05-09-2008, 10:35 PM
I posted some songs of the world ends with you onto heres a link. the reason i posted this, (even tho there are already post of this online) is becouse i cant even open any of the files, i cant even use them, so i just found them els where and posted them on this site. if some songs are missing, just tell me so i can add them!

05-11-2008, 06:27 AM
I�m missing deja vu and three minutes clapping. Do you know where to download them?

05-11-2008, 05:01 PM
I�m missing deja vu and three minutes clapping. Do you know where to download them?
Are those songs in the game??

05-12-2008, 11:09 AM
Are those songs in the game??

Yes, also a few others, but I don�t like those that much.

05-13-2008, 11:30 AM
I LOVE YOU!!!!! I've been looking all over for the OST. Thanks!

05-18-2008, 03:07 AM
You're missing "The One Star", "Emptiness and", and "Give me all your love". Although I've heard some of the better songs aren't actually ON the OST... so good luck with that.

05-21-2008, 01:53 AM
You're missing "The One Star", "Emptiness and", and "Give me all your love". Although I've heard some of the better songs aren't actually ON the OST... so good luck with that.Give me all your love is on the OST. The ones not on the OST are the tracks added in the US/EUR version. That includes Transformation, The One Star, Three Minutes Clapping, and D�j� vu. There's also an English Owari-Hajimari not present on the album as well.

I know there are links to the missing tracks somewhere here. Best to search for it.

05-21-2008, 02:38 AM
You're missing "The One Star", "Emptiness and", and "Give me all your love". Although I've heard some of the better songs aren't actually ON the OST... so good luck with that.

All those missing good songs were actually new to the English version, I've heard. The official OST corresponds to the Japanese game, but there's a game rip floating around with the English version's songs. This thread (Thread 53453) has both the OST and the rip.

If "Emptiness and" isn't in this folder, I'd be confused, because it's both in the Japanese game and on the OST (as an unnamed bonus track).

06-03-2008, 07:11 PM
Isn't there a way to just get a plain old zip folder or even Mp3 files, because I can't extract the files from this...

07-01-2008, 09:45 PM
Isn't there a way to just get a plain old zip folder or even Mp3 files, because I can't extract the files from this...

You need to download Winrar to extract the files. You can google 'Winrar' to find the free download version =]

07-02-2008, 01:20 AM
thank ya so much