05-18-2002, 07:57 PM
does an boady or there family have a ff8 gf or char looka like

my dog looks like carnbuncle
my big bro looks like diablos as hes got a big
grin and chin

05-18-2002, 11:53 PM
Well....I could relate myself to a few of the characters.

Laguna: Attitude, long hair, mad gun skillz0rz, timid and shy....check.

Irvine: Hoo-ha! Now let's just tie that hair back, throw on a hat. 'Bes watch out! *BANG!*

Squall: I don't look like him, but I sure do act like him..

As for friends...

Zell: Hyper, crazy, and pissed off when he needs to be, that would be my friend Scott who relates to Zell.

05-19-2002, 12:40 AM
who do i relate to in FF8...dont know. probably a male version of Selphie :eye:

and no, i dont wear the dresses :eek:

edit: oh wait, thats in some personality aspects only. i dont actually LOOK like a male selphie...

*mumbles* always looking the fool coz u dont think about what your posting....*mumbles*

05-19-2002, 03:54 PM
I look like Rinoa, and my best friend looks like Selpihie ALOT!

05-19-2002, 09:22 PM
I don't really look like anyone in FFVIII, but in terms of personality I'm sort of a cross between Squall and Quistis. :uh?: And my glasses look like Quistis's.

05-19-2002, 09:27 PM
my friends say i act like selphie and my sis says im more like irvine :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: