05-17-2002, 07:44 PM
Yus...I started writing poetry. I've been debating on weither or not to post any of them, but I think sharing them may help me out a lot. I'm new at if they suck, I apologize. Just a really big thing happend to me....and writing poetry made me feel better. Hopefully, this can be the start of my writings.

Okay....I'll post one for now...just to give it a try.

When I Look Into Your Eyes

When I look into your eyes
I can see the love thats there
I know your always with me
I know you'll always care

When I look into the clouds
See them tumble through the sky
I know your always honest
I know you'll never lie

When I look up to the stars
Watch them twinkle up above
I know that your a great person
I know that you have love

When I look into your eyes
I'm filled with joy in my heart
I know one day we'll be together
I know this is the place to start

Comment? Questions? I'm new at this, so go easy on me =P

05-18-2002, 02:24 AM
Coolies ^_^ Great work, Triple F, especially if poetry is something you just started.

05-18-2002, 03:18 AM
Aw, Stephie writes poetry now! And they're great, y'know...sometimes makes me wanna sniffle...*grins*

05-18-2002, 07:56 PM
*claps* Me really like da poem, Triple F. It is pretty. ^_^

Make more pweeeeeease

05-23-2002, 08:23 PM
Thankies ^_^ I'm trying, though I'm not very good yet.

Here's another one I ended up writing while on the phone with a friend. I don't think it's as good as the first one I posted, but as I said, I'm letting out things that are built up inside.....maybe it's not even poetry.

I Remember

The love that you gave
Was the best feeling
I ever had
I could feel your presence
Even though you weren't here

I knew that you loved me
Day in and day out
You gave me so much love
So much attention
Showed you really cared

Now I sit here
And ask myself
Where did it all go

I remember these days
As if it were yesterday
Each day passes
I wish it were real again

I pray till the day
That you come back
Until then
I will remember you

Feedback pwease =P

05-24-2002, 12:40 AM
I applaud the first one, it had a good rythm to it, and just very smiley and touchy, good job Short Cake.

The second one, was good to, but it made me a lil' sad, but only good poetry effects a person's emotions.

good job lil' sister, I wanna see more, and send me the watermelon one again :)

05-28-2002, 06:20 PM
Okay.......I think I've held these 3 off long enough. Now if I can get these typed out without my brother irritating me over what I'm doing.

These 3 are titles Past, Present, and Future. Present was actually the first poem that I ever wrote. But I got inspired one day to write a beginning and ending for I wrote Past and Future. Maybe you'll like them. I'll just have to see.


Whenever I'm with you
My hear fills with joy
The everlasting light
That brightens my soul

This strange incessant feeling
Make my heart overflow
Pervades through my body
From head to toe

The thing called love
I feel for you
Is unlike anyother thing
I've felt before

The sound of your voice is like
Ten thousand angels singing
Having you in my life
Is the best thing to ever happen

I know its true....I know
I love you


You ripped my soul
Right before my eyes
Tore it in half
And crushed it
Now I'm left sitting here
Empty inside
Because without you
I'm nothing..........nothing....

I sit here
And stare into the black whole
No light to help me out
I'll never come out
You took the light away
Threw it out
Left me here
Without you

Now......I'm nothing.......


Time after time, I tell myself
That things could be different
Things could be the way
That they need to be

I find myself thinking of him
Wanting him
Wishing he were here
Wishing that he was closer
Than he is right now

I look into the sky
And I can see his face
I suddenly feel the warmth
Of him being with me

I know its not true
It's all one big dream
A dream of eternal happiness
That only an angel from heaven
Could bring upon me

I pray for the day
That he is here with me
Because deep down inside
I know
This is the way it should be

I can't help the way
That I feel
Preoccupied with thoughs
Of him being with me again

My heart if filled with diligence
My heart can survive
It believes the future holds
Solace for my soul

That I could be with him
And him with me
We could live in love
For etenity

Because that is the way
That it should be.....

Alright! I finally did it. I put up the guts to post the 3 poems I dreaded posting. Feedback please *hides*

05-30-2002, 04:51 AM
I really didn't think you would be the sort to write poetry Triple Steph but I'm glad that you did cos your poems rock. GO Steffi!! More,more! ^_^

05-30-2002, 04:02 PM
Damn Steffi! I come back and you have your own corner! *claps* Much love girlie!

You said you wanted feedback. . . :D


Those poems are sooooo beautiful! *snyffle* They evoke a tear. Wonderful and well written, thought provoking.

And as far as Past, Present and Future. Beautiful Triple F. Just beautiful girl. Past reminds me of you-know-who and Present was emotional and the um. . . roughness was good and it suited the rythum of the poem. And Future was just wonderful, sad yet hopeful. They evoke a tear to my eye.

No really. And you thought you'd be bad at it. ;)

06-06-2002, 03:53 PM
Thankies ya'll. I do try, though sometimes it doesn't come out the way I want it too.

I couldn't sleep last night, so I ended up getting up and writing a poem.


Love comes, love goes
That's what some would say
I fear my love for you
Is here to stay

You make me feel so alive
When I am down
Right at this very moment
I wish you were around

So hard to believe this happened
I don't know where to begin
This could cause other things
To come to an end

To make this short
Now I believe it is true
Maybe I should just say this
That I love you......

O_O;;;;;; Feedback???

06-07-2002, 07:59 PM
A very beautiful, well written poem that makes me feel nostalgic and somewhat saddened. Reminds me of things. A short piece but the powerful meaning behind it is immense. I like it.

Keep it up. ^^.

06-10-2002, 12:28 AM
Not my best work, but has this on the heart to write. Here goes nothing :o


I thought long and hard
My heart finally gave in
It knows what it wants
It wants you
You were always with me
Even when I hurt you so
I regret it all
All the pain
All the suffering
I've asked your forgiveness
And now your mind again
I await for the day
That I hold you in my arms
There feelings are with me
Now and forever
I love you, and I'm sorry...

Any feedback, comments on this one?

06-10-2002, 03:41 PM
Wow. What a powerful piece Steffi. It was good, heartfelt and emotional. I like. :D

06-22-2002, 04:31 AM
Thankies for your feedback Drea. You seem to be one of the few who actually read.

Well.......I have a new one. Hope you all like it. I dunno how much longer I'll be doing poetry.

A Prayer For You

I'm sending this wish up to you
In hopes that you will make it come true
I beg you please....
I'm down on my knees....
Oh please let him be the one for me

To feel his skin up against mine
Would be a feeling ever so divine
Here as I bow....
I pray that somehow.....
There was a way to be with him now

I'm asking you as nice as I can
That you would let me be with this man
That the day would start....
Where we'd never be apart....
Because I love this man with all my heart

Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. ^_^

06-22-2002, 04:38 AM
ooh! steffi, that was beautiful! *sobs*

06-22-2002, 04:39 AM
Wow Steph, thats some really good stuff... i cant even begin to write like that. Keep up the good work. I wanna see more once i get back from my trip :D

06-22-2002, 05:57 AM
Aw, Steph, they're absolutely wonderful. Great talent!

*thumbs up for Steph*

06-22-2002, 06:02 AM
One of those works so powerful it brings tears to the eyes and pulls a soul from the body

brings tears to the eyes. . .

inspirational to say the least

06-29-2002, 11:29 PM
*claps* "A Prayer for You" is a great piece Steph. I like it a lot. It's emotional and it's like you stole the words from my very mind. ^^

"To feel his skin up against mine
Would be a feeling ever so divine"

:D I can seriously relate to those 2 lines. Keep it up girl.

06-30-2002, 11:18 AM
Woah, those poems are very ruley Steffi. You really kept yourself busy I see. I think this is based on a certain topic as it really shows through your work and cos of that it is very real, which is also very good.

Keep up the work Steph! I am not being overly kind. You really are very talented at poetry. GO Steph!!! ^_^

07-01-2002, 09:32 PM
they're some very beautiful and emotive poems kitten...

I particularly liked "A Prayer For You" ^-^

07-02-2002, 12:44 AM
very good...the first poems ive ever read that actually made me cry...I loved them all

07-16-2002, 04:26 PM
Thankies everyone for the great feedback. Hopefully this will motivate me to write more poetry.

I currently have a hellah bad writers block, so as soon as more poems come to me, I'll get them posted.

Thanks again everyone who reads my poetry, and feel free to continue giving feedback. ^_^

*huggles FFS*

02-07-2003, 05:50 AM
I can't believe I let this thing idle for this long. I don't want to create another corner, so I'll just continue this one.

I've had a writes block for a while, but something has inspired me once again, so hopefully I'll be able to come up with some more good writings.

Here is the latest one I have come up with.

Is This True Love?

I should have said it earlier
But I waited too long
I should have said it somehow
If even just in a song

I should told you
The true way I feel
How I want to hold you
And that this is thee real deal

I should have came your way
But I didn't choose you
Did I make a mistake?
Please tell me it's not true

This blank stare kills me
I don't know what to do
Something inside tells me
I'm falling in love with you

Why does this always happen
When I've settled life down
I'm never sure anymore
If I should smile or frown

I just want to be near you
And hold you in my arms
Show you how I really feel
And that it can do no harm

Yes, I think it's true
I still don't know what to do
I've come to the conclusion
I fell in love with you


Comments would be very much appreicated to get me going again. It's been a while since I've been in the groove of writing.

02-07-2003, 07:35 AM
Good poem Steffi~ Personally, I think it could do with more emotion and a change of topic because the topic of love in your poems is starting to get old, no offence. Keep it up! =^.^=

02-10-2003, 04:53 PM
I Hate You

Anytime I come to you
You stab me straight in the heart
You make me feel like total shit
Everytime before we part

You tell me that I'll never change
Throw my past right in my face
Take the little things, and blow them up
No matter what time or place

Your so fucked up and twisted
And devious at that
I feel like you're plotting against me
Gonna throw me out with the cat

Why can't you just trust me?
I promise things will be fine
But no, you can never understand
You do it just to fuck with my mind

Why not just call me a slut
Or a bitch, or a tramp, or a whore
I hurts all the same, coming from your mouth

So before I take anymore pain
I'm doing like I said I would never do
I don't want you anymore, you stupid little bitch
I can now say I really do hate you.

Anger and hate both go through my mind
Like a whirlwind of colors in the sky
This is all your fault, you brought it to yourself
Now I'm finally saying....GOODBYE


Okay, you wanted something that wasn't "lovey", so why don't you rate that? :)

02-10-2003, 05:02 PM
Good poems . . . both of them. I like the second one more though. . . just because I seem to constantly be in one of those moods.

Keep it up. :o *wonders what inspired the pieces. . . *

Bahamut ZERO
02-10-2003, 05:12 PM
(Strolls into the thread fashionably late... You know, eight months late...)

I haven't made much of an effort to read any poetry - and I can see I'm missing out as a result. Steffi, some of your stuff moved me, bringing out feelings of how I felt last year during a time when I wasn't sure how I felt about a girl I knew. (The "Is This True Love?" Poem bringing that back.)

I also loved the trilogy of poems, Past, Present and Future. The emotion swing from happiness to depression to acceptance was fast flowing and well crafted.

Keep up the good work! And know that even if I don't post each time, I'm still reading.

02-11-2003, 05:52 AM
Wow, mommy's really good...Enma tries every now and then at poetry, but ish no good, mommy's is 550534905785035++++ times better! Yayyyy mommy!! Maybe you could write a poem for Enma somtime? Pwease, pretty pweassee?? :(

02-13-2003, 05:28 AM
Great poem Steffi~ I can relate to it very well because some of my IRL and on-line friends aren't acting like perfect "friends" so that poem really sings out to me. It's very realistic and emotional as well which is what I look out for in all the poems I read ^_^

Keep up the good work! =D

03-11-2003, 04:55 AM
My Mistake

As I'm standing from a distance
Seeing you slowly walk away
I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad
But I'll never forget that day

We shouldn't have done it
I know that much is true
During that moment, I looked in your eyes
I thought it was a good thing to do

I thought we were just friends
And nothing much more than that
Next thing I know, I'm in your arms
It happend in the drop of a hat

The warmth of your body against mine
The soothing soft touch of your skin
If I was given the chance, I ask myself
Would I ever do it again?

I know it was wrong, I'm suppose to be in love
With somebody who isn't you
But why did I do it, please tell me why
I guess I didn't know what else to do

Right now, I want to smash something in
Break stuff, cause someone pain
Because I feel like that's all I've done to you
This feeling is driving me insane

I guess I'm sorry is all I can say
You know I love you as a friend
The things we did are in the past
I know I wouldn't do it again

I'm sorry for what we did that one lonely night
I'm sorry for making you cry
I'm sorry, but please remember one thing
I'm always your friend, til the day I die


I guess you can say this one is actually based on a true story here, that basically nobody knows about. This poem was written for a very dear friend of mine.

Comments are always appreciated.

03-11-2003, 05:05 AM
Good poem Steffi even if it is very personal it's all for the better. I can relate to some parts of it and some parts I can't because I can guess what they really mean. You sure put a lot of effort into this poem and it shows.

04-07-2003, 08:12 AM
Thank you Ame for being the only person to actually take time to reply to my poetry. You're a doll.

Anyways, I wrote this just yeah. No title >=\


I don't want to live
Take the teasing anymore
They keep wanting to give
I just want to die

I don't want the pain
They've inflicted on me
I've nothing more to gain
I just want to die

I don't want to hear
Those words come from their mouths
My eyes are swollen with tears
I just want to die

I don't want to see
Them always laughing at me
Why won't they let me be
I just want to die

Oh God hear my plea
I can't take this anymore
I'm down on my final knee
Oh please...just let me die


Yeah, sucks =\ Comment if you'd like.

04-07-2003, 08:14 AM

Neo Xzhan
04-07-2003, 03:36 PM
That last poem really brought tears to my eyes ;.;

04-08-2003, 10:13 AM
Another personal poem I see Steffi. How can anyone say that this poem sucks? That would just be making it look like your feelings are all for nothing and that's just not fair.

Anyway, very good poem. Keep writing on personal experiences and your poems will get even better.

04-09-2003, 12:47 AM
I decided to take the time to read some of these poems out of respect. What I've read I like. Nice and deep and full of emotion. The kind that gets to the readers as much as the writer.

Love is never a style topic in poems. It can be very different for everyone. I like to read poems like these and see how their style evolves, which makes them ever more interesting.

Bahamut ZERO
04-09-2003, 01:06 AM
Steffi, that last poem you wrote was filled with emotion, and actually made me feel how you were feeling (if it was based on your experience, that is.) It reminded me of a part of my life when I was younger, and hit home true.

It's a very strong poem, dripping with emotion. The best kind of poem. I hope you continue writing them.

06-29-2003, 02:43 AM
*bump bump*

A long awaited poem coming from me. I get such writers block, but I feel the mood come today. ^_^ Hope you enjoy. No title


I want to be to where you are
Take you by the hand
I want to take the two of us
To a far away land

I want to look into your eyes
Eyes of deep blue love
I want to feel the touch of your skin
Divine like the heavens above

I want to embrace you in my arms
Never wanting to let go
I want to whisper in your ear
All the things you need to know

I want the oceans to disappear
Move the land into place
I want to run over there
See your beautiful face

I want this all to be true
Take all the "ifs" away
I want to eternally be with you
Starting this very day

I want to be where you are
Always be by your side
I want to be with you always
Until the day I die

I want you....

Comments are greatly apprecated as always.

Bahamut ZERO
06-29-2003, 10:42 AM
Beautiful. I can't think of a better word to describe it. It was very moving Steffi, bringing half a tear to my eye. You've written some very powerful stuff in this thread. You should be proud of what you have written.

Neo Xzhan
06-29-2003, 11:34 AM
You've picked a great subject to write about, and the poem itself is fantastic. It's really moving, you sure have the talent, don't let it go to waste.

06-30-2003, 10:27 AM
Good poem Steffi. You certainly know what topic to write about in your poems so keep at it. Well done.