05-17-2002, 09:48 PM
I was at that weird pathway to sin and was leveling up alot. I was planning to get the magus sisters before I fought seymor but I got bored and just decided to fight him anyway. I went and fought him and used bahamuts overdrive once and all seymor did was firaga him to death once bahamut was down I beat him with a few magic spells. I was disapointed conicdering he was so freaking easy to beat and he never used morticus or banishing, I was hoping for a real challenge like with the first three. Was it just easy or did I successfuly level up? My characters were at levels like 3,000 and 4,000 so I think that the game maker people were getting a little lazy.

Nanaki XIII
05-18-2002, 01:25 AM
The last Seymour is the easiest one. He always used firaga on me so I used Nul Blaze and kicked his butt. I had no secret summons, no doublecast, and even Sin was hard for me the first time I played this game but now Seymour.

05-18-2002, 03:21 AM
yes, it is easy. u can even see which magic spells he uses. every time those things behind him spin it shows which ones he uses, and if they are all the same then he uses "aga". if u want a challenge try beating nemesis in under 15 minutes.

Vivi FF
05-18-2002, 04:35 PM
You leveled up too much then... :) But I guess the 4th form was easy but for me, he was actually fun to fight...

05-18-2002, 05:33 PM
hmm thats kind of stupid, I wonder what motivated the creaters to make seymore so easy. Is sin really hard?

05-18-2002, 10:24 PM
no, sin is simple. if u had no trouble beating seymour then sin will be a sinch, just watch out for his overdrive.

05-19-2002, 12:25 AM
Great! This might very well be the first of my three final fantasy games that i'll beat. I have 8 and 6 too and I'm so close to the end on 8 but I cant kill one of the bosses at the end of the game Isnt that stupid? ^_^* ah, oh well. I really suck when it comes to RPG's, I'm more of a fighting game person. :D

05-19-2002, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by Cygnus
Great! This might very well be the first of my three final fantasy games that i'll beat. I have 8 and 6 too and I'm so close to the end on 8 but I cant kill one of the bosses at the end of the game Isnt that stupid? ^_^* ah, oh well. I really suck when it comes to RPG's, I'm more of a fighting game person. :D

if u can make it to the end of 8, then i think your doing good. u have the patience to sit through 8, then i congratulate you. i found it boring and gay with the stocking and junctioning crap.

05-19-2002, 03:20 AM
Lol, yeah for a while I really liked the story, but it started to get a little stupid when they all just so happen to be from the orphanage. Its like one of the stupid senarios on a soap; "Wow its amaizing how my best freind is also my sister and by stroke of luck we've met yet she is mothering my brother's child." So I guess it would take some "patience" I'm pretty sure I yelled every obsinity to that game before I just decided not to play it again. I think I only played it because of the FMV's. Yeah I'm pretty sure that was it. ^_^

Vivi FF
05-19-2002, 09:36 PM

Did that work? (I don't thing so).

Anyways, FF8 is a decent game. But, as the "arrow" points to the top of the screen, you see this is a FFX forum, not FF8...

Also, the junction system is OK, but it could REALLY be better if they added some more to it... The Draw system was horrible. I hardly use spells in fear that I have to go back hunting for enemies who have it avaiable... Plus Irvine, Quistis, and Zell have low Magic stats thus making it harder for them to draw... AND my team was Squall, Zell, and Qusitis... sheesh...

05-19-2002, 10:05 PM
My, my, dont get bent out of shape because of a slight topic change, i was just agreeing with someone about the game, would you like me to make a completly new thread and hope I'll get the same people the respond? I can if it makes you happy. And as far as I see it the game was good, it was my first FF game and i thought it was good but the story seemed to get out of hand and some of the bosses were a little rediculus. But I really shouldnt be arguing, its just a game.

Nanaki XIII
05-19-2002, 10:05 PM
Actually they are very similar games since they were both from the same makers.

05-19-2002, 10:15 PM
I found all Seymour's forms to be a piece of cake. FFX was simple enough for me. And if you find Seymour easy, Sin is very easy. You should just watchout for his Instant-Kill Overdrive. Giga--something.

Finish him off before he casts that attack, and it's obvious when he'll cast it. His mouth opens and shows some sort of initiation of when he'll do it. Just don't let him open his mouth up all the way.

lone wolf
05-21-2002, 04:44 PM
when i fought sin, i never mad him keep his mouth shut, i always lost, exseept one time i got him before he killed me, like the turn before, any addvice?


Vivi FF
05-21-2002, 09:12 PM
The 3rd Semour isn't really tough. The only thing that can get to you is his speed (especially if you use Auron and Lulu) and running out of Holy Waters... The Total Annliation (sp?) isn't that bad...

Also, the last battles can only be tough for you if you have used Yuna a WHOLE lot and ignored Wakka or Auron or Lulu... Otherwise it's easy.

For me the second "form(s)" of the last few bosses in the game was kinda hard. Evasion of 255, hard to hit, no? (tried not spoiling the game even with marked spoiler)

05-22-2002, 02:21 AM
I used yuna on the last battles and it was a sinch, I took advantage of the fact that she has the highest amount of magic power and loaded her up with black magics like ultima, it only took me one hit to kill all my dark aeons. I think I only used auron two times in the end and just for his zombie attack.

05-30-2002, 01:42 AM
it was easy kinda sucked i hit him two times one normal and one overdrive

05-30-2002, 07:27 AM
U beat the dark aeons that easily, i am only trying to get back into Besaid and i cant beat that damn dark Valefore, any help would be GREATLY appreciated

Vivi FF
05-30-2002, 09:16 PM Go here :) We don't have FFX: International/PAL version