05-26-2008, 06:44 AM
You were warned... so, anyone besides me planning on seeing this when it's out?

I kind of liked part 4, but I honestly wasn't expecting to have high hopes for the next one until I heard certain details about it.
I mean, it's not like I thought they would end it, considering Saw IV's ending opened itself up to continue, so it was rather inevitable.

Well, I did have a little faith in the new director considering Darren Bousman's reputation of lying to us, but now I'm looking forward to it more than ever after hearing some plot and cast details (IMDb it, too lazy to list... but Julie Benz and Meagan Good seem to be good enough for me). But seeing as Saw IV ended with that Hoffman guy supposedly being the next one and then turning out to just be a wannabe because someone else is gonna test him, I'm sure most would want to know who it is and how. And better yet what he's like. Apparently, the plot involves him thinking he's the last surviving one to carry the legacy and he's trying to cut off all the loose ends, and the traps in this are supposed to kick ass. There are seven in total... and according to various interviews, one of them was very dangerous to shoot and could have potentially killed the actor in it so they had to have a lot of safety people and paramedics around, but it went through fine... looking forward to seeing what this thing is.

And also apparently we find out this time how this guy joined... heh, at least when we first find out about Amanda we get a brief explanation from her, but with Hoffman all of the sudden out of the blue he gets up and says "Game Over" with no speech preceding, seemed totally random and out of left field.

This film is gonna kick some serious ass, I don't care what people think about the franchise but I don't expect to be disappointed as I haven't been with any of the other four. None of the twists lived up to the first one, but they were still fun. So who is ready for the next one!?

05-26-2008, 08:51 PM
I wasn't too fond of 4 until I watched it again on DVD. It's so layered, you have to watch it at least twice to get most of it. I'm excited for this one, too.

06-24-2008, 11:10 PM
Cant wait...just 4 months left!

though it's kind of weird im this excited even though nothing new has been released(stills or a teaser trailer)...

Marshall Lee
06-25-2008, 12:13 AM
I'm holding out for Saw VIII and Saw vs XIII, man those movies will be awesome.

07-02-2008, 12:17 PM
Cant wait to watch Massacre...HOHOHO

07-02-2008, 01:29 PM
since the first saw sucked so bad i havent bothered to watch any of the sequels.

07-02-2008, 02:02 PM
I'll give it a watch even though I've lost the plot a little. They've all been entertainment in any case.

07-04-2008, 09:10 PM
Watched up to the 3rd movie. But by the time the fourth film came out had lost interest. I very much doubt I'll get round to watching this one in a hurry, though if I get an unexpected chance to I probably will.

matt damon
07-04-2008, 09:30 PM
You were warned... so, anyone besides me planning on seeing this when it's out?

no cause i watch good movies