06-03-2008, 11:31 PM
Hey guys!

I recently finished my rework of the FF-piece that is the greatest battle-music in my book.. Dancing Mad from FFVI. It clocks in at nearly 10 minutes. This is my first attempt at creating something like this so I hope you can tolerate some minor glitches..hehe. My ears were my only tools for 95% of the song..the rest I had to double-check with some sheet-music:)

It still needs a few tweaks, but I hope you like what I've got.

I'm thinking about making an album of organ-arrangements and I like to think of this as a good start.

Download: moggyloggy.mp3

06-04-2008, 03:49 AM
I listened, it sounds pretty spot on. Only one complaint: since Dancing Mad already makes adequate use of an organ, your arrangement doesn't sound so different from the original.

Besides that, it doesn't sound bad at all.

06-04-2008, 01:26 PM
Thanks for the feedback! Yup, I'm aware that it's pretty much an organ-piece to begin with...I just wanted to hear it with a more powerful and real-sounding organ. And that meant making one myself;)

06-04-2008, 08:34 PM
Nice! The organ is spectacular in this. If your making an album of organ reworks, might I suggest the Sabrewulf theme from Killer Instinct? that is begging for a realistic organ sound!

here is the link.

if you can do somthing with that, i would greatly appreciate it!

06-04-2008, 10:51 PM
Glad you liked it:) The song you suggest sure would be cool to arrange! But the plan was FF-music only. But who knows..a bonus track maybe? hehe

This is the tracklist I have planned:

Prologue (IV)
Dancing Mad (VI)
Magician's Tower (II)
Keeper of Time (IX)
The Fierce Battle (V)
Heresy (VIII)
Bombing Mission (VII)
Final Battle (IX)
The Castle (VIII)
The Unforgiven (VI)
One Winged Angel (VII)
Pandemonium (IX)
Epilogue (IV)

06-05-2008, 04:57 PM
Cool stuff. Of course, I'm with Khillyov on this one. Once you get the FF out of your system, it'd be great to hear something fresher for a change.