06-09-2008, 10:34 AM
Hey everyone, I'm confused beyond reason. I have the game Guilty Gear Accent Core for the Wii, but I have no idea where I can find the game's soundtrack because there is just so many different things for Guilty Gear. What soundtrack am I looking for? The name of the soundtrack is all I'm really after.

06-09-2008, 03:23 PM
The Guilty Gear XX Slash OST is what youre looking for...go to shadowhaxor.net and it should be there...Accent core has three songs exclusive to the game itself thats on the Guilty Gear Complete Collection Soundtrack...there are 8 discs on that soundtrack that has every single guilty gear soundtrack(highly recommended) and the three extra tracks are on the 8th disc the titles u r looking for are: Getting Down to Business(Order Sol), Keep In Gates(A.B.A), Launch Out(Intro). Theres one more track that isnt on any Guilty Gear Soundtrack as of yet and thats Keep The Flag Flying(Order Sol vs Ky)...look around on the internet and you should find it though...hope that helps!