zidane tribal
05-16-2002, 05:10 PM
whoever played the japanese version ff9, explain to me the differences....i have heard of rumors saying how things and dialogue were different from the american version..... is this true????:confused:

05-17-2002, 02:12 AM
Well, if it related, I've SEEN someone play the Japanese version. There isn't too much different, but I believe I'm accurate to say, Kuja IS a chick....

:eek: :lol

05-17-2002, 06:16 AM
I've read alot about it, and from what I can tell there is no difference other than a little bit of dialogue. Slang and stuff has to be "Americanized". I think Kuja was still a guy too in the Japanese version.

Nanaki XIII
05-17-2002, 06:33 AM
I heard the Japanese are a lot more liberal and that they include more cussing and more stuff that the Americans censor. So that may not include FF9, just Japanese games in general.