05-18-2002, 05:40 PM
who was ur strongest character mine was selphie cuase i took every good item and gave them to her second D :D was quistis:

Angel Aeris
05-18-2002, 05:57 PM
Mine was Squall... He's always, automatically, cause I think it's useful to keep him strong since he's the one you use most. Actually in every FF game except FF6 my main character is always the strongest. My second strongest was Zell, then Rinoa

05-18-2002, 05:58 PM
Squall was my strongest character, I always try to make the main character the strongest, it just seems wrong if someone else is stronger.

05-18-2002, 06:41 PM
Squall was my strongest character, because he is the main character and you play almost the whole time with him, Irvine was my second strongest character and Zell my third strongest character.

Divine Strike
05-18-2002, 11:20 PM
Squall and Zell, they are both equal in strength....but technically since Squall has Renzokuken (not the limit, but when you press R1[or is it R2]) (sp?), he is my strongest

Neo Xzhan
05-19-2002, 11:00 AM
I always tried to keep balance with my characters so their levels and traids would be almost equal to each other cuz it would be stupid to have a party with 2 lvl 100 characters and 1 lvl 50. This way u'll b reviving the weakest one over and over again.

05-19-2002, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Divine Strike
Squall and Zell, they are both equal in strength....but technically since Squall has Renzokuken (not the limit, but when you press R1[or is it R2]) (sp?), he is my strongest
its R1 the trigger to squalls gunblade!!!!
i didnt find out u could use it till bout the 3 disk on ma 1st game!!

Green Arrow
05-19-2002, 01:20 PM
Well mine went like this I think...

Squall had the most coz he is the main character, Zell was 2nd coz he was cool and coz he punched people not using weapons like everyone else so he always tagged along. Then it was a toss up between Quisitis and Rinoa, I used them pretty much evenly. The only times I ever used Irvine and Selphie was when I had to, like forced to use them, otherwise they would be doing nothing. If I recall Selphie had around 600hp's and Irvine would have had around 800hp's.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
05-19-2002, 01:20 PM
Mine would be Squall, as he always has he best. Then it would be Zell as he has the same but Duel is'nt as good a Renzokuken+Lionheart.
Then it would be Irvine. :D :D :D :D

05-19-2002, 03:52 PM
Selpihe was my weakest charcter.
I think Squall or a Zell was my strongest :)

Vivi FF
05-19-2002, 09:48 PM
Zell, of course... He's got Ifrit and Bahamut :) Plus Armogeden (horrible spelling) Fist is awesome!!!

Second is Quistis. I use her as "the curing lady". But her Magic is horrible... Anyways, she makes an awesome attacker when not Curing and Shockwave Pulsar does major damage...

Third is Selphie or Squall... Squall cause you have to have him w/you and Selphie cause she has soem good Limits (Full-Cure and The End) so I use her for those limits as well.

05-19-2002, 10:17 PM
for me it was Squall.....i trained him well Str. wise...and for magic wise..Rinoa did the trick..her mag. was up to 255 flat...and when she put "meltdown" on her enemies she was more lethal haha

Guardian of Ice
05-21-2002, 08:41 PM
My strongest characters would be in this order:
1. Squall
5. Irvine


Neo Xzhan
05-22-2002, 10:08 AM
Though I maintained balance between my characters I used Selphie the least. Her weapons r weak she's weak and her limit is ok.

05-22-2002, 12:39 PM
my first would be Squall (he�s the main character so it kinda can�t be awoided!) the second would be Zell, third Rinoa, fourth Quistie, fifth Irvine and sixth Selphie (I never liked her that much...) But none the less I tried to keep them all around the same level.. but it didn�t work.... :rolleyes:

05-22-2002, 01:40 PM
Mine would be Squall and Irvine they was always the strongest of the group they both had the same powers and were equall in strenghth. They helped me get through the game the most.

05-23-2002, 02:12 PM
Well, I trained to lvl 100 and got all magic for everyone, so the only thing that makes a character superior to another are their limit break moves. From good to bad:

1. Squall. If you've ever seen Lion Heart, you know why
2. Irvine. With the best gun and good ammo, he can do at least 4x9999 damage
3. Zell. Maybe usefull if you good at fighting games, but I screw up the commands too often :D
4. Rinoa. Some solid damage and usefull functions, but nothing shocking
5. Quistis. I didn't really find any blue magic that was really great.
6. Selphie. Sad. Only losers use The End, and the rest is just too weak.

Alice Wonderbra
05-24-2002, 08:14 PM
my 'strongest' was usually tied between zell and squall. i would have 2 say that my overall strongest, not just physically, was rinoa. she always did a lot of damage and she had a kewl limit break. her gf compatability was outstanding as well. her strength was shown when she managed to defeat the last boss virtually on her own (it was my practice trial, so every1 else died).

Selphie, Irvine, and Quistis were all bottom dwellers--none of them were ever very strong. They all just sucked 2 bad. even when they were all on level 100 they still sucked.

05-25-2002, 02:53 AM
What's with Irvine getting short-changed on the "strongest character" lists. I've unloaded 100 fast ammo doing about 2200-4400 each in one go. How's that for "strongest character"?