05-16-2002, 10:21 PM
PS2: $199

PSOne: $50

Xbox: $199

GC:physical rumors of price drop(a marquee saying "new low price"), unconfirmed

discuss if you like.

all I can say is, everyone better get an Xbox with a copy of Capcom's Steel Battalion when it comes out, along with the elite controller. I know I will.

Bahamut ZERO
05-16-2002, 11:04 PM
Nice... In a way, I suppose it was good that the Gamecube was released so cheaply, because Sony and Microsoft had to respond in case they lost a share on the market.

Any news of similar price drops in Europe, or am I just hoping???

05-16-2002, 11:12 PM
Xbox's European price was devastating a little while ago, but it was already dropped around last month yes? I doubt another one is coming soon. I don't know anything about PS2 and GC down there.

Kool Ranch
05-17-2002, 12:44 AM
I was planning on getting an Xbox anyway, but I'll probably get one a lot sooner now. Maybe this summer (if I can make my lazy ass get a job). There's already a couple of pretty cool games on it, and a few more that I'm interested in that have already been announced.

By the way rezo, what's this game "Steel Battalion" gonna be like? The name makes me think of those early 90's beat 'em ups, lol.

05-17-2002, 12:51 AM
It does have that old beat em' up sort of name to it doesn't it?

But its a giant robot simulation with a freakin' huge controller with some 40-50 buttons, to control it. Which is a dream for a guy like me. I've been waiting for a while to control my own robot. Hopefully bandai will make a bunch of Super Robot License games that take advantage of it.

I'll post some pictures later. Also, PAnzer Dragoon Orta is coming to Xbox, and that game. . .looks . . .beautiful. . . . . . .

05-17-2002, 01:12 AM
No, don't buy an Xbox, it's from the devil >=(

Well anyway, yeah, price drops are good. Maybe I can finally get a PS2 sometime in the near future.

05-23-2002, 01:03 AM
a bit more news:

Gamecube price: $149

Camecube games: $29.99(unconfirmed. but the prices have been
uniformly lowered at Walmart)

PS2 games: $40 new standard price.

Nanaki XIII
05-23-2002, 01:32 AM
I heard about the Gamecube prices too. And now that I saw the Zelda trailer at E3, I have to get a Gamecube.

05-27-2002, 03:54 PM
when will the gamecubes price drop be?, or is it already in effect? in the circuit city and best buy mags that came in the mail, only the x-box had the price dropped. do u think the gc will drop its price by June 1st? I want to get a gamecube then, the price won't change my decision, but 50 bucks in my pocket is always nice.

05-27-2002, 04:19 PM
If these are going to be the prices, then I feel like kicking myself for getting the PS2 when I did. I may actually consider getting one of those crazy Xbox's now, maybe even a gamecube.

I think they make the things too expensive in the first place. People make such big deals over new systems. I waited a year before I got my PS2. Of course with my brother (EVIL BROTHER) pawning the Dreamcast, N64, and all our other systems and games, we kind of needed a new system. Hell, if these are going to be the prices, looks like I'll be having a new one sooner than I though ;)

05-29-2002, 06:25 AM
You want to know something funny about this:

For any of you know have ever been to a "Best Buy" or know what it is. The price has been lowered for at least three weeks here but Last cunday I got the best buy sells paper and it had the original price on it. I thought to myself what idiot would buy it for a hundred mores when they could go to walmart and pick it up there. Might as well flush that 100 dollars down the toilet if you think best buy is really worth that extra 100 dollars O_o

Crater Seraph
05-30-2002, 12:21 AM
I sold my ps2 for $300 so i can get 2 games plus a ps2!!:D :p :cool: