06-07-2008, 10:56 PM
I found one of these albums on ( and I really like the jazzy style the music was created in.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone might have this and other Megaman X Arranged albums (X1-whatever) in either FLAC or APE lossless, or know of a website, torrent or person on IRC or DC++ that has these albums.

Spark And Shadow - Power Plant Stage ( song sounds awesome! :)

Red Arremer
06-07-2008, 11:02 PM
Ah, the Rockman X Jazz album... Yeah, it's very nice.

Though I doubt anyone on these boards actually have the CD. I don't have it, so I can't provide it to you. I just want to say that this album is really awesome.

06-08-2008, 02:07 AM
Yeah, meez likey the soundtrack very much, a lot of good songs. ^_^

Well, the request is now out there so I'm hoping, however small the chance, that someone does have this album and is willing to make a lossless rip for me, and of course anyone else that wants it. :)

I'll look into some other forums as well and see what I can dig up.