2008) (No-Ads) ( Jose Chung-Dcp) ()

X-Men - Legacy 213 (2008) (Steam-Dcp) X-Men - Legacy 213 (2008) (Steam-Dcp) ()

Angel - Revelations 02 (Of 5) (2008) (Racerx-Dcp) Angel - Revelations 02 (Of 5) (2008) (Racerx-Dcp) ()

New Warriors V4 013 (2008) (Pf-Dcp) New Warriors V4 013 (2008) (Pf-Dcp) ()

Black Panther V4 037 (2008) (Pf-Dcp) Black Panther V4 037 (2008) (Pf-Dcp) ()

Avengers - Fairy Tales 03 (2008) (Beavx-Dcp) Avengers - Fairy Tales 03 (2008) (Beavx-Dcp) ()

Mythos Captain America 001 (2008) (Minutemen-Zone)
Mythos Captain America 001 (2008) (Minutemen-Zone) ()

Runaways v2 030 (2008) (Kryptonia-DCP) Runaways v2 030 (2008) (Kryptonia-DCP) ()

06-28-2008, 04:33 PM
This is sad news but are reporting that Michael Turner the co-creator of Witchblade and creator of Fathom passed away yesterday after a battle with Cancer. With former Impulse artist Mike Weiringo passing last year the comic industry has lost some serious talent of late.

matt damon
06-29-2008, 02:28 AM
man, espanha, thanks so much for getting those comics for me. they were so great!

poptart fantastico
07-01-2008, 04:18 AM
I have a request. There's a comic, and I forget the name, but it's about H.H. Holmes. If you could get that, I'd be damned happy.

07-01-2008, 06:23 AM
The Beast of Chicago, by Rick Geary. Don't have it but I'll try to acquire it. No guarantees tough.

07-01-2008, 06:46 AM
This is sad news but are reporting that Michael Turner the co-creator of Witchblade and creator of Fathom passed away yesterday after a battle with Cancer. With former Impulse artist Mike Weiringo passing last year the comic industry has lost some serious talent of late.

I heard about that. :( He was so young, it's really horrible. He did some great covers. This is a bad year death wise.

Since a lot of people here love Warren Ellis I wanted to link this ( hilarious summary of his panel at Wizard World. I especially love the stuff about Alan Moore and Grant Morrison.

John G. Roberts, Jr.
07-01-2008, 07:28 AM
Party vans have been sent to your residences for your particpation in the distribution of copyrighted media. There is no escape, the drivers are better this time.

Your presiding Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,
John Glover Roberts, Jr.

poptart fantastico
07-01-2008, 04:43 PM
Party vans have been sent to your residences for your particpation in the distribution of copyrighted media. There is no escape, the drivers are better this time.

Your presiding Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,
John Glover Roberts, Jr.

Will there be beer?

07-02-2008, 08:11 AM
I don't know If anyone has mentioned it, but...

Is anyone going to Comicon?
If so, I'll see you there! :coolegg:

poptart fantastico
07-02-2008, 07:24 PM
I've never been to a Comicon, but I would love to go, and, hopefully, meet Stan Lee. Hopefully he'd draw me and turn me into a superhero... XD

05-25-2009, 01:27 AM
Since I talked about uploading this for several people here, I figured I'd just bump this thread and post it here.

Here is Neil Gaiman's Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader parts one ( two (

IMO, this is the best Batman story told in ages, and while it references decades worth of Batman lore I think it can easily be enjoyed by people who don't know Batman comics well. Neil Gaiman really nails every character and I am sad he can't write for Bat books more often.

matt damon
05-25-2009, 01:44 AM
thank you mandi ^^

05-25-2009, 01:48 AM
I should dl Watchmen, but you guys don't REALLY want me spamming the panel of Rorschach saying

DO IT!!!

05-25-2009, 05:03 PM
I know most of you guys hated the Spider-man One More Day/Brand New Day thing, so here is something interesting (

Here's hoping the comics follow suit!

06-03-2009, 06:54 PM

Bumpin' dis

Because the new Batman and Robin comic started today and it is AWESOME.

I think it is pretty easy for people new to Batman to jump into. New Batman, new Robin, new villains.

Download it here (

07-20-2009, 12:22 PM

im reading blackest night this summer :x it seems pretty good! and im also starting to read x-factor and i really like it :D

matt damon
07-20-2009, 07:55 PM
yay duo! there's a torrent on demonoid that has almost all the issues in one (i think until 43) and then you kind find the others on the site as well (make sure you take special notice who hosted the torrent :))

07-21-2009, 03:11 AM
It makes me way too happy seeing someone other than me bump this thread.

I was planning on making a Blackest Night thread with downloads if the first issue had been as new reader friendly as the prologue had. I still might though, and I'll just post background on characters like the Dibnys so non-DC nerds can still follow it. It is awesome, and hey, since they're making a Green Lantern movie now it is a good time to be getting into the comics.

08-07-2009, 12:33 AM
sea guy???

08-07-2009, 02:56 AM

Seaguy 1-3 (

Seaguy: The Slaves of Mickey-Eye 1-3 (

Read it, guys! It is weird and wonderful and I really love it. I will post the third mini whenever it comes out too.

08-10-2009, 04:58 AM
Idk if this would fit here, but here I go

I'm not really sure if she can pull of a Wonder Woman?

matt damon
08-10-2009, 05:06 AM
i think she could do it. i bet tk would like her to be :) imo they should get lynda carter to be wonder woman ;)

08-11-2009, 07:38 AM
Although I think Jennifer Love Hewitt is cute and all, she's just way too ditsy and sweet to be Wonder Woman!
However, I can see her as Supergirl though!

08-11-2009, 08:30 AM
She can't be Supergirl, she is too 30 years old.

08-11-2009, 07:53 PM
I would rather she was a cool superhero!

matt damon
08-11-2009, 07:54 PM
haha, ouch tk.

08-11-2009, 09:12 PM
Meh. You know I'm entirely on the Marvel side of the fence. :P

If only someone had decided to make a Spider-Girl movie back in the 90s she'd have been perfect!

08-11-2009, 09:35 PM
Supergirl is actually pretty good right now. It's been pretty awful for a long time before that though, so anything that isn't crap probably seems great.

JLH as Supergirl seems like bizarre casting to me. Even when she was younger, she didn't look anything like Kara. I guess she could pull off Linda Supergirl, but she's been retconned out of existence.

p.s. tk you should read seaguy

matt damon
08-11-2009, 09:45 PM
woot! hi 5 for being mainly marvel, tk!!


jeez, retconned out of existence? that's so sad :(

08-11-2009, 10:27 PM
DC overhauls its universe every few years; surely every character you currently love will be wiped out of existence or changed forever in 2013's mega event: The Quandary of Infinite Dimensions

Meh. You know I'm entirely on the Marvel side of the fence. :P

If only someone had decided to make a Spider-Girl movie back in the 90s she'd have been perfect!

Actually, does Marvel have any major female characters like DC's Wonder Woman? A female lead that has carried her own following and series for a long time,isn't limited to being just a part of a team and isn't a female version of a more popular male hero. I can't think of any =\

matt damon
08-11-2009, 10:30 PM
i don't think there is, which is odd. well, there's the Magick series going on but idk if that is a limited series and she was a part of xmen at first so maybe it doesn't count.

08-12-2009, 01:26 AM
DC overhauls its universe every few years; surely every character you currently love will be wiped out of existence or changed forever in 2013's mega event: The Quandary of Infinite Dimensions

You forgot the word Crisis!

Actually, does Marvel have any major female characters like DC's Wonder Woman? A female lead that has carried her own following and series for a long time,isn't limited to being just a part of a team and isn't a female version of a more popular male hero. I can't think of any =\

There's Ms. Marvel, but I know they recently killed Ms. Marvel off and have someone else wearing her costume. I'm not super familiar with her, though. I tried reading her ongoing and found her to be extremely unlikable.

Both DC and Marvel could stand to introduce a lot of new characters. It doesn't seem to happen much outside of team books.

matt damon
08-12-2009, 01:48 AM
Both DC and Marvel could stand to introduce a lot of new characters. It doesn't seem to happen much outside of team books.

which is why we need to write for them!

08-12-2009, 03:21 AM
Also I think for rezo's criteria it should be a female character who has for a good long while carried her own book. Ms. Marvel has had her own series off an on but has also been frequently associated with the Avengers I think, and she fades in and out of relevance. She's got nothing remotely close to the kind of staying power and recognizability of Wonder Woman.

Definitely a place there's lots of room for improvement on both sides!

matt damon
08-12-2009, 03:38 AM
honestly, i only think of ms marvel in terms of rogue

08-12-2009, 03:43 AM
but wonder woman has horrible hair

08-12-2009, 04:31 AM
the beard hunter ( Patrol v2 45.cbz)

08-12-2009, 08:22 AM
You forgot the word Crisis!

There's Ms. Marvel, but I know they recently killed Ms. Marvel off and have someone else wearing her costume. I'm not super familiar with her, though. I tried reading her ongoing and found her to be extremely unlikable.

Both DC and Marvel could stand to introduce a lot of new characters. It doesn't seem to happen much outside of team books.
Aparently, the Ms. Marvel from the series going on right now is really Moonstone from Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers! He gave her the title of Ms. Marvel.
The real Ms. Marvel supposedly died when she overused her powers in a battle. But, what doesn't make sense is that she ends up joining the New Avengers some time later! Rumors are that this Ms. Marvel is actually an *ugh* *rolleyes* alternate reality Ms. Marvel!

You guys are forgetting that Elektra had her own series -unfortunetly the movie sucked! There's also She-Hulk who's pretty prominent and had her own series at one time.

matt damon
08-12-2009, 08:29 AM
but they've all been affiliated first, or most prominently, with a team, haven't they? maybe not elektra, but ms marvel and she-hulk were with the avengers.

08-12-2009, 05:46 PM
Aparently, the Ms. Marvel from the series going on right now is really Moonstone from Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers! He gave her the title of Ms. Marvel.
The real Ms. Marvel supposedly died when she overused her powers in a battle. But, what doesn't make sense is that she ends up joining the New Avengers some time later! Rumors are that this Ms. Marvel is actually an *ugh* *rolleyes* alternate reality Ms. Marvel!

You guys are forgetting that Elektra had her own series -unfortunetly the movie sucked! There's also She-Hulk who's pretty prominent and had her own series at one time.

One of my favorite Spider-man moments ever was in Peter David's run of She-Hulk. Her series was canceled and she's also a Hulk spin-off character though, so definitely doesn't meet the criteria.

08-12-2009, 07:48 PM
Also, Ms. Marvel was spun off of the original Captain "died of cancer" Marvel. I wasn't even trying to be picky about that, just wanted to avoid the characters who very obviously lifted their names/costumes, but I guess that's all they have.

matt damon
08-12-2009, 07:56 PM
well, this is going to bug me for a long time.

08-12-2009, 08:41 PM
I think Wonder Woman is the only character DC has like that too. Power Girl hasn't had a long running series and you could argue that she's a Superman spinoff since they're both Kryptonian, and Black Canary has to share her comic with her husband. There was Manhunter, but she only gets a back-up feature in Streets of Gotham now, and she comes from a superhero family. She's also not the first character called Manhunter by a longshot, although I don't think she's meant as a spin-off of any of the previous characters using that name.

Pretty crazy that the only character like that that the big two have right now was created in the 1940's!

matt damon
08-12-2009, 08:54 PM
it seems like it'd be risky/hard to launch another character like that though. wonder woman was popular enough and seemed to fit in the time. i think launching a completely new female character now wouldn't be as successful or catch on as much as wonder woman did (which is why most of them now have been part of a team first, to establish popularity).

or who knows i could be wrong. maybe launching one now would be successful.

08-12-2009, 11:31 PM
Well, DC bought up the rights to all the old Archie comics superheroes (who have been out of comics so long they're practically new chracters), and several of them are getting their own series next month. They're all male though.

I don't think it'd be that hard to pull off, really. Get a high profile writer like say, Joss Whedon to do a six issue miniseries with an original female superhero. Using someone well known like that will get the character lots of publicity, and on the heels of that they can launch a new ongoing series with that character with a new writer. Have a popular character show up in her comic for a story arc and fbe sure to show that character on the cover.

I think doing something like that could bring in new fans too, which is something comic companies really need to do.

08-13-2009, 02:19 AM
it seems like it'd be risky/hard to launch another character like that though. wonder woman was popular enough and seemed to fit in the time. i think launching a completely new female character now wouldn't be as successful or catch on as much as wonder woman did (which is why most of them now have been part of a team first, to establish popularity).

or who knows i could be wrong. maybe launching one now would be successful.
What about Witchblade? She's not a spin-off character. The TV series was ok IMO & the movie is also coming out soon!

It's not necessarily bad for a character to be a spin-off. Wolverine was a spin off from Hulk -of all characters- and not an X book.
Usually spinoffs tend to help characters come to existance into an already established universe in order to help the Hardcore fanboys accept them rather than tear them apart with "whats the point" questions. Then again, fanboys end up doing it anyways!

matt damon
08-13-2009, 02:23 AM
witchblade isn't part of marvel or dc, iirc, and that's what we've been talking about.

that wolverine part is too easy. i'll leave it alone.

08-13-2009, 02:25 AM
Witchblade is Top Cow, not Marvel.

I don't think there's anything wrong with a character debuting in another character's book, it's just sort of annoying that female characters usually only get to shine in team books or if they're a direct spin-off of a male character, like Supergirl or even Ms. Marvel, apparently.

Is Ms. Marvel the only lady hero with her own solo book right now at Marvel? Man, no wonder I mostly read team books. :(

08-13-2009, 02:46 AM
I was simply pointing out that you can establish a female character without having to make them spinoffs, and the reason why the big 2 make spinoffs in the first place.
Even when the big 2 do create a fresh new character non-spin off book, they eventually write them into an established character's storyline by saying they were somewhat influenced or they were from an alt reality or timeline to help give the new character relevence in the universe.

08-13-2009, 03:41 AM
You guys are forgetting that Elektra had her own series -unfortunetly the movie sucked! There's also She-Hulk who's pretty prominent and had her own series at one time.

But Elektra is not really very well known and hasn't been a long-running standard who's always carried her own title. Not at all.

Witchblade is Top Cow, not Marvel.

I don't think there's anything wrong with a character debuting in another character's book, it's just sort of annoying that female characters usually only get to shine in team books or if they're a direct spin-off of a male character, like Supergirl or even Ms. Marvel, apparently.

Is Ms. Marvel the only lady hero with her own solo book right now at Marvel? Man, no wonder I mostly read team books. :(

Well She-Hulk does have her own book last I knew but maybe that's over now, and Spider-Girl's only ended recently (which sucks.)

I think maybe part of the reason things are this way is that nowadays it seems like new characters don't come out in a standalone sense that often period. If someone gets their own book nowadays it's almost always because they debuted in some other book and got somewhat popular, right? So in a way now almost everything is a spinoff and you really just don't get new heroes who achieve the kind of popularity of the old standards anymore at all.

08-13-2009, 04:18 AM
I don't think there's anything wrong with being spun off of an established series, with everyone being in the same universe you have to expect that to be the case most of the time. It's just lame that so many of the characters are some variation of Mrs. Superhero and almost none of them have been able to carry their own series for a long period of time.

So in a way now almost everything is a spinoff and you really just don't get new heroes who achieve the kind of popularity of the old standards anymore at all.

This is true, short of going back to 1964 and getting Stan Lee and the gang to throw their energy behind a new female character, it'd be tough to have someone rise to that level of popularity. Maybe they could try introducing new characters in their movies.

matt damon
08-13-2009, 04:37 AM
they've done that before, with harley (was a tv show, not a movie, but still, same concept)

08-13-2009, 04:47 AM
Well She-Hulk does have her own book last I knew but maybe that's over now, and Spider-Girl's only ended recently (which sucks

She-Hulk got canceled earlier in this year. =/ I was never really a fan of the character but I really liked the writer on it so I read it sometimes. Awesome page under the cut!

They have "Marvel Divas" now, but I am really annoyed by the concept of that.

I hope the Archie Comics heroes DC is giving ongoings do well, and that it encourages them and maybe Marvel to give new characters a chance. I think both universes could really use some fresh blood, and it gives them a new character to turn into a movie.

matt damon
08-13-2009, 05:00 AM
hahah, totally saving that

and imo, gotham city sirens > marvel divas.

and mandi, that is exactly why you and i need to write for them!!! (as i have said before)

08-13-2009, 05:08 AM
imo The Masked Ndi should have her own book.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-17-2009, 06:16 PM

We can't stop here, this is spider country

08-17-2009, 06:24 PM

We can't stop here, this is Martian country

08-17-2009, 06:39 PM
Sorry not the same

Alice Wonderbra
08-17-2009, 07:31 PM

We can't stop here, this is spider country

hahahahaha o man

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
10-05-2009, 09:01 AM


10-09-2009, 06:49 PM

Not got round to reading it yet but when I saw it in the library there was no question about getting it. I mean Batman, fair enough but Tarzan?

jewess crabcake
10-09-2009, 08:06 PM
is it supposed to be a fair fight? Cause that just sounds like slaughter.

10-10-2009, 12:24 AM
don't forget Tarzan has elephants.

10-10-2009, 12:25 AM
Hey, if it worked for Hannibal ;)

impudent urinal
10-10-2009, 04:07 AM
Hey, if it worked for Hannibal ;)
No it didn't. His campaign failed despite his successes and none of the 37 elephants he brought survived.
Even though the Romans didn't have a weapon to penetrate elephant skin, I'm sure that's not the case with the predator.
Although he did lose to Arnold, so I could be way off base.

10-10-2009, 05:29 AM
Yeah, I checked Wikipedia about it before I posted, and it said he lost, in the end, but figured preliminary victories were good enough to ground the joke.

Also, when this was discussed in my high school world history class, they never mentioned the defeats. He who controls the past, and all that jazz, eh?

Dr Faustus
12-20-2009, 11:40 PM
Can some kind soul recommened a free CBR program I can use?
No frills, just open, read, close. Offline files.
I had one before but lost it when I changed PC. Can't remember what it was called or who told me of it, but I'm pretty sure it was someone in this thread.

matt damon
12-21-2009, 12:07 AM

Dr Faustus
12-21-2009, 12:18 AM

Yeah. that's the one I had before, I recognised the icon that the files changed to. THANK YOU anyname. Very much. :)

12-21-2009, 01:51 AM
question: who is "the kid. baby d..." someone fill me in plx.

I could live without purple motorcycle lady but I feel like knowing wtf she's talking about would be a good idea if I'm going to try this whole batman thing for a while.

12-21-2009, 02:07 AM
What Batman, TK?

I'd assume that that's referring to Bruce Wayne's alleged son, Damien? But I could be wrong cause not sure what you are reading.

12-21-2009, 02:11 AM
Question: How many adopted kids does Bruce Wayne have?

12-21-2009, 02:16 AM
Tim Drake/Wayne. Dick Grayson was technically just his ward, even though he views Bruce as a parent and Tim as a brother.

Damien's mother (Talia al Ghul) says that Bruce is his father but it's never been confirmed. Bruce did a DNA test but then never revealed the results of it. My personal theory is that Damien is not his child, but Bruce wanted to get the kid away from the League of Assassins.

12-21-2009, 02:21 AM
What Batman, TK?

I'd assume that that's referring to Bruce Wayne's alleged son, Damien? But I could be wrong cause not sure what you are reading.

batman 694. I know it can't be damien cause purple motorcycle lady tells Dick he's dead

12-21-2009, 02:31 AM
Oh, man I'm dumb. I should've known.

Baby D is just a kid who'd gotten shot who Dick wanted to help after he recovered. He wasn't a major character or anything. Pretty sad though. :(

also lady on the motorcycle is huntress

12-21-2009, 03:42 AM
thanks! good to know I don't need to worry about backstory in that department then. I think it's been pretty easy to jump in so far. I actually am kinda diggin the whole wtf is bruce backdrop to this.

to me she will always be purple motorcycle lady~

12-21-2009, 03:51 AM
Yeah, I admit I was really mad about the stuff going on with Bruce when I first heard about it, but I actually think a lot of really good stories have come out of it. Glad they took a risk and did it.

I'm really glad you're enjoying Batman comics. I think Tony Daniels' run has been really good so far. Hope he gets more than 6 issues!

12-21-2009, 03:53 AM
I tend to be pretty OK with stuff like this when it's clear that the original hero is going to come back eventually. this is the good way to do it, unlike Spiderman clone saga. It can be fun to see someone else attempting to "fill the shoes" for a while.

Edmond Dantes
12-21-2009, 04:17 PM
i would love to read Batman #1 all the way up to the latest issue, so i could follow along with what's goin' on in the story.

12-21-2009, 05:33 PM
A lot of golden age and silver age stuff isn't really considered to be part of current continuity, though occasionally writers will dig silver age villains and characters up. I think they started making everything super continuous in 1985 or so?

But now is a pretty great time for jumping in! You can read Battle for the Cowl (or just read about it on wiki or something because it's only so so) and then start with Batman #687.

I am always happy to answer questions the best I can here too if you get confused.

Edmond Dantes
12-21-2009, 05:35 PM
thanks hun.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-22-2009, 06:33 PM

Edmond Dantes
12-22-2009, 09:21 PM
ktulu, what are YOU laughing at?! *pulls out a shotgun*

12-22-2009, 09:32 PM

I forever associate "heh" with Guy Gardner now.

I need to make a Guy Gardner tribute thread soon.

12-22-2009, 11:59 PM

Dr Faustus
12-23-2009, 06:49 AM
I wanted that reader software so I could read a few one-shots that I found online. I got a Bats/Doc Savage crossover if anyone wants it? I can't say if it's any good or not beacuse I haven't read it yet.
It's called BRONZE KNIGHT. Writen by Brian Azzarello and illustrated by Phil Noto.

Also got a few issues of Grimm Fairy Tales: Giant-Size comics.

Edmond Dantes
12-23-2009, 08:02 AM
you probably got the grimm fairy tales the same place i did.

Dr Faustus
12-23-2009, 08:04 AM
I don't know. The guy had put them on different file hosts so I didn't have to wait for the rapidshare countdown, which was extra nice of him.

Tom Toonami Tunes
12-26-2009, 10:01 PM
I've got the boner issue if anyone wants to read it.

<a href="" target="_blank">

Edmond Dantes
01-01-2010, 07:25 PM
that's just sad. funny as hell, but sad.

01-02-2010, 03:18 AM
How bout that Blackest Night #6?! Anyone else reading this?

01-02-2010, 04:34 AM
I am!


01-02-2010, 05:57 AM
I am!


To think he would get a second chance was even cooler. Then again all who were deputized was something amazing in its own right.

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-02-2010, 08:00 AM
What's every one's opinion those CD-roms with every single issue of Spider-Man & X-Men on them for $40? On 1 hand it saves space, time looking for particular issues, & money if some of them are rare or expensive; but then I could only read them at the computer and sometimes reading comics that way gives me a headache plus I don't always have the computer available to me.

Edmond Dantes
01-03-2010, 06:53 PM
I think it's pretty neat. I'm the same as you Tom - I don't like sitting at my PC and reading comics all damn day. They should make a disc that works both in the PC AND the DVD player. Some JPG's will work in the DVD player, why not the comics? Plus a lot of times the JPG's are too small to see clearly...

matt damon
01-04-2010, 03:58 AM
that's why you get it from a good scanner and you get a good reader.

01-04-2010, 05:30 AM
So has Blackest Night concluded yet?

01-04-2010, 06:08 AM
Nope! Episode 6 of 8 of the main Blackest Night comic just came out last Wednesday.

I can look for the two checklists and post them here if people are interested, though! Sure I can find all the comics to go with it too.

01-04-2010, 08:29 AM
Nope! Episode 6 of 8 of the main Blackest Night comic just came out last Wednesday.

I can look for the two checklists and post them here if people are interested, though! Sure I can find all the comics to go with it too.

Thank you, I would be most appreciative!

01-05-2010, 08:48 AM
All I know is Blackest Night #7 isn't out till February.

01-06-2010, 12:27 AM
Okay, Blackest Night Checklists and links!

Checklist Part One:

Checklist Part Two:

Stuff coming out not on those lists that I know of:
Adventure Comics Starring Black Lantern Superboy- February
Blackest Night 7- February
Blackest Night 8- March
Blackest Night: JSA 2- January
Blackest Night: JSA 3- February
Blackest Night: The Flash 2- January
Blackest Night: The Flash 3- February
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman 2- January
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman 3- February
Black Lantern Green Arrow #30- February
Green Lantern #50- January
Green Lantern#51- February
Green Lantern Corps #44- January
Green Lantern Corps #45- February

And links to just about all of these comics that are out:
Green Lantern #43 (
Blackest Night #1 ( ed___minutemen-dts_.cbr)
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #1 (
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #2 (
Blackest Night: Tales of the Corps #3 (
Green Lantern #44 (
Blackest Night #2 ( utemen-dts_.cbz)
Green Lantern #45 (
Green Lantern Corps #39 ( men-dts_.cbz)
Blackest Night: Batman 1 of 3 (
Blackest Night: Superman 1 of 3 (
Blackest Night: Titans 1 of 3 (
Blackest Night #3 (
Green Lantern #46 (
Green Lantern Corps #40 ( men-dts_.cbz)
Blackest Night: Batman #2 of 3 (
Blackest Night: Superman #2 of 3 (
Blackest Night: Titans #2 of 3 (
Blackest Night #4 ( n-dts_.cbz)
Green Lantern #47 (
Green Lantern Corps #41 ( men-dts_.cbz)
Blackest Night: Batman 3 of 3 (
Blackest Night: Superman 3 of 3 (
Blackest Night: Titans 3 of 3 (
Blackest Night 5 (
Green Lantern #48 (
Green Lantern Corps #42 (
Justice League of America #39 (
Superman/Batman #66 (
Doom Patrol #4 (
Booster Gold #26 (
R.E.B.E.L.S. #10 (
Teen Titans #77 (
Adventure Comics #4 ( en-fiji_.cbz)
Outsiders #24 (
Blackest Night 6 (
Green Lantern #49 (
Green Lantern Corps #43 ( men-dts_.cbz)
Blackest Night: Flash 1 of 3 ( en-dts_.cbz)
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman 1 of 3 (
Blackest Night: JSA 1 of 3 (
Justice League of America #40 (
Superman/Batman #67 (
Doom Patrol #5 (
Booster Gold #27 (
R.E.B.E.L.S. #11 (
Teen Titans #78 (
Adventure Comics #5 (
Outsiders #25 (

Sorry so much of it is rapidshare. If there's a problem with any of the links please let me know!

Man, Blackest Night has been great but keeping up with events is exhausting. Obviously, you don't have to read all of it, but it helps. Most essential comics are Blackest Night and all the Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps stuff.

01-06-2010, 04:28 AM
Sorry so much of it is rapidshare. If there's a problem with any of the links please let me know!

Man, Blackest Night has been great but keeping up with events is exhausting. Obviously, you don't have to read all of it, but it helps. Most essential comics are Blackest Night and all the Green Lantern and Green Lantern Corps stuff.

It is quite the list, but I will make a point of reading as much of this as possible. Comic marathon, time to whip out the cognac and vanilla ice cream. Thank you for taking the time to compile this list Ndi. Ndi FTEW!!!!!

01-06-2010, 07:10 AM
Still can't believe I bought all those tie ins just for the Corps rings.

01-08-2010, 11:25 PM
Thanks to my school's library, I am now in love with comic books :D I have read some Batman and The Incredible Iron Man, along with some others. Right now I am reading Marvels, a Marvel superheroes crossover told from the civillian's point of view - and I love it! I really want to check out some other comic books as well, especially some of The Amazing Spiderman - he is my favorite superhero after all.

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-09-2010, 09:01 AM
I loved Marvels. I loved how the family became old, fat, and scared over time, or how Spider-man's suit looks like the 1 in the old 70s tv show because that's what Peter would be able to make on his own, or how after saving the world from Galactic the general public decides that it was just a hoax and the guy just flips out because of what Green Goblin said in Spider-man 1 is pretty much true.

<a href="¤t=1200138553000.jpg" target="_blank">

matt damon
01-09-2010, 09:03 AM
too bad they don't show it

also, do you mean Galactus?

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-11-2010, 08:54 AM
<a href="¤t=SDC10098.jpg" target="_blank">

An Ozymandias happymeal toy from the saturday morining Watchmen cartoon.

<a href="¤t=SDC10107.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=SDC10100.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=SDC10101.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=SDC10102.jpg" target="_blank">

01-11-2010, 09:44 PM

So psyched!

matt damon
01-11-2010, 11:23 PM
i can feel your excitement!

i am totally excited for jean's return since they're building it up so amazingly.

01-11-2010, 11:47 PM
Even though I am behind on a lot of my other comics, I have totally been re-reading Blackest Night these last few days. ; ;

It's just so good and getting more of the story will be awesome!

Hope Jean's return is just as awesome. <3

01-12-2010, 03:33 AM
I guess nobody else is reading siege but let me just say that while there's nothing especially compelling about this story, the thought of all this insane "HOLY SHIT LOOK HOW WE'RE UPSETTING THE MARVEL UNIVERSE GUYS" stuff coming to an end is... comforting. If they actually are true to their word it should be quite a conclusion!

01-12-2010, 04:15 AM

Woop woop full collection of the rings now. I don't have enough fingers on one hand though!

Darth Revan
01-12-2010, 04:41 AM
I just read the first 7 issues of the whole Marvel Civil War (Yes, I know I'm late into that, where I'm living I don't get down to my comic store as much as I used to), and the scene towards the end:

After the Vision has shorted out Iron Man's armor, the savage beating he gets at the hands of an enraged Captain America brought a smile to my face big time.

I'm also a Transformers Generation One fan, and still have the 4 issue mini series of 'Transformers Versus G*I*JOE' from the 1980's. I'm not a fan of Beast Wars etc, but having grown up with Gen One, I have a fondness for this series.

Marvel UK's Transformers line was more creative than their American counterparts, with original stories set after the movie, as well as Simon Furman's signature creation (in his own words) Death's Head.

The Death's Head series spans the multitude of Marvel UK's comic line, appearing in multiple comics (Dragon's Claw even Captain Britain, just to name a couple.). Death's Head was 'killed off' but brought back as the 'adventurer Death's Head II. No longer the flippant 'Freelance Peacekeeping Agent', his personality was the dominant one in a mind filled with over 100 personalities in a cyborg originally called Minion and created by AIM. Still... he was flippant as before, probably moreso.

I've also been a fan of Dark Horse comics, Knights of the Old Republic comic, set just before the first Knights of the Old Republic game. Good story telling, and even a cross Star Wars comic mini series 'Vector' which spans all four of Dark Horse's Star Wars comic series (Knights of the Old Republic, Dark Times, Rebellion, and Legacy.) over 4000 years.

There was a 12 issue series Marvel did of a character called Nightwatch (Who was introduced earlier in Web of Spider-Man #99), was a good character, just a shame the series was cancelled.

Just today I got via postal order Marvel Zombies, so soon as I read that I'll post my opinion of it.

01-12-2010, 04:41 AM

Woop woop full collection of the rings now. I don't have enough fingers on one hand though!

Man, captain planet was awesome

01-12-2010, 04:46 AM
After the Vision has shorted out Iron Man's armor, the savage beating he gets at the hands of an enraged Captain America brought a smile to my face big time.

He ruins it by pussying out in the end though.

01-12-2010, 06:14 AM

Woop woop full collection of the rings now. I don't have enough fingers on one hand though!

Wish Red ring wasn't so glossy as I look at my own.

01-12-2010, 06:32 AM
I now own all of 'The Sandman', 'Lucifer', 'Preacher', and a CRAP LOAD of 'manga in comic book forum'.

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-12-2010, 07:20 AM

Woop woop full collection of the rings now. I don't have enough fingers on one hand though!

I've not as familiar with DC as I am with Marvel, what are the ones that aren't Green?

01-12-2010, 07:49 AM
I've not as familiar with DC as I am with Marvel, what are the ones that aren't Green?

Those are the other corps. Each color represents the emotion spectrum or something to that extent. In that particular picture:

Yellow = Fear
Blue = Hope
Orange = Avarice
Red = Rage

Then there's also Indigo, Violet, and Black. Indigo being Compassion & Violet representing Love. Black is just Death for the most part.

01-12-2010, 07:53 AM
I've not as familiar with DC as I am with Marvel, what are the ones that aren't Green?

Yellow, Blue, Orange and Brown by the looks of it.

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-12-2010, 08:58 AM
Those are the other corps. Each color represents the emotion spectrum or something to that extent. In that particular picture:

Yellow = Fear
Blue = Hope
Orange = Avarice
Red = Rage

Then there's also Indigo, Violet, and Black. Indigo being Compassion & Violet representing Love. Black is just Death for the most part.

Thanks. That explains the start of all those corps threads on 4chan.

<a href="¤t=FEAR.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=HOPE.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=GREED.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=RAGE.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=COMPASSION.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=LOVE.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=DEATH.jpg" target="_blank">

01-12-2010, 09:30 AM
Thanks. That explains the start of all those corps threads on 4chan.

<a href="¤t=FEAR.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=HOPE.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=GREED.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=RAGE.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=COMPASSION.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=LOVE.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=DEATH.jpg" target="_blank">

No Green?! No picture for Will?!

Darth Revan
01-12-2010, 12:40 PM
He ruins it by pussying out in the end though.

Sad but true... wouldn't be Captain America if he actually did go through with the beating (Stark did deserve it imo).

Just finished reading the first Marvel Zombies compilation. Not bad, though it didn't actually have the issue with the first outbreak in it though. Kinda disappointed about that...

I wanted to see Peter Parker devour his Aunt May and wife, Mary Jane. Iron Man taunted Spidey about that, after Magneto had been minced and eaten

01-12-2010, 01:03 PM
He gets plenty later, so it's ok.

01-12-2010, 01:47 PM
Hey Death's Head, have you ever read any GrimJack? I think you would like it.
I'm reading World War Hulk and trying to catch up on some Marvel. I hope to get up to speed on recent events and dip my toes back into some DC books soon.
Planet Hulk was fun.

Read some siege stuff but feel like I want to fill in some gaps before reading more....

Also catching up on my Dark Horse Mike Mignola stuff.

01-12-2010, 02:09 PM
An Ozymandias happymeal toy from the saturday morining Watchmen cartoon.

<a href="¤t=SDC10107.jpg" target="_blank">


matt damon
01-13-2010, 12:22 AM
for all you kitty pryde lovers:

01-13-2010, 12:30 AM

Darth Revan
01-13-2010, 12:35 AM
Hey Death's Head, have you ever read any GrimJack? I think you would like it.

Never heard of GrimJack, I'll check it out when I can.

I found a heap of old comics, numerous collected series, the other day and had a read of the pilot issue for them.

Ghost Rider 2099 of the now defunct Marvel 2099 line. Retelling of the Ghost Rider in a high tech setting. Not bad at all, as both GR2099 and Death's Head are flippant and violent.

Ghost Rider when it was in the beginning was quite good (The Daniel Ketch version), but towards the end with different artists and the story got ridiculous. Did have two good spinoffs though: The Midnight Sons and Spirits of Vengeance.

Also found some WWE comics... Mankind, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Undertaker in comic form. Art is done quite well, and of course the storylines are 'out there' (Just like the WWE storyline's). Have some gory and bloody moments (Mainly in the Undertaker comics).

Witchblade, Avengelyne, Lady Death and Vampirella were a few more I found, in omnibus forms. Still good reads.

Edmond Dantes
01-13-2010, 01:54 AM
I'd like to see Witchblade naked.

01-13-2010, 04:34 AM

01-13-2010, 04:58 AM

Her costume left very little to the imagination.
Yeah GrimJack is right up your alley, DH.
You can read some free online over there.
I knew they wouldn't keep Kitty dead.

matt damon
01-13-2010, 05:35 AM


Edmond Dantes
01-13-2010, 06:23 AM

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-13-2010, 09:14 AM
No Green?! No picture for Will?!

I haven't seen one for willpower but I do have a several others if you wanna see them.

01-14-2010, 06:29 AM
I haven't seen one for willpower but I do have a several others if you wanna see them.

Sure why not. Please do share some more.

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-15-2010, 02:33 AM
Sure why not. Please do share some more.

Let's see if ya'll can guess what they are.

<a href="¤t=APATHY.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=PARANOIA.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=SPEED.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=RETARDED.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=BLIND.png" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=BLOWITALLUP.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=T-Rex.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=Chin.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=ADVENTURE.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=Dr.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=SEA.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=Robots.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=perfectlynormalcorps.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=magnificentbastard.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=Spy.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=VampireKillers.png" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=TIME.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=BadFathers.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=PunCorps.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=BoobCorps.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=MILFS.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=Daww.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=MANLYNESS.jpg" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=BROWNGIRLS.png" target="_blank">

<a href="¤t=INSANITY.gif" target="_blank">

01-15-2010, 03:55 AM
<a href="¤t=Robots.jpg" target="_blank">

Wow. The inclusion of T.O.E. makes me happy. I love whoever made this picture.

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-20-2010, 08:49 AM
Let's see if ya'll can guess what they are.

<a href="¤t=PunCorps.jpg" target="_blank">

I found the Oath for this one.

"In brightest day, in blackest knight,
There is nothing of which we won�t make light
Those who are left have a sense of right,
We�ll kick their ice; Pun Corps unite!

01-20-2010, 10:01 PM
Just watched "PLANET HULK" animated feature. Seems it got leaked earlier than it should of. It was definitely sees all the differences if you've read the comic.

Edmond Dantes
01-20-2010, 11:31 PM
Something for Mandi:

yeah its a little late but i found it today.

I thought this was funny.

01-21-2010, 07:16 PM
So today I pull myself out of bed and I check out the latest issue of Amazing Spider-Man, because for some reason I still insist on reading it. This was perhaps the most insulting, Peter-degrading issue in the entire post-Brand New Day lineup, and that's pretty impressive. I was so baffled by how much the creators of this issue must look down on Peter Parker that I decided to make a new blog about it.

So, I give you <a href=>Joe Quesada Hates Spider-Man</a>. I think this is going to be a fun new project for however long I feel the need to keep doing it.

Do me a favor and alert anyone you think might be interested please!

01-21-2010, 07:28 PM
I read comics on occasion, I skipped all this thread cos it's long, and just wanted to say that Maus was an awesome comic and everybody should read it.

PS - Deaths Head is super cool, got the two volumes of the Complete Deaths Head from the library, that was good reading.

01-22-2010, 06:59 AM
I have blind allegiance and will continue to follow spidey despite all the crap they put him through. Otherwise still disappointed with Planet Hulk animated.... mainly due to fact that there's no Silver savage...instead he's replaced with Beta Ray Bill.

Otherwise I need to drop some titles...don't know what though.

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-22-2010, 09:02 AM
Most of my comic experience comes from the cartoons seeing as how they're free, they air on your TV on a schedule, I couldn't get anyone to take me to comic shops regularly to keep up with titles and at that age I foolishly thought that there was only 1 universe and only 1 comic for each story/character. (i.e. Spider-man had just 1 book, the Hulk had just 1 book, X-Men had just 1 book and they all existed in the same continuity.)

01-28-2010, 03:53 AM

I'm not really into Marvel lately so hopefully this will help me get interested again. :D Pretty psyched about it.

matt damon
01-28-2010, 04:00 AM
i'm really excited about it too. looking forward to see what new stories will unfold. i'm getting tired of this whole shady, secret norman osbourne-y type stuff.

01-28-2010, 05:16 AM
That's why I'm actually enjoying Siege. I know it's the end of all this crap.

Tom Toonami Tunes
01-28-2010, 07:58 AM

I'm not really into Marvel lately so hopefully this will help me get interested again. :D Pretty psyched about it.

That does sound promising.
I hate grimdark just for grimdark sake, it takes away from the real grimdark stories and usually the thing they make grimdark don't fix what's wrong or boring with the show/book. Take smallville, I haven't seen much of it recently but the last episode Clark's wearing a black trenchcoat on black leather shirt & pants.

01-28-2010, 10:38 AM
The Hulk books have been fun. I am finally caught up on all the Red hulk stuff. I dunno, it was kind of fun to have the new avengers on the lamb it was kind of a throwback to how it was when Spidey would save someone from a burning building and then get threatened to get arrested. Normon Osborn had his day it was fun to have a super villian team up for a while. I always enjoy reading books with Doom. But yeah, Marvel prolly thought putting DARK on every title would sell books for a while. Ya can't do that forever.

01-28-2010, 12:15 PM
Just started reading Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8. Loving it so far...the series is still ongoing and runs from #1 - 32. I am planning a soundtrack compilation based on the series which should be interesting once completed. ;)

01-28-2010, 09:54 PM
The Reconstruction of the Marvel superhero sounds interesting and all, but currently I'm busy reading the massive backlog of X-Men comics. Plus any associated titles. This WILL be time consuming.

matt damon
01-29-2010, 01:42 AM
oh man zoran yes ty!!! someone else who is reading buffy ^^ IT'S SO FREAKING GOOD I LOVE IT!!!!

01-29-2010, 05:33 AM
Mass Effect 2 is seriously fucking with my schedule. I haven't touched any new comics yet. My spider-man review is gonna be late. =(

Edmond Dantes
02-07-2010, 06:54 PM
you guys might think this is neat, i dunno...

It's the Gaslight Legion of Doom.

02-09-2010, 02:34 PM
I finally got a copy of Batman: The Killing Joke today, I noticed a comics store in the city had been renovated so I checked it out and found that their books are soooo much cheaper than other places in town. It will be my new haven!

02-09-2010, 03:01 PM
The Killing Joke is an excellent purchase! It is something I never get sick of reading.

I'd rather post this here than in the lol thread, so~

02-11-2010, 01:18 AM
The Killing Joke is an excellent purchase! It is something I never get sick of reading.

I'd rather post this here than in the lol thread, so~

I R confused, when did Marvel regain the right to publish comics with Transformers characters in them?

02-11-2010, 01:21 AM
It's an edit!

02-11-2010, 01:23 AM
That is a very well done edit, and also hilarious.

02-11-2010, 02:01 AM
It's an edit!
That is a very well done edit, and also hilarious.


I do not comprehend

02-11-2010, 06:27 AM
Someone from the internet made it with an image editing program.

02-11-2010, 06:28 AM
who's from the internet?

02-11-2010, 07:06 AM
We are all from the internet, and I am your king!

02-11-2010, 07:07 AM
I call queen x:

02-11-2010, 07:11 AM
We are all from the internet, and I am your king!

well...i didn't vote for you.

02-11-2010, 07:18 AM
What is this language you are all speaking? I'm afraid it's all foreign to me

Tom Toonami Tunes
02-11-2010, 07:23 AM

I'm the sheriff of The internets and Herby cancel Caturday!

02-11-2010, 07:27 AM
well...i didn't vote for you.

You don't vote for kings. The lady of the lake, her arm clad in the purest shimering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the waters, thus signaling that I, TK, was to rule. That is why I'm your king!

jewess crabcake
02-11-2010, 05:40 PM
Surely this is heresy! I do beseech thee it was I who cradled Excalibur in my grasp; 'twas I who was trying to tear it from its geologic sheath to no avail. Then with a stroke of quick wit and compassion, I gently lead the immortal sword out and was proclaimed king. The village of rejoiced with there cat macros and Rickrolls. Will Smith was the squire for the celebration banquet, and Xzibit heard I liked I liked to joust so he put a Colosseum in my carriage so I can defeat brave warriors whilst I travel. The celebration lasted over 9000 hours, there were much more festivities, but--

Ayo King Jeffthur I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but King Henry VIII had the best celebration banquet of all time. ALL TIME!

Alas, it seems Sir Kanye believes I should end this scroll here. With such rude interruptions I wonder why I keep him in my court.

02-11-2010, 07:55 PM
ok that is not from monty python so now I am confused =(

02-11-2010, 08:17 PM
good...i'm not the only one confused.....i was wondering if there was another chunk of my brain missing.

jewess crabcake
02-11-2010, 11:20 PM
We are all from the internet, and I am your king!

Surely this is heresy! I do beseech thee it was I who cradled Excalibur in my grasp; 'twas I who was trying to tear it from its geologic sheath to no avail. Then with a stroke of quick wit and compassion, I gently lead the immortal sword out and was proclaimed king. The village of rejoiced with there cat macros and Rickrolls. Will Smith was the squire for the celebration banquet, and Xzibit heard I liked I liked to joust so he put a Colosseum in my carriage so I can defeat brave warriors whilst I travel. The celebration lasted over 9000 hours, there were much more festivities, but--

Ayo King Jeffthur I'm happy for you and I'mma let you finish, but King Henry VIII had the best celebration banquet of all time. ALL TIME!

Alas, it seems Sir Kanye believes I should end this scroll here. With such rude interruptions I wonder why I keep him in my court.

it's a pretty obvious joke

02-12-2010, 06:34 AM
ok that is not from monty python so now I am confused =(

it's a bunch of 4chan memes prty much

jewess crabcake
02-12-2010, 06:38 AM
Only the ones that traveled far across the internet, so that you don't need to visit 4chan to know them... or so I thought.

Tom Toonami Tunes
02-12-2010, 08:15 AM
Must not have charged ya lazar enough.

03-04-2010, 12:58 PM

03-04-2010, 05:16 PM
ok the original is about 50 times better