View Full Version : Thread 55269">�REC

05-15-2008, 07:54 AM

yep, the name of the movie is �REC (as in, recording, though �REC never appears in the camera)

this movie...kicks ass.

the main "protagonist" is angela vidal, a woman who works for a late-night tv show "mientras usted duerme" (while you sleep).
and his cameraman pablo.
both of them are conducting a show in a fire department in barcelona, spain, to show people "for the first time ever" the way of life of a fireman.

soon they get a call from a aparment building and discover that a misterious disease turns people extremely violent.

thats basically the premise of �REC.

the movie is being remaked in the USA under the name QUARANTINE, scheduled to be released in octuber 2008 (that means they are filming it about now).

the movie is filmed like the blair witch project and most recently cloverfield. that is, someone is videotaping the events.

i can say for sure this movie is on par with 28 days later in terms of awesomeness.
and this comes from someone who loathes spaniards.

there has been rumors that this movie will not be released in the USA, giving way for the remake. so if any of you can get the DVD once its released in latinamerica, be sure to get it, its worth it!

anyone who has seen it, what were your thought? please make sure to mark spoilers.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
05-15-2008, 08:26 AM
huh, a Spanish horror movie. That's not something you see everyday. Maybe I'll check it out.

matt damon
05-15-2008, 08:34 AM
ebi, watch the orphanage and pan's labyrinth

Pimp Daddy McSnake
05-15-2008, 08:36 AM
I watched pan's labyrinth <3. Haven't checked out the orphanage, yet.

matt damon
05-15-2008, 08:47 AM
wait, so is this move rec a zombie movie? if so, what are the levels of gore that is shown?

ebi, the orphanage is amazing. i'm sure you'll like it. just make sure, if you can't see the movie very clearly at the beginning, to turn up the brightness. the movie has many night scenes and if your screen is too dark, you'll miss some stuff.

05-16-2008, 02:52 AM
yes and no.
they are more like the infected from 28 days/weeks.
and based on a certain character, they seem to live quite a long time.
as said by a character, the infection transmits from the saliva.
and once infected, the amount of time you have to "turn" depends on your blood type.

there is a bit of gore, not nothing like limb dismemberment and the like.


to me, the most gory part was when an infected bit off a notable chunk of flesh from a guy and the camera focuses on that.

compared to days/weeks, this movie has less violence and gore.

matt damon
05-16-2008, 04:16 AM
that cheek thing is enough. i no watch that movie, tyvm.