05-16-2008, 03:48 AM
I had always found it quite frustrating that there wasn't a really good Phantom Hourglass soundtrack rip out there. All of them were either low quality, missing tracks, had repeat tracks, and most annoyingly--they had no names! Over the months I'd collected a half dozen different Phantom Hourglass rips, all plagued with these problems. Now that schools out, I focused on perfecting my music library, and this was one of my first tasks.

In this soundtrack, I've gown through and listen to every track from every of these differing albums, naming them and comparing them. Then I picked out the best ones, and ripped a few that I felt were missing. After this I went through song by song, making looping music and fades, finishing by putting them in some semblance of order (with all the "fanfare" effects at the end). I also made a little personal album artwork for it.

I'm sorry to report I no longer have the information of who originally ripped some of these songs (most of which I vaguely recall perusing the internet to obtain) as most of the songs didn't even have titles, let alone tagging for compiler or encoder. I do give special thanks to ccbtimewiz who took a valiant go at naming the old 76-track 40MB version from long ago. His worked helped me along tremendously, and because of that I've kept many of his track names.

Tracks are all (besides "fanfares") VBR between 256-320kbs, and loop 2-3 times each (for the most part). It is pure coincidence this album also has 76 tracks. I merged a few very similiar songs, and made a few "medleys" of similar sound clips. I promise this is the most complete version posted to FFshrine.
Soundtrack Information:
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Soundtrack (DS)
76 track
1:32:44 in length
Track Listing Pending


05-16-2008, 06:19 AM
Bless you. I named all my tracks ages ago, but that rip had the worst looping I've ever heard. I love you.

05-16-2008, 06:31 AM
my looping isn't "perfect" by any means, but barring a few tracks, or a really well-trained ear, I think my looping efforts are fairly subtle. How could I live with merely a non-looping unnamed "Linebeck's Theme" ?!? blasphemy I tell you.

05-18-2008, 01:49 AM
I'm probably even pickier than you which was why I completely abstained from downloading any of other ultra sloppy looking soundrips. I'm actually downloading this one as we speak.

05-18-2008, 05:53 AM
I played this game all the way back in October-November, and loved some of the songs in it. Unfortunately, those songs happen to be the very ones that are missing in not just the gamerips on this website, but throughout the Internet as well!

I downloaded your rip hoping that it would contain the missing songs. It doesn't.

However, since this rip is better than all the other LoZ:PH rips in this website, it will draw the attention of a lot of people. That's why I've decided to point out those missing songs in this post. Been wanting to do this for a while, but because LoZ:PH gamerip threads are all over the place...

Missing songs:

1) The song that plays when the Ocean King regains his true form. It plays after you've defeated Linebeck, it starts playing when a giant white whale (the Ocean King) leaps out of the water.

Note that most rips on this website (including this one) contain a song called "Return of the Ocean King"; it isn't that song. In fact, the missing song should be called "Return of the Ocean King". Just a suggestion.

2) The song that plays when the 3 spirits and the white whale/Ocean King bid farewell to Link and co. Plays shortly after the Ocean King regains his true form.

3) The very short song that plays in the scene where Link reaches out with his hand to touch Ciela one last time before she returns to the spirit realm.

4) The epilogue song that plays just before the "The End" screen appears.

There might be more missing tracks, but these are the only ones I could think of. I hope this helps.

By the way, the name of the lady with the crystal ball is "Astrid", not "Astra".

05-18-2008, 06:00 AM
1) I think the song your referring to begins differently, but fairly quickly drops into the normal Ocean King theme (forgive me if I'm wrong, I've got a horrible memory)

Others) if anyone else would like to play through the entire game to get to the end of the game again, have it! But I'm pooped out, and really don't have the energy to do anymore songs that aren't background music I can just jump back to. Sorry, I know, thats not very reassuring, but I've got too many things on my to-do list now to play through the game a second time

But thanks for the info, really, and hopefully someone might have the ambition/ability to find these tracks!

05-27-2008, 07:29 AM
Great work, thanks. I hope someone can eventually rip the missing tracks.

As a related request, does anyone have MP3s of the music in the first two PH trailers? I believe they were based on the Dark World and Hyrule Castle themes from ALttP. It's a damn shame those remixes never actually appeared in the game, because they were awesome. Better than most of the music in the game, anyway, and I'd love to have them without sound effects, but they've never been officially used anywhere.

Emperor ServingSpoon
06-01-2008, 01:00 PM
Nah. The song he's talking about is a much happier sounding version of Oshus' theme(I think there's actually a bit extra to it compared to the other two versions, too). I don't mind admitting I'm in love with that song. :P

I recently played through the game myself and made tags for all the files from the 2sf rip of the game(and the .strm files, too, which include the four songs gok mentioned). Although I haven't got around to actually uploading it anywhere, yet... There's 121 tracks in that rip, with maybe 25-30 that you would class as redundant, as there's a few doubles, and a couple of songs/fanfares which have a few different versions at different pitches... And nine 3-4 second tracks of Freedle's guitar strums. :P I'll post them here tomorrow or something(along with the two WinAmp plugins you'd be needing to play both the .2sf and .strm files). Well... Unless I get death threats telling me not to. :P

06-01-2008, 01:46 PM
Superb Job!

Emperor ServingSpoon
06-02-2008, 05:05 AM
The rip:
The .2sf Plugin:
The .strm Plugin:

It has everything, though the track that I suspect is the really short one used in monster free caves doesn't work and the quiet version of the Ocean theme that plays when the boat is stopped and an alternate version of the music that plays when you're in the fog chasing after the ghost ship(there's a version without the "voices" that plays in the south-west sea) are "missing"(that is, they're included in the regular versions of the songs in the game's data, which makes them hard to separate). Every other song you could want(and a few that you perhaps shouldn't want) from the game is in there, though there is a few parts of a couple of tunes that the 2sf plugin doesn't play right just yet, I think... It should be noted that the 2sf plugin requires a bit of resources(or seems to from my experience on my crappy PC, anyway) but can be converted to an ordinary format by WinAmp. The .strm files play just like any other regular file, though(which is good, 'cause I don't know how to convert them to another format).

06-02-2008, 05:36 AM
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it, this is a great game and I'm glad to be able to add the soundtrack to my library. ^^

06-03-2008, 10:52 PM
You are amazing. I've been looking for a good rip of this soundtrack for a long time. Thankyou very much <3

06-04-2008, 02:06 AM
Thanks For it! You must have worked very hard. Thanks For your hard work.

07-04-2008, 11:07 AM
You have a beautiful heart my friend.

07-04-2008, 04:07 PM
Yeap, you deserve the thanks of every fan of Zelda in the whole world, including me so..... thank you.

07-16-2008, 01:10 AM
To Emperor ServingSpoon:

Your 3 links are dead.

Could you reupload them, please?

By the way, there's a note in this website that says that reupload requests should go to the request section, yet I see a lot of people putting reupload requests in the actual threads. So next time I write a reply similar to this one, where must I put it?

Emperor ServingSpoon
08-18-2008, 11:27 AM
Reuploaded them for you, Gok.

I know how to convert the .strm files now, too, so I might convert just those tracks to mp3s and upload them later on.

08-19-2008, 12:06 AM
Thank you so much!

I know how to convert the .strm files now, too, so I might convert just those tracks to mp3s and upload them later on.

I just might be able to do that...

08-19-2008, 12:45 AM
I know how to convert the .strm files now, too, so I might convert just those tracks to mp3s and upload them later on.

Just did that for ya!

The Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass (strm to mp3).zip (

Once again, thanks for reuploading. I've been wanting this for some time.

If you're interested, I can tell you how I carried out the conversion. How were you planning on doing it?

Emperor ServingSpoon
08-19-2008, 12:00 PM
Well, I had been using the test.exe thing from the vgmstream to convert a few of the tracks from SSBB recently to get them onto a CD for my older brother, so I was just going to do it that way... And I did this afternoon. Had I checked here I could've saved that time. Oh, well. :P

Well, here's mine, converted to wav by vgmstream's test.exe program and then converted to mp3s with Audacity. I added half a second of silence to the end of them, too, just cause they end rather abruptly compared with most of my stuff otherwise. :P

How'd you do yours?

08-20-2008, 12:12 AM
Well, I had been using the test.exe thing from the vgmstream to convert a few of the tracks from SSBB recently to get them onto a CD for my older brother, so I was just going to do it that way... And I did this afternoon. Had I checked here I could've saved that time. Oh, well. :P

Well, here's mine, converted to wav by vgmstream's test.exe program and then converted to mp3s with Audacity. I added half a second of silence to the end of them, too, just cause they end rather abruptly compared with most of my stuff otherwise. :P

How'd you do yours?

Anyway, seriously. Thanks a ton. It was bugging me that these weren't in any of the rips.

08-20-2008, 01:57 AM
WOW, thank you, thank you. ive been searching for these missing tracks for so long. thanks again everybody who helped =]

08-20-2008, 02:25 AM
How'd you do yours?

I have a plugin for Winamp that converts ANY music file played through Winamp (provided you have the appropriate plugin to play said music file) into a wav file. I then use a program called Switch to convert wav into mp3.

I've been using the above system for several years now to convert emulated music files of all kinds (eg spc, gym, gsf, gbs, usf, etc) into mp3s. For this to work, you need to be able to play these files on Winamp, and for that, you need the corresponding Winamp plugins.

In the next few weeks, I intend to upload several things, I'll stick this plugin along with the rest of my uploads. Unless you want it now, in which case I can upload it straight away.

10-07-2008, 06:05 AM
thanks a ton!!! great job... if only all soundtracks were like this

10-07-2008, 11:25 PM
gok and Emperor ServingSpoon...any chance of a reup?

Emperor ServingSpoon
11-11-2008, 07:32 AM
I'd say there's a pretty good chance of it, yes...

Here you go!
Phantom Hourglass Extra (<br />

11-15-2008, 09:16 PM
wonderful soundtrack, thanks!!!

11-28-2008, 07:36 PM
wow!! thanks so much!! i've had the nameless track thing forever, i didn't know there was a soul out there in the world patient enough to rename them all!! haha!

To be honest, I haven't played this game yet, because I'm too poor to get a DS, but I want to so badly!!

Anyway, being an avid zelda fan, I want any and every zelda soundtrack i can get my greedy paws on and this was so helpful!! Thanks a bunch!!

11-29-2008, 12:23 AM
thx loved the game and the music was quite good too

11-30-2008, 11:08 AM
I honestly don't care much for missing tracks, more so if they're just fanfares or similar ones.

Downloading as I type, so many thanks, Etherel15.


12-15-2008, 10:29 PM
excellent work... i love every second of it!

07-28-2009, 08:49 PM
Thanks for the mention and using my tracknames. :)

However, I found some problems with the track-names (a couple of mine, and mostly the ones you added).

Track 14 - Island Life
I understand why'd you name it this, but the track doesn't make much sense to be named that. This track only plays once you have saved the spirit of courage and then took her to see the Ocean King. This music plays when she merges with herself. It plays at no other points.

Track 20 - Dark Waters
Again, I see why it was named this, but this plays when Bellum takes over Linebeck's body. It should be named "Transformation" or "Possession".

Track 25 - Fairy's Fountain
There are NO fairy fountains in Hourglass. This track should be renamed to "File Select", as this is the only point at which it plays.

Track 42 - Take Chase
I'm not certain why it's named Take Chase. That makes it seem like you're chasing Bellum around or something-- which would only be appropriate when chasing him on the Ghost Chip.

Track 43 - Dread of Sorrow
To be precise, this track plays the moment you "defeat" Bellum the first time. This is when he spits out the Spirit of Courage's memories. It has nothing "sorrowful" about it-- it's more of an "awakening".

Track 18 - Bellum
Suggested track name-- Bellum's Theme: Soul Sucker

Track 38 - Jolene Appears
Suggested track name-- Jolene's Theme: Sweet Revenge

Track 24 - Astra's Theme
Her name is "Astrid". It should be called "Astrid's Theme: Fortunes Untold

10-28-2009, 04:02 AM
uhh..all the files are removed...

02-20-2010, 05:09 PM
please, some kind soul reup everything. T_T
this is possibly the only named gamerip in all the friggin internet.

Nova Alamak
03-06-2010, 09:05 PM
I really wish Nintendo would release full OSTs so that fans don't have to make up silly names for all the tracks. I feel like someone DID say there was a Japanese OST a while back though...

Sgt Phantomizer
12-02-2010, 08:56 PM
If it's half as good as stated, then you deserve some kinda promotion buddy :)

12-02-2010, 11:25 PM
finally a decent and tagged rip. but why they didn't release an OST album for this? I think soundtrack is nice

Sgt Phantomizer
12-03-2010, 05:47 PM
Excellent job, 5 stars for this, definetly bookmarking this thread for the future, hopefully the link isn't dead if i have need of it again :P

TaJ Man
12-12-2010, 03:56 AM
Dead Linnnnkkkksss!!! Howzabout a re-upload? Pretty please?!?!

12-16-2011, 07:06 AM that actually works. you're a ledge

05-05-2012, 10:49 AM
I have a plugin for Winamp that converts ANY music file played through Winamp (provided you have the appropriate plugin to play said music file) into a wav file. I then use a program called Switch to convert wav into mp3.

I've been using the above system for several years now to convert emulated music files of all kinds (eg spc, gym, gsf, gbs, usf, etc) into mp3s. For this to work, you need to be able to play these files on Winamp, and for that, you need the corresponding Winamp plugins.

In the next few weeks, I intend to upload several things, I'll stick this plugin along with the rest of my uploads. Unless you want it now, in which case I can upload it straight away.

I am interested in this. Could you please upload the plugin?