05-17-2008, 04:45 AM
***********************THESE LINKS HAVE BEEN KILLED.***********************

I'm back and this time, I've got the complete and unabridged Burning Crusade soundtrack, including the Sunwell patch. The amount of music in the expansion is SO big, I had to split it up into three folders! 695 MB of music and over 400 tracks.

As before, get this EARLY! It will be available for only one week starting May 16. Please encourage a pro file-sharer OR Galbadia Hotel to include this in their collection so it will be available long term.

You will need all three links to get the full soundtrack. I hope you enjoy it!

05-17-2008, 12:57 PM
Thanks for this, ive been waiting for quite a while to get my hands on the new music, e.g. Sunwell patch

05-17-2008, 01:10 PM
400 tracks... Awesome! Thanx for this!

05-17-2008, 06:39 PM
No problem! Just for anybody else who is wondering, these tracks are all named, listed in the same album, and have Blizzard set as the artist. They are ready to go right into your mp3 player... if you're into that sort of thing.

05-17-2008, 07:59 PM
How long is this whole version please??

05-18-2008, 09:06 AM
Over 400 Tracks, almost 700 MB. As far as length, Winamp claims 10 hours, 5 minutes, and 6 seconds.

05-18-2008, 12:54 PM
Another Awesome upload.

05-18-2008, 02:48 PM
Awesome work Link006! I was trying to find this all over the place once I realized the 'soundtrack' was simply a few tracks Blizzard selected, as opposed to the full thing.

05-18-2008, 06:08 PM
As far as I know, this is the ONLY place to get it. I was looking myself and didn't find it... so I did it myself. : )

05-20-2008, 01:15 AM
Very nice

05-23-2008, 12:00 AM
Due to popular demand... and because Galbadia Hotel still has a horribly INCOMPLETE version of tihs soundtrack, I've decided to EXTEND this file for a few more days; it will not be deleted until next Wednesday, May 28.

If you have downloaded the supposed BC soundtrack and think you have the full thing, I think you'll be surprised with how much music you're missing if you haven't downloaded these files. Almost 700MB of music. Pro filesharers and GH; you're missing out if you don't have this file.

05-23-2008, 07:38 AM
Thank you very much Link006 for your hard work. Will you ever be reposting your complete version of the original WoW?

05-23-2008, 11:00 AM
Thank you very much Link006 for your hard work. Will you ever be reposting your complete version of the original WoW?

I'd be very happy if you did do this, Link006. I would upload them again to a mirror so that more people can get them if it dies.

Other than that, thanks alot for this great download!

05-23-2008, 06:07 PM
I'd be very happy if you did do this, Link006. I would upload them again to a mirror so that more people can get them if it dies.

Other than that, thanks alot for this great download!

Done StealthSoul;

I don't have access to my computer right now (this one isn't mine!), but I will upload the file again. I'll upload it for another week so everybody can get it who wants it and PM you with the link so you know it's up.

05-23-2008, 07:11 PM
I would just like to ask that if you do upload it again, don't do it on It is blocked by a filter on my computer.

Much appreciated! :)

05-23-2008, 10:07 PM
I would just like to ask that if you do upload it again, don't do it on It is blocked by a filter on my computer.

Much appreciated! :)

StealthSoul will be reuploading it for a more permanent solution so check with him when he gets it done.

If anyone can provide a site that provides kill links, I'm happy to try other sites other than

05-24-2008, 03:11 AM
Amazing, nice job!

05-24-2008, 12:19 PM
StealthSoul will be reuploading it for a more permanent solution so check with him when he gets it done.

If anyone can provide a site that provides kill links, I'm happy to try other sites other than

For some reason the links I posted (now removed) weren't working. I will try uploading to Mediafire soon.

05-26-2008, 03:26 PM
Sorry man, but the links are no go. I recommend Mediafire.

05-28-2008, 07:42 AM
At least first link is working.. downloading..

05-28-2008, 11:26 PM
only barged in here today (couldn't access the site a couple of days ago, so didn't even check for a while), so could you keep them shared or something?
Downloaded the last one, but rapidshare says I went over my download quota for today. And I don't have a premium account.

edit: nevermind, I'll be able to get it in 63 minutes... hopefully it's still up by then....

05-29-2008, 08:18 AM
still up... also quota issues

site was down last night?

05-29-2008, 12:10 PM
nope, site worked normally last night.

a couple of days earlier when I tried to access all I got was either 404 or google that said that the site was flagged by 2 (!) people in the past 90 days for having gotten some malware from it so it wouldn't let me access it. (asked a friend to check it for me and he couldn't access it either).
Dunno if it is true or not, but I couldn't access the site and didn't know when it was gonna be back up.

The download quota is irritating, but the files are still up, so I guess I'm relieved. Downloading the first one as we speak

Thanks for the effort, I really apreciate it! Great OST!
Any chance you'll do it to WoW as well?

05-29-2008, 02:37 PM
Okay for those of you who need it uploaded elsewhere i'll be uploading to mediafire links should be here tonight or tomorrow afternoon (GMT) unless someone has a better suggestion of where to upload it!

06-02-2008, 05:17 AM
MediaFire's fine with me. i might have missed out on this before so can i.....?

06-02-2008, 09:11 PM
I love the Kara tunes part, I love the opera one...

What's the one of the Sunwell dead scar bombing tune named? between the 400 I can't find it..

06-03-2008, 12:47 AM
I want this so bad but ugh...rapidshare.

I'll attempt anyways, even it it's taking 2hrs just for one file. *shakemyfist*

06-03-2008, 12:50 AM
Oh and thanks a TON btw.
If you ever consider reuploading the original WoW music I would be eternally grateful. But for now, I am just incredibly incredibly grateful. Even if I am having trouble downloading.

*ps mediafire is also fine by me

06-03-2008, 05:53 PM
Curses, I came too late it seems! The downloads are down. :(

06-03-2008, 07:45 PM
Sorry guys I know I said i'd reupload but I recently had to reinstall windows and I lost these files so I can't. Sorry about this, hopefully someone can help upload elsewhere.

V Guyver
06-03-2008, 09:32 PM
darn, if only my wifi connection wasn't off for a few days then I would of gotten it. So many tracks, it's impressive. Anyone have torrent of it?

06-04-2008, 05:47 PM
Been waiting for this for a long while, but just so happened to not check back for the past week...

If anyone is able to upload the files once again, I would greatly appreciate it!

06-05-2008, 12:27 AM
Despite what the first post says, it's still up. I downloaded 2 of the folders yesterday and am downloading the 3rd one right now. Give it a try!

06-05-2008, 04:15 AM
Gave it a try and downloaded as well today. It is apparently indeed up, so go go go! And big thanks to whoever uploaded it again. :)

V Guyver
06-05-2008, 04:10 PM
yeah, links are still working. Thanks for the heads up friend.

06-26-2008, 09:20 PM
Can someone send the link again in this forum or send the link/ the datas at ICQ to me pls? (ICQ NR. = 493185111).

07-11-2008, 10:46 PM
Sorry I deleted the part files after I joined them, and also have "to laugh at" upload speed of 125Kbps

08-13-2008, 09:19 PM
Can someone reup this please?

I've got the original WoW complete rip is someone wants to trade for it.

I think it is anyway its got 174 tracks

08-13-2008, 10:31 PM
Just extract them by yourself, If you have the game.
Really, it's too easy.

But yeah, a re-upload would be nice.

08-14-2008, 01:52 AM
Don't got the game :/

Not a PC gamer but I love the original WoW rip

10-15-2008, 11:52 PM
Okay, i'll give you guys a hand with this.

1. Go to google and search for MPQEdit.
2. Open the program and select "File" - "Open Archive"
3. Find the file "Common.mpq" for World of Warcraft and "Expansion" for the Burning Crusade
4. Wait till the files are being loaded
5. Find the folder "Music" located in the "Sound" folder.
6. Right-Click and select "Extract"
7. Done :-)

10-18-2008, 12:11 AM
Hmm, this extractor doesnt seem to work. there is some kind of error when I'm trying to extract music files.

Well upload would be nice indeed :)

07-04-2012, 03:18 AM
May this be re-uploaded please?

Or is the game-rip that (400 tracks or so version) is already posted somewhere?