05-24-2008, 05:46 PM
IGN reviewed Haze recently and gave it a 4.5/10 and now after getting the game and playing it I don't know what they were thinking. The story is quite cheesy i'll admit but the gameplay is a solid 8/10 and the online is the best i've played bar Call of Duty 4. What IGN did was basically write the whole review on the Story, Characters and Graphics even when gameplay is the most important thing. The graphics are not the best but they are not bad either and they do not deter from the gameplay in the slightest. What IGN should have done is focus on the gameplay and stop writing about things that are hardly important. The online is very different from other FPS' as depending on what team you choose to be on completely changes the experience. IGN have now shown me that they are incapable of reviewing games properly and I won't be going on there again for reviews. So far from what i've played i'd give it between a 7.5 and an 8 out of 10.

All Seeing Eye
05-24-2008, 10:03 PM
Hate to break it to you, but most mainstream reviewers gave Haze low scores, and for the same reasons as IGN. They claim the game has horrible AI and a pathetic story. Of course, playing the game yourself is the best option.

05-24-2008, 10:38 PM
Yeah. I haven't heard anything good about it. Plus, it's a salient target because the PS3 needs a good exclusive so badly and Haze isn't the godsend it was needed to be.

J. Peterman
05-24-2008, 10:44 PM

05-24-2008, 11:15 PM
The only thing surprising about this is that normally IGN's scale is from 7 to 10.

execrable gumwrapper
05-25-2008, 12:30 AM
So what? It's not like Haze is the end-all be-all of exclusives.

MetalGearSolid4, Resistance2, and Killzone2 are the ones people are ACTUALLY looking forward to.

05-25-2008, 01:57 AM
I downloaded the demo and thought it was a disappointment, take a dose of nectar and shoot people whilst listening to yanks shout at things. Not fun.

05-25-2008, 06:20 AM
I trust GameSpot reviews far more than IGN's, and still they gave the game a 6.0. Hopefully, Free Radical will now reconsider the idea of making TimeSplitters 4 a PS3 exclusive.

execrable gumwrapper
05-25-2008, 06:24 AM
What does having the game as a PS3 exclusive have anything to do with the game being good or not?

05-25-2008, 06:53 AM
The game was probably going to suck in any other console anyway, unless Sony forced FR to release the game far before it was done, which wouldn't be that much of a surprise considering the PS3 is not doing as well as they expected. I'm not saying the game is bad because is a PS3 exclusive, but whether people like it or not, IT IS a PS3 exclusive and that somehow hurts the system even if you say its no big deal. It probably won't be that bad anyway, Haze is just another FPS and the market is overwhelmed by the genre.
Now, if MGS4 fails...

05-25-2008, 09:14 AM
Hate to break it to you, but most mainstream reviewers gave Haze low scores, and for the same reasons as IGN. They claim the game has horrible AI and a pathetic story. Of course, playing the game yourself is the best option.

The AI is far better than that in COD4. The story wasn't good but a good story is not a necessity for an FPS. The online as I have already said is very fun and should bring the rating up.

execrable gumwrapper
05-25-2008, 11:19 AM
The game was probably going to suck in any other console anyway, unless Sony forced FR to release the game far before it was done, which wouldn't be that much of a surprise considering the PS3 is not doing as well as they expected. I'm not saying the game is bad because is a PS3 exclusive, but whether people like it or not, IT IS a PS3 exclusive and that somehow hurts the system even if you say its no big deal. It probably won't be that bad anyway, Haze is just another FPS and the market is overwhelmed by the genre.
Now, if MGS4 fails...

FR is not known for creating a serious atmosphere. That's probably why Haze failed so hard. Timesplitters is more of a comical FPS and we all know how great those are! The only reason Haze "hurt" the PS3 system was because of rabid fanboys dubbing it a "Halo killer" and saying this would be the best FPS ever. Fanboys hurt everyone...

Also, last I checked Sony isn't the one shelling out millions for exclusivity (see: Microsoft giving 50 mil for 2 exclusive episodic content for GTA4). They are more sticking with the hope that developers stay loyal. Not exactly a go-get-em attitude, but whatever, not my company.

Btw, MGS4 has had an early scoring of a perfect 10 already. So yeah, I doubt it's going to fail. Not to mention every gaming site that has had their hands-on says nothing but good about it.

05-25-2008, 05:23 PM
I also doubt MGS4 is going to fail, it looks like an amazing title, even when a bunch of people are already complaining because of those ultra lengthy cut-scenes, which I also consider unnecessary for a VG but oh well, I've never been a big fan of the series so I couldn't care less, don't own a PS3 so I'm not gonna play it either.
Now I'm most certainly preoccupied by this tendency of giving away 10s to any recently released game, there's no such thing as the perfect game.

05-25-2008, 07:48 PM
I also doubt MGS4 is going to fail, it looks like an amazing title, even when a bunch of people are already complaining because of those ultra lengthy cut-scenes, which I also consider unnecessary for a VG but oh well, I've never been a big fan of the series so I couldn't care less, don't own a PS3 so I'm not gonna play it either.
Now I'm most certainly preoccupied by this tendency of giving away 10s to any recently released game, there's no such thing as the perfect game.

Speaking of MGS4 cutscenes, i've heard that there is a NINETY MINUTE cutscene! That's about as long as the average film.

All Seeing Eye
05-25-2008, 08:07 PM
The lengthy cut-scenes wouldn't surprise me. MGS4 is suppose to be the final game in the series, and there is a lot of unanswered questions in the overall plot. Still, 90 minute cut-scenes is a bit much. I hope it's just one if true.

05-25-2008, 08:39 PM
They need to change the name from Haze to Bland.

Just sayin. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a202/nine_fenrir/robot%20faces/16x16_smiley-indifferent.gif

05-25-2008, 10:50 PM
The lengthy cut-scenes wouldn't surprise me. MGS4 is suppose to be the final game in the series, and there is a lot of unanswered questions in the overall plot. Still, 90 minute cut-scenes is a bit much. I hope it's just one if true.
That would be interesting. I probably wouldn't mind it the first time (I've always loved the MGS cutscenes), but I'll most likely skip it the other times I play the game because I already know what happens.

05-26-2008, 12:01 AM
There's always the option to skip the cut-scenes that was present in all MGS games (so most likely, it will be present in 4) for all the complainers.

But if you don't like cut-scene heavy games, than you should probably look elsewhere.

As for games receiving 10s, it is mentioned in almost every reviewers articles that 10 doesn't mean it's a perfect game. It's just a game so awesome that it warrant a better score than, say... Halo 3.

There's always a game out there where the minor flaws (like... say, some minor graphical issues) don't come in the way of some awesome gameplay and execution (like Super Mario Galaxy).

And there is always something people will bitch about, no matter what. People like to complain on a full stomach.

05-26-2008, 03:47 AM
In almost every game review, bad graphics will prevent a game from getting a perfect 10. They usually go by sound, replay value (which usually is dependent on extras or different endings and in a few cases; gameplay), and visual. But like said before, the best way to determine a fun game for you is to actually play it yourself. No one may like it, but you might. In the end, that's all that matters really.

05-29-2008, 08:10 PM
Who cares what IGN say? Haze is awesome...aslong as the player likes the game that's all what counts...I mean someone reviewed DMC4,and gave it a low score just because they didn't change the classic gameplay of it!ridiculous I'd say!

05-29-2008, 09:32 PM
Who cares what IGN say? Haze is awesome...aslong as the player likes the game that's all what counts...I mean someone reviewed DMC4,and gave it a low score just because they didn't change the classic gameplay of it!ridiculous I'd say!
Isn't the gameplay the reason why DMC is what it is?

05-29-2008, 10:10 PM
Guys, I would have hoped this would be patently obvious, but it seems some people just don't grasp the concept. Reviews are always at least partially subjective. Scores are practically meaningless, as anyone should be able to tell from the way lots of reviewers threw perfect scores at the feet of an average shooter called Halo 3. The important parts of reviews are the ones that tell where a game's strengths/weaknesses lie. It's then up to you, assuming you're intelligent enough to do it, to figure out the parts of it that you care about and decide whether it's your kind of game or not.

And as for IDX Rider's statement about playing games for yourself, that's utter bullshit. I know precisely what I like and dislike about games, and can glean exactly the information I need from reviews to tell if I'll like a game or not.

05-29-2008, 10:57 PM
OH NOEZ, Prak! You DARE to suggest that gamers should think!?

On an almost-serious note, that's the most optimistic post I've seen from you in a long time. ;)

J. Peterman
05-29-2008, 11:42 PM
is this game like smash bros?

execrable gumwrapper
05-30-2008, 12:19 AM
Speaking of MGS4 cutscenes, i've heard that there is a NINETY MINUTE cutscene! That's about as long as the average film.

Rumors on the internet are rumors.

05-30-2008, 02:29 AM
is this game like smash bros?

No, its a FPS :naughty:

05-30-2008, 06:26 PM
Isn't the gameplay the reason why DMC is what it is?

My point exactly,the reviewer is wrong most of the time,it's not all about Story...that's why I prefered Gamer TV it had reviewed all contents of video games

05-30-2008, 10:40 PM
My point exactly,the reviewer is wrong most of the time,it's not all about Story...that's why I prefered Gamer TV it had reviewed all contents of video games
I remember reading a review on it and they were complaining about Nero's gameplay being very similar to Dante's. I can't really remember though...

Pimp Daddy McSnake
05-30-2008, 11:09 PM
Personally I think Haze is pretty average. The fact that there's a large variety of console FPSs out there for reviewers to compare it with, only made it look worse. Missed opportunity. Cause the PS3 could use some good exclusive new IPs, instead of new installments of old franchises.

Not saying, for example, that MSG 4 is a bad game. Just saying that new IPs like Little Big Planet are more them welcome.

05-31-2008, 11:45 AM
Personally I think Haze is pretty average. The fact that there's a large variety of console FPSs out there for reviewers to compare it with, only made it look worse. Missed opportunity. Cause the PS3 could use some good exclusive new IPs, instead of new installments of old franchises.

Not saying, for example, that MSG 4 is a bad game. Just saying that new IPs like Little Big Planet are more them welcome.

Well,everyone does have their own right,to state their own opinions...so basically it's "You either love it or you hate it"

J. Peterman
05-31-2008, 11:49 AM
I think whatever console gets Super Duo RPG wins the console war.

05-31-2008, 02:28 PM
All the reviews I have seen, have been pretty much saying the same concerning Haze, so there must be some truth to it.

J. Peterman
05-31-2008, 02:37 PM
I really agree with that. I think there are times when review sites can get something wrong, but when something is generally seen as good or bad there is usually a reason and it probably is what it is. While there may be a niche other there than finds this game awesome, for the most part I'm guessing it's just an inferior FPS that doesn't do anything to impress anybody.

I hate FPS anyways and wouldn't get this game unless it was supposed to be the next Bioshock or something.

05-31-2008, 04:47 PM
I think whatever console gets Super Duo RPG wins the console war.

I've heard that game sucks balls.

06-07-2008, 01:02 AM
Haze Gets Bargain Binned (http://kotaku.com/5014115/haze-gets-bargain-binned) Dude, that sucks. lol.

Well, that didn't take long. GameStop's weekly ad reveals that the games retailer is moving copies of Haze for the low price of $39.99, a $20 drop from the suggested retail price it launched with less than three weeks ago. That could be very telling of its retail performance if GameStop is already slashing prices on the game, but publisher Ubisoft may be behind the move to get rid of some copies of the PlayStation 3 shooter. Even at forty bucks, I'd find it hard to recommend (http://kotaku.com/5009840/haze-review-it-sure-beats-pumping-gas), but you'll have to decide for yourself.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
06-07-2008, 02:33 AM
Haze Gets Bargain Binned (http://kotaku.com/5014115/haze-gets-bargain-binned) Dude, that sucks. lol.

Ouch, that was quick

06-10-2008, 03:02 AM
anyone who has played enough fps' should know that in the end, unless theres something super awesomely spectaculary inovating (gfx/gameplay/etc) the only thing that could keep something at least INTERESTING is gonna be the story.

so those of you trying to defend this game with "story isn't that important" must have not played too many other fps'.

i'm not insulting anyone here. i'm just stating an honest fact.

you can take someone whose never played an fps ever, throw doom3 at them or some other shit, and they're gonna love it to death. i'm sure haze is "good". prolly worth a whole playthrough and everything. nearly everything is always worthy of a full playthrough. but 7-10's should really be saved for the REALLY good stuff.

let it go. enjoy your game. ther'es like HUNDREDS of fps's out there that prolly already have whatever makes haze unique to you. just get the old half life, and play every mod ever made for that game and you'll see.

everything has been done already. so all fps' have going for them are stories. and if that ain't good, whats the point? better to go back to an old classic that pioneerd the inovations that haze or any other "new game" is trying to boast.

All Seeing Eye
06-10-2008, 08:42 AM
anyone who has played enough fps' should know that in the end, unless theres something super awesomely spectaculary inovating (gfx/gameplay/etc) the only thing that could keep something at least INTERESTING is gonna be the story.

so those of you trying to defend this game with "story isn't that important" must have not played too many other fps'.

i'm not insulting anyone here. i'm just stating an honest fact.

you can take someone whose never played an fps ever, throw doom3 at them or some other shit, and they're gonna love it to death. i'm sure haze is "good". prolly worth a whole playthrough and everything. nearly everything is always worthy of a full playthrough. but 7-10's should really be saved for the REALLY good stuff.

let it go. enjoy your game. ther'es like HUNDREDS of fps's out there that prolly already have whatever makes haze unique to you. just get the old half life, and play every mod ever made for that game and you'll see.

everything has been done already. so all fps' have going for them are stories. and if that ain't good, whats the point? better to go back to an old classic that pioneerd the inovations that haze or any other "new game" is trying to boast.

I agree. When a genre has been done to death, the most important thing to keep players interested is a good story.

06-10-2008, 01:58 PM
I have to say that is complete and utter bullshit. The most important things for a shooter are immersion and solid pacing. Story can be thrown to the wayside if these other factors are present. For example, look at Half-Life 2. The game does a story, sure, but you can easily skip 3/4 of it by rushing ahead or by simply diverting your attention elsewhere while characters are talking. It is, however, an extremely immersive game due to its outstanding level design, use of sound, and attention to detail. Because of that, it remains fun no matter how much of the story you happen to catch.

And then you can look at Infinity Ward's Call of Duty games (not counting the Treyarch ones) for shining examples of pacing. We all know exactly how World War 2 ends, so there's not much in the way of story there, but the pacing is so tight that it never matters in the slightest. All that's important is the horde of trigger happy Germans between you and where you want to be.

Short version: story is probably the least important element of a good FPS.

All Seeing Eye
06-10-2008, 02:37 PM
I disagree with Half-Life 2 not needing a story. Half-Life 2 does do a great job with immersion, but part of the reason is because of the story surrounding Gorgan Freeman and the people he interacts with. If the guy was just put in the HL2 world and went around shooting at things for no reason, players would start to wonder why?

The Call of Duty kill the Nazi setup is all the player really needs. You're going on so-called historical missions in World War II. So I would agree with the pacing there.

Painkiller is good example of a game that tells you upfront what you need to do, and leaves the action and pacing to take care of the rest.

execrable gumwrapper
06-10-2008, 02:39 PM
Morgan Freeman, eh?

Mod? Or really bad joke?

All Seeing Eye
06-10-2008, 02:42 PM
Morgan Freeman, eh?

Mod? Or really bad joke?


06-10-2008, 02:50 PM
Half-Life 2 does do a great job with immersion, but part of the reason is because of the story surrounding Morgan Freeman and the people he interacts with.

Quoted in case of edit, although unnecessary since Swami already caught it and I took ages to type this reply.

Anyway, Painkiller is another great example. And you know what, Painkiller tries to tell a story and it just gets in the way. It's a game that's fun to play, and it doesn't need a story. The story bogs it down when all the player really wants is to get back into the slaughterhouse.

As for Half-Life 2, Freeman's story isn't particularly important. All the player really needs to know is:

1. Aliens have taken over.
2. They don't like you.
3. Waste em.

And it's still perfectly fun playing it like that. Valve specifically made the game that way to allow different types of players to enjoy it, which was an uncommonly brilliant decision that completely proves a shooter doesn't need a good story, but does need good design.

All Seeing Eye
06-10-2008, 03:01 PM
Well maybe I'm just a fan of the whole Half-Life 2 world up to this point, but personally, if the story and seamless interactions didn't exist, I wouldn't enjoy the game as much, and I can't wait for EP3.

06-10-2008, 07:26 PM
FPS has usually focused just on gameplay rather than story (it should be obvious why). If a story is involved, it's a very simple a basic one. If it does have a good story, consider it a bonus. But if a FPS's gameplay is horrible even if the story is good, it will still most likely get negative attention from the media.

06-13-2008, 03:58 PM
I have to say that is complete and utter bullshit. The most important things for a shooter are immersion and solid pacing. Story can be thrown to the wayside if these other factors are present. For example, look at Half-Life 2. The game does a story, sure, but you can easily skip 3/4 of it by rushing ahead or by simply diverting your attention elsewhere while characters are talking. It is, however, an extremely immersive game due to its outstanding level design, use of sound, and attention to detail. Because of that, it remains fun no matter how much of the story you happen to catch.

And then you can look at Infinity Ward's Call of Duty games (not counting the Treyarch ones) for shining examples of pacing. We all know exactly how World War 2 ends, so there's not much in the way of story there, but the pacing is so tight that it never matters in the slightest. All that's important is the horde of trigger happy Germans between you and where you want to be.

Short version: story is probably the least important element of a good FPS.

that's what i would have called the "innovation". so unless an fps is as innovative as hl2, (which in this case is "immersion") then all you have LEFT to do, (if it isn't that) is hope you got a good story to at least keep your attention or entertain you.

ther'es a diffrence between "story is important" (what you thought i said) and "story is the only thing this game has going for it". (what i really said) and when that's the case, it better be good.

original doom fans would have something great to say as well since the atmosphere of all the lvls of old doom games was always hella fucking awesome. that shit was scary. and why doom was awesome.

doom3? fail

Hex Omega
06-13-2008, 04:02 PM
haze is dogshit and prak is right about what he says.

when the fuck has a good story EVER made a fps?

a good story in a fps is a bonus, nothing more.


06-14-2008, 12:15 AM
lol, gorgan

06-14-2008, 12:48 AM
Why would anyone want to play any kind of game with an outstanding storyline but on the other hand completely boring is beyond me, I'd rather read a book.

06-21-2008, 04:03 PM
I dont intend to play Haze at all. The soundtrack is f*ckin'kick-ass though. Im just gonna wait till the new Final Fantasy is out and play the new Metal Gear in the meantime ;)

execrable gumwrapper
06-21-2008, 04:14 PM
lol f*ckin

What a f*g

06-21-2008, 04:16 PM
lol you've probably hit puberty and want me to type the whole word fuck right?

06-21-2008, 08:05 PM
I dont intend to play Haze at all. The soundtrack is f*ckin'kick-ass though. Im just gonna wait till the new Final Fantasy is out and play the new Metal Gear in the meantime ;)

It has become one of my all time favorite games.

Zero Punctuation does Haze. (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/93-Haze) lol.

06-21-2008, 09:20 PM
lol f*ckin

What a f*g

I wonder what that reply of yours makes you look like... ;-)

06-21-2008, 09:20 PM

06-21-2008, 09:38 PM
Let's get back on topic, or this will be closed rather promptly.

execrable gumwrapper
06-21-2008, 10:26 PM
I wonder what that reply of yours makes you look like... ;-)

Probably an *ssh*le.

06-21-2008, 11:01 PM
Way to get back on topic nsb.

Anyway i've actually stopped playing Haze now and i'm back to playing COD4. I'm getting MGS4 soon though.

execrable gumwrapper
06-22-2008, 07:12 AM
Thread sucks anyway, Harkus...

06-22-2008, 04:42 PM
love you too.

06-22-2008, 05:48 PM