05-13-2008, 09:20 AM
Hey guys; thought I'd stop by a Final Fantasy VII forum and ask for opinions on a remix I was working on since you all probably like the song One-Winged Angel.

It's still a work in progress but I really think it sounds awesome already. I was thinking of making it go into an intense drum solo after that part with sounds of things like Sephiroth's sword being sheathed and unsheathed in beat with the music and even me singing back up vocals with the repeat of what you hear that plays after the drum solo and then it breaks out into a dueling guitar duet where Sephiroth and Cloud are performing in Dueling Banjos-type way.

Here it is. (http://youramishdaddy.com/Sephiroth.mp3)

Any constructive criticism is appreciated.

05-13-2008, 09:25 AM
I...I have no words for this.

EDIT: No, I have two: Utter discord.

EDIT 2: Okay that's not very helpful. I'm not sure what you're using to remix the song, but you should definitely make strides to harmonize the bass line and the vocals somehow. Right now it sounds very harsh on the ears.

05-13-2008, 09:50 AM
I'll check it out later since this computer is too retarded for it, but just gonna say that these kinds of threads usually go in the music forum.

execrable gumwrapper
05-13-2008, 07:00 PM

Agent, can ya move this to Music... or the trash?

05-13-2008, 09:17 PM
I agree...it sounds like party music

05-13-2008, 09:53 PM
Well I could maybe transpose the notes to work better but I was going to do the drum solo on my Rock Band drum kit that's hacked to work as a MIDI controller.

Thanks for the comments, keep them coming. :cool:

I'm also even working on a music video for it where Cloud and Sephiroth will dance around and play the guitars in the guitar duet I talked about but it's going to take a while since I'm doing it in MS Paint.

05-13-2008, 10:54 PM
Just listened to it...


Agent, can ya move this to Music... or the trash?

Yeah, you're bound to get a lot more comments there.

Also like this guy said, go remix something else for once like Liberi Fatali.

non-canon sousaphone
05-13-2008, 11:34 PM
I prefer Black Wing Metamorphosis from the Sounds of the Lifestream remix album

05-14-2008, 03:32 AM
Well, don't be put off by the naysayers, myself included. I definitely agree you should remix another song as this one has been done to death. Also, before you do, take a moment to educate your ear, man! Take a class or something. You can only go up from this point, I hope.

execrable gumwrapper
05-14-2008, 05:03 AM
Well, don't be put off by the naysayers, myself included. I definitely agree you should remix another song as this one has been done to death. Also, before you do, take a moment to educate your ear, man! Take a class or something. You can only go up from this point, I hope.

rofl, dumbass, ears don't have brains


05-14-2008, 06:10 AM
Well I uploaded the music video as it is so far in my youtube account I just made for Final Fantasy videos I plan to do as a hobby now but I'm hoping Square Enix will be wandering on youtube and take interest in my work because Nobou Uematsu is my hero.

I plan to upload later versions of it as seperate files so you guys can see the hard work and progress that goes into my videos as I make them.

The music video. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhO1wzBdI_w)


P.S. the slow motion back flip part was inspired by the Matrix when they go into bullet time to dodge the bullets.

05-14-2008, 08:22 AM
rofl, dumbass, ears don't have brains


Lol, eat a dick.

05-14-2008, 11:32 PM

execrable gumwrapper
05-15-2008, 06:51 AM
Well I uploaded the music video as it is so far in my youtube account I just made for Final Fantasy videos I plan to do as a hobby now but I'm hoping Square Enix will be wandering on youtube and take interest in my work because Nobou Uematsu is my hero.

I plan to upload later versions of it as seperate files so you guys can see the hard work and progress that goes into my videos as I make them.

The music video. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhO1wzBdI_w)


P.S. the slow motion back flip part was inspired by the Matrix when they go into bullet time to dodge the bullets.

LMAO please tell me this is a joke.

Lol, eat a dick.

Man... that is wrong. On -SO- many levels.

05-15-2008, 07:09 AM
Well I uploaded the music video as it is so far in my youtube account I just made for Final Fantasy videos I plan to do as a hobby now but I'm hoping Square Enix will be wandering on youtube and take interest in my work because Nobou Uematsu is my hero.

I plan to upload later versions of it as seperate files so you guys can see the hard work and progress that goes into my videos as I make them.

The music video. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhO1wzBdI_w)


P.S. the slow motion back flip part was inspired by the Matrix when they go into bullet time to dodge the bullets.

Massive lol.

05-15-2008, 04:57 PM

As for the Music Video....

Serious WTFage

05-17-2008, 10:09 PM
ok i am not one to bash someone else's musical efforts..but please...stop.

1.) This song has been remixed a good 9 billion times..WE GET IT ALREADY. it is far from being the best score in the Final Fantasy series..so please pick another...Hell i think liberi fatali alone was a much better composition.

2.) The music doesn't flow with the vocals at all..and the vocal samples just bleed into each other...I know it's kind of cool when you first load up that ff7 soundfont that came with the pc version and you find the vocal samples in there..i remixed stuff using them also..but please..just let it go.

3.) now when it comes to remixing and making music, i'd say keep at it, We all have to start somewhere and don't let myself or anyone else discourage you from making music.

With all of that said..i am BEGGING you not to complete this remix.

05-18-2008, 04:51 AM
Here's the next version I just completed, it is a lot better I assure you.
Click here. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBGIQ7ZuuiU)

05-29-2008, 12:38 PM
Ok I have to admit this was mainly just an experiment to see how you guys would react to something such as this.

If you want to see my real music writing capabilities then go here, it's not related to Final Fantasy at all but yanno I feel like I should at least redeem myself after making that abomination that was hilarious to me at least.

Here you go. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqITBR4A0g8)

I had to sing it so sorry if you don't like it but it seems like people either like or hate my singing... I think the former are those who are tone deaf. :p

Also, if you're disturbed by graphic images or have a weak stomach, don't watch this because it shows pictures of radiation sickness victims and kids who were severely deformed due to radiation.

06-01-2008, 08:28 AM
Whoa nice song dude, let us know when you upload the full version :D.

06-01-2008, 10:29 PM
Thanks for the comment, that's actually the full version of it but I just don't have the MP3 of it and the rest of the songs on the album up for download quite yet since I'm still not sure if they're the 100% finalized product since the album is still in the works.

I am however going to do it differently from the music industry's method and put my songs up for download 100% free but people can buy them if they want the CD with the cover art and lyric book and music videos and such.

I've got a myspace page setup here. (http://www.myspace.com/fifthindependent) I actually have three or four more songs done but I still need to sing the lyrics to them.

06-02-2008, 02:45 AM

06-03-2008, 02:21 PM
So you don't think my singing sounds horrible or anything like that, in the song?