06-08-2008, 04:21 AM
Hi everybody,
here's a rare score for who loves big orchestral music. This is a movie from from 1997 who had an average success but the music only deserves a lot of attention. It 's composed by Don Davis, the composer of the matrix series. The style is very close to James Horner's music (in fact Davis has been orchestrator and additionnal score composer for Horner during a period).
If you like somptuous, powerful music with chorus, full of magic and mystery, then you have to listen to this.

Warriors Of Virtue OST

Have fun!

06-08-2008, 01:35 PM
Thank you. This is brilliant! I already have it, but I commend you for sharing this with people!

06-09-2008, 03:15 PM
Thank you. This is brilliant! I already have it, but I commend you for sharing this with people!

I forgot to mention that the mp3 quality is excellent (320K JOINT STEREO, probably encoded with FHG). So you may be willing to have this version if yours is less good.

06-09-2008, 05:14 PM
SWEET!! Thanks a bunch.

Master Killer
06-14-2008, 10:52 AM
It got deleted somehow... Can I have a copy too? Megaupload's goal in life is to piss me off.

06-14-2008, 03:12 PM
don't know why it disappeared.
I'll try to reupload it somewhere else sunday. be patient until there.

06-21-2008, 06:40 AM
reupload please?

06-24-2008, 12:20 AM
Massive kudos to you, sir, for making this one available - this score truly is one of those hidden gems.

It's also a fascinating study piece. Stylistically, the arrangement is indeed reminiscent of Horner (and John Williams) at times, but melodically I think this really is pure Davis. There are shadows of The Matrix, Jurassic Park 3, Bound, etc, all over this score. It's amazing to hear this wonderful mixture of Matrix modernism, ravishing Williams-esque orchestration, Horner sweetness, with just a little of Goldsmith's rhythmic instability.

And yet it still feels very much like Davis - look back to Davis' very earliest works - Hyperspace, and his orchestration of Joe Harnell (RIP) on the V mini series... Davis is definitely one of those orchestrators whose technique rubs off on whatever he's arranging.

I have this already but my version is 192kbps - I'd also very much welcome a re-upload, to improve my own collection. :)

Thank you

06-24-2008, 12:25 AM
Does anyone happen to know where this movie can be obtained from? I loved this movie and I saw this when I was younger, totally forgot about this movie until now...

06-24-2008, 12:29 AM
Its available to rent on Netflix. Or you might try Vintage Stock or a game store or something, it might be hard to find though.

06-24-2008, 12:34 AM
Sorry to go further offtopic, but you can download the movie here: - sorry, it's in Russian, but the links are still good.

06-24-2008, 12:42 AM
Nice thanks for the info and the link!!!!

06-24-2008, 01:08 AM
Massive kudos to you, sir, for making this one available - this score truly is one of those hidden gems.

It's also a fascinating study piece. Stylistically, the arrangement is indeed reminiscent of Horner (and John Williams) at times, but melodically I think this really is pure Davis. There are shadows of The Matrix, Jurassic Park 3, Bound, etc, all over this score. It's amazing to hear this wonderful mixture of Matrix modernism, ravishing Williams-esque orchestration, Horner sweetness, with just a little of Goldsmith's rhythmic instability.

And yet it still feels very much like Davis - look back to Davis' very earliest works - Hyperspace, and his orchestration of Joe Harnell (RIP) on the V mini series... Davis is definitely one of those orchestrators whose technique rubs off on whatever he's arranging.

I have this already but my version is 192kbps - I'd also very much welcome a re-upload, to improve my own collection. :)

Thank you

That's what I call a post! So much people only give you a "thanks" or ""nice" (if any). I totally agree with your analysis and salute your musical culture.
Promise, I'll reupload it very soon. Just check back in 1 or 2 days.

06-24-2008, 01:29 AM
By the way I have also a collection of rare great symphonic scores that I ripped in best quality (lame preset insane) from the original CDs. With this sort of comment I know that I'm sharing in a right place, so I'll upload soon other gems like, for instance, "The Neverending Story II - The Next Chapter" by Robert Folk. I you liked KRULL and somptuous Fantasy music in general, you'll adore this one!

06-24-2008, 01:50 AM
I'm extremely interested in this score and the others you mentioned. The link for this one seems to be unavailable though, at least when I tried it. I will wait for a re-up when you get the chance. :)

Thanks very much for sharing!

06-24-2008, 09:25 AM
I am also interested in this score, is there any way that you can re-upload it for thouse that just found this thread?

thanks in advance

06-24-2008, 11:58 AM
Here it is at last!

Warriors Of Virtue OST

Enjoy! And get ready for others.

06-24-2008, 01:39 PM
thank you for the score can't wait for the rest, i was wondering if rge score that was playing when ryan was watching ming make the food is included?

06-24-2008, 02:59 PM
Never saw the movie. But now you have the OST you can check by yourself.

06-24-2008, 03:46 PM
Krull was a fine score... Pity they don't make them like that any more.

Folk's Neverending Story II will *definitely* make a lot of people in this thread VERY happy indeed. If you're in the slightest bit interested in pure, neo-romantic orchestral music - epic, the way epic used to be, this is going to excite you. Another score firmly in Horner's fantasy world, but as with Davis' effort for Warriors Of Virtue, it maintains enough individuality to stand alone. It's not just a "Horner on the cheap" score - it's a superb Folk composition; it simply comes from the same galaxy as Horner's similar efforts.

I just adore Neverending Story II, because it's one of those scores in which you can really feel the love. The film didn't need a score as good as this. It didn't deserve one. Folk didn't have to write one. But he did - with a pretty dreadful orchestra, very little money, and pretty much no gratitude, he turns out something so rich and beautiful.

Hard to believe the world of film music would stagnate so comprehensively since Davis' 1997 score.

06-24-2008, 04:15 PM
Krull? Just fine!?
It's simply the score that hooked me to film music. I often had tears when I listened to it (sometimes still happening). I recorded the actual movie soundtrack on LP when I was young, then I red that a complete release had been published (Supertracks) and I immediately ordered it (awfully expensive!).
I do believe that Horner is a musical innovator whose music inspired and still inspires many composers, eastern or western.

06-24-2008, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the re-upload Arthierr!! I've been hoping for weeks that someone would post it again.

And here's Rapidshare links, just in case:

06-24-2008, 04:57 PM
As much as I love Horner's music, I simply can't ignore his outrageous plagiarism. It's a great pity as he's obviously a very, very talented guy - however, like Yoko Kanno, he spends too much time quoting other composers and not enough time being original.

And, when I said Krull was a fine score, I meant it in the sense of a "fine" wine - not "fine" as in "good enough", but "fine" as in "sublime, beautiful, perfect", etc. ;)

06-24-2008, 05:05 PM
Is it a bad thing to copy yourself if what you do is sublime? I prefer 2 similar scores by Horner rather than 2 or even 10 crappy Media Ventures scores.

06-24-2008, 05:19 PM
Don't get me wrong... I'd have a not-very-good Horner over a Media Ventures "masterpiece" any day of the week.

But, yes, it's wrong to copy yourself when your thefts begin to adversely affect the impact of the music in the film. When Star Trek II shows up verbatim in Aliens, I suddenly feel like I'm watching Star Trek II. When The Rocketeer finishes off with the exact same bars as does Star Treks II and III, once again I'm pulled out of the film and back into the real world. There are hundreds more examples. Why in God's name does the theme from Casper show up in the Spiderwick Chronicles? Those movies were 12 years apart. Hearing that theme again in Spiderwick has now ruined the impact it had on me (uncontrollable tears) in Casper. It stops being Casper's theme, and becomes just another - albeit beautiful - but nevertheless interchangeable melody in Horner's 25-year symphony.

And likewise, it's wrong to copy from *other people* (Prokofiev, Goldsmith, Schumann, etc, etc, etc) for slightly less obvious - but just as important - moral, not to mention legal, reasons.

I'm sorry, I don't want this to become a "Horner sucks!!!" row and I don't want to overshadow the purpose of this thread, which was to share Don Davis' wonderful score to Warriors Of Virtue.

As a man of undoubted good taste, knowledge and intelligence, not to mention a friendly personality, I hope you will be able to see where I am coming from and accept my criticisms of Horner, and understand that whilst I still adore the man's music, it's simply not right from moral, artistic, and musical perspectives to actively ignore his pronounced thievery. :)


06-24-2008, 05:51 PM
First I'd like to write as eloquently as you but I can't because I'm french, so I try to do my best in english.

I perfectly understand your point and don't take it as a critic at all. But what you say is that this behavior partially ruins your movie viewing experience. I have a different approach because most of the time I listen to soundtracks (movie or games) without viewing or seeing the original product (I watch it later or never). So it doesn't matter much to me where Horner's magical harmonies come from as long as they keep coming!

Look for instance Sakimoto's scores. He's composing so much that it becomes hard to tell the differences between his various scores. I almost never tried any of the games concerned but I collect every new OST because I know it will be magical and inspiring, even though it's similar.

Concerning plagiarism from others I often find that Horner enhances what he copies, but it's true that this is a pity because he doesn't need to do so, he's very too much talented to steal from others.

By the way, didn't expect this thread to become so technical! But it's a real pleasure to discuss with people sharing similar interests!

06-24-2008, 07:53 PM
My friend, your English is absolutely impeccable - I had no idea it wasn't your mother tongue and besides, what does language matter amongst lovers of music - the one, true, universal language that unites us all? :)

I perfectly understand your point and don't take it as a critic at all. But what you say is that this behavior partially ruins your movie viewing experience. I have a different approach because most of the time I listen to soundtracks (movie or games) without viewing or seeing the original product (I watch it later or never). So it doesn't matter much to me where Horner's magical harmonies come from as long as they keep coming!

Excellent point. I have probably seen 5% of the films for which I own the soundtrack CDs so I completely understand your standpoint. I thought I was the only person to appreciate film/game/anime music as music, not only as a functional part of some other media. I'm not a big gamer, I'm not obsessed with movies, and although I do love some anime, I'm not a completist by any stretch. But I do love music, obsessively and passionately.

So, absolutely, I agree that from that perspective Horner is pretty much flawless. Though you really can't escape the fact that, though you may not listen to it as such, it IS music written for film, it IS a film score. Its main purpose IS to compliment the world in which the film is taking place, strengthen it, aid the storytelling process, and bring out the emotions.

Concerning plagiarism from others I often find that Horner enhances what he copies, but it's true that this is a pity because he doesn't need to do so, he's very too much talented to steal from others.

In some cases, I agree... But if you take the Mona Lisa, and make it better... You're not the genius - DaVinci did the hard work for you.

I definitely agree that he's obviously talented to the extent there he doesn't *have* to do this. I wonder why he does? Laziness?

06-24-2008, 10:30 PM
Plagiarism is a strange phenomenon happening in any art. The greatest authors can sometimes fall in this trap. But in music it's rather common. Here in France there was a radio show that I listened sometimes pointing "similarities" between songs, they found hundreds of exemples of total or semi-plagiarism. It can't be helped, total originality is probably too much to ask.

Tomorrow I'll upload "The Neverending Story II - The Next Chapter" by Robert Folk". I'm looking forward to read your comments.

Pharoh Amon Khan
06-24-2008, 10:38 PM


I lost this soundtrack score CD in storage years ago and thought I would NEVER hear Marsupial Arabeque ever again!!! THANK YOU!!!!

06-25-2008, 09:02 PM
Magnificent score! Thanks for sharing.

08-16-2008, 11:16 PM
Hey, I like the ID of Never Ending Story 2 being uploaded. As mentioned earlier people from the outside come to here to find that album, as I came here with search results. It isn't anywhere else to find on the internet (free)
and the music is just fantastic! I hope to hear it soon when it is uploaded and where to find it! ;)

Tanks a lot beforehand!

08-17-2008, 05:32 PM
cool. good stuff :) thanks!

04-09-2009, 08:37 AM
Wow, just stumbled upon this... Rapidshare links seem to have expired, and it was only a week ago i was trying sooo hard to remember what this film was even called!

Because when i was younger, this was one of my favourite films, don't know why ^^
But what i DO know is that Arthierr knows his music ;D

So this is an instant MUST for me, and if someone would be so kind as to re-up, i'd highly appreciate it

Many thanks ;3

04-09-2009, 11:18 AM
I'll try to reup this week-end. Including maybe some bonuses... ;)

04-09-2009, 12:16 PM
Dear Arthierr. You are a saint.

I'm looking forward to this re-upload :) I adore Don Davi's allusions to Wagner and his legendary G�tterdammerung, that haunts The Matrix "Revolutions" score, respectively.

I would love to give this a listen, aswell.

Apropos, Don Davis...Have you heard any of his other scores?

I have only heard the scores for Bound, and the Matrix series (wich i cherish)

I love all your other uploads and recommendations also.

Plenty of love from me to you!

04-12-2009, 07:52 PM
Glad to hear that someone else is looking forward to the re-upload ;D
and i DO mean CAN'T wait for thissss ><

04-13-2009, 11:42 PM
Here's the expanded version of the Warriors of Virtue soundtrack by Don Davis. It's very rare, so I thought I should share. ;P (mp3 version) (lossless version)

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person who loves this score! :D

04-14-2009, 12:07 AM
Here's the expanded version of the Warriors of Virtue soundtrack by Don Davis. It's very rare, so I thought I should share. ;P (mp3 version) (lossless version)

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person who loves this score! :D
Sweet thanks!

04-14-2009, 12:16 AM
1) Thanks for sparing my time.

2) Thanks for upgrading my own copy, as I can now enjoy lossless.

I recommend to everybody to grab only the WAV version, because the mp3 one seems way too much compressed. Maybe someone will have the good idea to convert the WAV one to FLAC and repost it.

04-14-2009, 12:18 AM
The mp3 version is 64mb, the lossless version is 600mb. ^_^"

The mp3 version is 128k.

Oh, and there's a bit more description in this thread:

04-14-2009, 12:41 AM
Oops, misspoke

04-14-2009, 12:59 AM
The Mp3 version is 128k ----> AVOID IT.

This score really deserves lossless, or at least 320 or V0.

04-14-2009, 01:01 AM
The Mp3 version is 128k ----> AVOID IT.

This score really deserves lossless, or at least 320 or V0.
Oops i must have gotten the two versions I had mixed up, will edit.

04-14-2009, 01:55 AM
Yeah, the 128k version would be for people with low disk space. ^_^"

My file converter is lame--I tried a while ago to convert the wav files to 320k mp3s, but my converter can only convert from lossless to 128k.

04-14-2009, 01:57 AM
Yeah, the 128k version would be for people with low disk space. ^_^"

My file converter is lame--I tried a while ago to convert the wav files to 320k mp3s, but my converter can only convert from lossless to 128k.
Use Razorlame ;)

04-14-2009, 02:19 AM
Use Razorlame ;)

Thanks! ;D

04-14-2009, 03:42 PM
Wow! What a virtuous surprise!

Truly looking forward to this listen. I only ever heard the music in the movie, I had actually forgotten about this movie.

But Don Davis has done marvelous things in the past.

I believe in him.

So thank you :)

04-15-2009, 12:18 AM
Unfortunately I'm extremely limited to how much I can download a month...
If anyone intends to upload this OST as 320k, please let me know, and i'll wait for it ^^

But if no-one has that intention, then I'll get the Lossless, but that's only if I HAVE to... I remember the film fine, but I was at the age that i NEVER EVER listened to music, so I don't even recall a soundtrack xD I actually HATED music, I couldn't stand any music, and I never understood how people COULD like it, but that's what happens when your mum plays Coldplay and Rod Stewart in the house... ALL day -__-" Me, being a young and supple boy thought that THAT was music, and how it ALL is... Lol, i wasn't too bright, but I was what >>' 8?...

Anyyywayyyy... Back on topic, ermm...

Hope someone uploads a 320k version, annddd... Thankyou sooo much Sastipe7!!!


And I'm glad I bumped this ;D
�� not that I see anyone thanking me T_T
Pfftt, nahh... The thanks all goes to sastipe7 and not to forget arthierr for the original post ^^

04-15-2009, 12:27 AM
I can upload the 320kbps version Arthierr put up in this thread initially in a little bit :) Just finishing up some other uploading.

04-15-2009, 01:08 AM
I can upload the 320kbps version Arthierr put up in this thread initially in a little bit :) Just finishing up some other uploading.

Thanks, Sirusjr.

But frankly Lucidolph, I very much recommend you download a FLAC version (if someone posts it, of course), because the sound quality between the version I posted and a lossless one is very audible, at least for an audiophile used to the subtleties of orchestral music.

04-15-2009, 01:15 AM
New Link, Thanks to Arthierr for original upload!
Warriors of Virtue Expanded 320kbps - Don Davis

04-16-2009, 12:06 AM
I hear what you're saying Arthierr, and I agree that FLAC is the way to go for orchestral, and yes, I definately DO notice subtleties, but for the time being I'm going to have to settle for the 320k version, there are many reasons for this ^^''''... But I will DEFINATELY download the FLAC version when I can...

Also, I am an audiophile, definately, and my music collection is my pride and glory, or whatever x]

Probably shouldn't go waaaay off-topic, butttt ^^'''''

It's quite embarassing when I tell people what my listening apparatus is, ughh -__-" ... Here, take a look ( and TRY not to laugh ;] )

1. The type of headphones are Electrodynamic
2. The frequency response is between 20 and 18,000Hz
3. The impedance is 32 ohms +/- 5%
4. The sensitivity is 105dB S.P.L. at 1kHz

Now, I'm not too sure about this, but i THINK that if i'm such an audiophile, that loves his classical music, and loooooves orchestral and epic music, then surely I should be using a better pair of headphones ><

I'm 17, JUST about to get my first job ever (It's not easy to find'em around here), and when I get a bit of money I'm IMMEDIATELY going to get myself a decent pair of headphones. I personally haven't listened through many pairs, and I have nooo idea what i'm to look for, and I don't know if there's a topic/thread anywhere that covers this subject, if not, I highly suggest we start one ><

If anyone knows of a great pair of headphones for orchestral music MAINLY, then I'd be delighted to here any reccomendations ^^

Yeah, I know, I went waaaaay off-topic ><", sorry guys, Just that I've had enough ._.

I know i can be getting farrr more 'depth?' to my music, and far better sound quality, and listening experience.

Thanks in advance to anyone that dares to reply to this mess of words x]

Thankkksss to the uploaders ;D
And everyone that reads this ^^

*Hugsss* :3

P.S. Sorry If i've made lots of typos and made no sense ><

04-16-2009, 12:18 AM
I can't tell from the look of those if they are worthwhile but I use these
After a certain point you will realize that its better to just use one pair and love them. The best part about the EH350s is that you can replace the cables and the pads if they go out without replacing the whole headphones. I haven't had to replace the cables yet though because they are really durable. The only problem with those is that they don't really have any noise canceling so if you want that you might want to grab something else. There is a message board, where they just discuss headphones all day and suggest another pair for the best entry levels. My brother got these for Christmas this past year and they are also wonderful.
Hope this helps

EDIT: forgot to mention that if you go too far past the entry level you will have to buy a headphone amp to get the most of the headphones and you will start to really sink in a lot of money which it sounds like you don't want to do.

04-16-2009, 02:01 AM
Heyyy, a reply =D

Ah, thanks for the links, and info x]
I have been to many headphone discussion websites, and I've always had this problem... And this problem would be that I CAN'T make decisions xD
I find it incredibly hard, especially when it comes to something like this, that'd change the way ALL my music is heard...

I just have a fear of getting a worse pair of headphones, or them not sounding right, or have problems of sorts.

I'm far too picky with my headphones, but above all SOUND QUALITY is what i'm after, and the headphones I have now, even though they're 'Borrowed' from my school ^^' and cost like �5 IF i bought'em, andddd even though they make my ears bleed xD, eh... That's because they're so damn tight, they crush the tops of my ears, and yes, they've caused minor bleeding, and a lot of ear pain/bruising...

I actually got a pair of Skullcandy 'Skull-Crusher' headphones for my Christmas, which were like �50, so I hoped they'd be what i wanted, especially since at THAT time i was a hardcore gamer.

And, They looked great, were verryyyyy comfortable, and above all DIDN'T fall off my head ='D

I was soo happy with'em, all seemed absolutely perfect, till I listened to some music -_-" ughh.... The treble?.. God, it was just evil... Farrr too much treble, NO bass whatsoever, and I just HAD to send'em back, I've got to have a perfect balance of treble/bass, and they gave me a headache aswell...

I've perhaps tried 5+ pairs of headphones in my life, all low-standard, nothing special, no Sennheiser, and MY pair atm, although pain-inducing... ARE by far the best when it comes to sound quality.

I think i'm just gonna soldier on for abit, till i actually start to earn SOME money xD Which may take awhile, and then when i have the money, I'll just get the best money can buy ;D

At least THAT way i'm definately gonna hear an improvement x]

Ahhh... Sooo sorry people, i DO have a problem, and i always have done, and I simply don't know when to stop typing ><

Yes... I'm on MSN 24/7 xD
Big surprise x]

Speaking of MSN >>" ... Not that i've seen anyone do it ever on HERE...
and i'm HOPING it's not breaking any rules ><"... I'm just gonna accidentally leave some contact details ;D

[email protected]

Woops x]

Thanks Sirusjr =D
You've helped a lot x]

04-16-2009, 05:22 AM
New Link, Thanks to Arthierr for original upload!
Warriors of Virtue Expanded 320kbps - Don Davis

Sweet, thanks! *was too lazy to make a 320k version herself* :P

04-16-2009, 01:30 PM
In fact this old 320k I found wasn't very well ripped. The recent versions of Lame do much better, so even for a mp3 rip, it's preferable to download the wav version and redo a fresh rip.

04-16-2009, 03:41 PM
Afternoon folks,
Just wanted to chime in - I am uploading a FLAC version and a LAME -V0 (sorry, but my own ears and countless ABX tests prove that 320kbps is pointless - they call it INSANE for a reason) this evening - sit tight, if you're in no hurry. The FLAC version is 295mb. Better than 600mb. ;)

04-16-2009, 03:55 PM
I agree with that. The latest versions of Lame have done much progress. Lame -V0 + Flac is the right thing to do.

04-16-2009, 04:01 PM
Yeah I mostly rip to vbr-0 as well. Leaves more room on my zune for extra albums.

05-09-2009, 08:47 PM
Just FYI, I love you Arthierrrrrr

02-04-2010, 07:53 PM
Thanks for uploading the soundtrack!!

You made my day! :)

02-04-2010, 07:57 PM
Afternoon folks,
Just wanted to chime in - I am uploading a FLAC version and a LAME -V0 (sorry, but my own ears and countless ABX tests prove that 320kbps is pointless - they call it INSANE for a reason) this evening - sit tight, if you're in no hurry. The FLAC version is 295mb. Better than 600mb. ;)

I have a bad feeling that there are those of us in this community that are *still( waiting. :)

Erulisse Darkmorn
12-04-2011, 08:49 PM
resurrecting dead thread to say, most of the links are broken, and I can't find a DL... please reupload? I am extremely interested in hearing this.
if someone could put it on mediafire or fileserve especially, that would be great.