05-16-2002, 11:39 PM
*Coughs* XD

Comments? I know it's kinda crappy, but it's a ninja, and ninja's rock! XD I made it for my friend, who's a real ninja nut. XD My drawing has improved alot, if I may say so myself. ^__^

05-16-2002, 11:56 PM
hey thats pretty good. has that stumpy(only term I can think of x_X) look that I'm seeing in some RPGs now.

make the shoulders broader, and I won't critique much more because its a sketch, and I imagine anything else I see would be related to that. the cloak is nicely done as well.

05-17-2002, 12:42 AM
Hey, that's actually pretty good ^^ .
I think you should listen to rezo , tho ;)

05-17-2002, 12:43 AM
oh my gawsh! I LUV IT! its good enough to put in a Animemanga magazine!

05-17-2002, 01:51 AM
Aww, thanks guys. ^_~

Now that I look at it, I guess I should make the shoulders more broader, or whatever. XD I like how I did the cloak, though. ^-^ Usually, I suck at making any type of clothing. >=/ But it IS a sketch, so :P

I guess I used a ninja 'cause I saw this really cool site about them. XD So.. yeah. :B

05-17-2002, 04:52 AM
it wasn't real ultimate power was it?

that wasn't the ninja site was it?

please tell me it was not that site. . .


wails on guitar

05-17-2002, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by rezo
it wasn't real ultimate power was it?

that wasn't the ninja site was it?

please tell me it was not that site. . .


wails on guitar

Lol, it was. XD Dude, that site is the coolest, so I decided to make up my own Ninja drawing thingie. I didn't use any of the weapons they had on that site, unless they did show a pole thingie. O_o And since I guess everyone's into chibis now, I drew a chibi of my ninja. He is yet to be named. XD

05-18-2002, 07:52 PM
Oh... that site...? I hope it is not that one... :eye:

Anyway, the picture is quite cool. The style is... hmm... I like looking at it. It reminds me on Naruto, say, have you read Naruto?
If not, read it, you�ll probably like it... ninjas do do do rock.

Divine Strike
05-19-2002, 03:42 AM
Originally posted by Toshiya
*Coughs* XD

Comments? I know it's kinda crappy, but it's a ninja, and ninja's rock! XD I made it for my friend, who's a real ninja nut. XD My drawing has improved alot, if I may say so myself. ^__^

YOU think THATS bad?:confused:

you should see some things that i try to draw....keyword: TRY

I think its very good..........dang you people and your artstic talent...........*gives all you a evil face*:notgood:

05-19-2002, 02:48 PM
I think it looks good. Like Rezo said, you could make the shoulders a little broader. But overall, I think your drawing skills have improved. Continue and you'll have a promising future.

05-23-2002, 07:20 AM
Lol, it was.



05-23-2002, 10:30 PM
Alot of artists say bad things about their own work, they just want positive remarks...Its not a bad thing, unless you say it too much and start believeing it...

Me, I like it. But I dont know that part of the gundam story...could you explain a bit more?