Master Nabeshin
05-09-2008, 09:56 AM
Okay, I just got back from the midnight opening of Speed Racer. I've got to say, I loved it, though I can certainly see why some people might not. It was completely un-realistic, cartoon-like, very whimsical, and the action was pulse-pounding, edge-of-your-seat-cheering-the-main-character-on type of stuff. I ate it up.
- I know several people who saw the trailer and immediately hated the fact that it was so cartoony. If you wanted a realistic Speed Racer, what would you want, NASCAR, but with the Mach 5?
- The over-saturated colors and enormously vibrant hues in every single shot of the film. The skies could be so blue they just about distracted me in some scenes. I wanted to look at the blue skies more than the characters. Still, that's my only complaint in that department. I loved the completely unrealistic environments, buildings, cities, tracks, etc. They look just so fantastical, and yet you can't look away. It's escapism at its finest.
- Spirtle and Chim-Chim. For some, they might be little more than an annoyance in the film. They're loud, childish, and immature. I found them to be exactly this, but they keep the film from becoming too serious. When the movie is knee-deep in plot, Spirtle and Chim-Chim are injected into the mix at just the right time, making sure the film remains a pure, live-action, big-budget version of Saturday morning rather than the grown-up, live-action, big-budget version.
- The races are amazing. Of course they are in no way shape or form realistic, but they are engaging and so mesmerizing and exciting. The cars jump around, do flips in the air, drive at 500Km/h in giant half-pipes and loops and all sorts of insane courses that no real race can come close to.
- Christina Ricci. Never before have I been attracted to Christina Ricci until I saw this movie. Maybe it's just me, but she should do more films like this.
- The storyline. The Wachowskis probably could have made this a good film, or at least an enjoyable film without the plot and character development they took the time to include. Good thing they didn't just rely on the race scenes to make the film. The race at the start of the film is brilliant. It sets up who Speed is. It introduces to you who he is by showing you instead of telling you, and its impossible to miss the point. It also introduces his entire family, including Rex, his older, long-lost brother. Not only that, but by jumping straight into the racing, it gets you pumped from the get-go. I was very surprised by the quality of the writing and editing.

I walked away from this movie with a deep sense of satisfaction, and it was clear I was transported to another world. I was still coming back to our own world when I stepped into the restroom after the movie and the guy dressed up like Speed Racer was in there. That was weird, but I will never forget that guy. If by chance you ever see this, strange man, thank you.
I could go on, but good god it's almost 4:00 AM.
Did anyone else see the midnight opening?

05-10-2008, 12:13 AM
All I can say is pure agreement. I saw the midnight release as well and am going AGAIN tonight to see it in iMax. (IMAX CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? THE COLORS WILL KILL ME)

I saw it thinking it would suck and it would ruin the franchize as I'm a long time fan, but I really liked it. Very much like the show, if you apprieciated the show you'll probably appreciate this. Only character that is not SPOT on is Spirtle I would say, and not by much. I didn't want to kill him as much in the film.

Over all, I loved it. Kept my attention, ended where it should (though I could have gone for more), and was spot on to the show. I dig.

05-10-2008, 07:13 AM
- I know several people who saw the trailer and immediately hated the fact that it was so cartoony. If you wanted a realistic Speed Racer, what would you want, NASCAR, but with the Mach 5?I was interested in seeing it when I first heard about it. I thought cool, it'll probably be a comedic parody like the Starsky and Hutch or Dukes of Hazzard movies. Then I saw the trailer. My first reaction was WTF!? Oh God, it's Hot Wheels meets Fast and the Furious! I hate movies that are pure flash. I'm like I think they're aiming for the ADD or Drug crowd. Even though it's a cartoon, it didn't have to be exaggerated. Even the cartoon wasn't like that.

NASCAR may be the premiere auto racing series here in the states, but Speed Racer is a road racer - Specifically GT, which meant he could make right turns. They could've filmed the scenes at International Road Courses like The N�rburgring, Road Atlanta, or any other number of tracks. Also, if they did want to use NASCAR, I'm sure they could have, seeing as how Herbie - also a road racer - was used to race there. It would be Stupid, but it's the top money maker these days.

Landlord of Sector 7
05-10-2008, 09:40 AM
After seeing this movie, my opinion of the Wachowski's has moved up to "iconic" and I now support any movie they make from now on.

05-11-2008, 04:57 AM
You guys really liked it? Everything I've been reading about it has been saying "mess of a plot," "overbloated" (way too long for its subject matter), tries to pull off too many things and none of the decently, "derivative," etc. etc. So this thread is definitely something different. It has a 35% Tomatometer -- which is, admittedly, up from where I saw it last. I guess we'll have to see how the box office bears out -- not really my type of film, though. I'll be spending my money on Prince Caspian.

05-11-2008, 06:09 AM
This movie looks terrible. The internet isn't going to cheat me out of $15 this time.

05-11-2008, 03:27 PM
Box office doesn't make a good film.

Regardless it looks genuinly crappy. It's true. But my mind was blown. Also I had lunch with the visual effects director of it a few months back which was super awesome. Showed me some of the maya models of the mache 5 at what not. That added personal value.

This movie is not worth NOT watching in theaters. It just wouldn't be the same on DVD. I recommed it if you liked Speed Racer as a child and pretty colors. :P

05-11-2008, 07:39 PM
I'm not big on Speed Racer. But I am huge on WipEout ( since having every WipEout game, except WipEout 64 and WipEout Fusion which both sucked.

05-12-2008, 03:05 AM
I just saw the movie, and was fantastic

Mario Murderer
05-12-2008, 05:13 AM
I really want to see it, it looks great..

Can't wait for June 12, which is a day before my birthday and that's when the film comes out too in Aus!

Master Nabeshin
05-13-2008, 09:02 AM
NASCAR may be the premiere auto racing series here in the states, but Speed Racer is a road racer - Specifically GT, which meant he could make right turns. They could've filmed the scenes at International Road Courses like The N�rburgring, Road Atlanta, or any other number of tracks. Also, if they did want to use NASCAR, I'm sure they could have, seeing as how Herbie - also a road racer - was used to race there. It would be Stupid, but it's the top money maker these days.

I actually despise NASCAR. Its just another excuse to drink. "Oh no, here comes another left turn!" Please. I'm not saying it's easy to do, but it's not exactly exciting to watch, either. I prefer the kind of racing in the Speed Racer cartoon, and I like the pseudo Hot-wheels thing done with some of the tracks in the film. At least, I prefer it very much to the racing we have in real life.

You guys really liked it? Everything I've been reading about it has been saying "mess of a plot," "overbloated" (way too long for its subject matter), tries to pull off too many things and none of the decently, "derivative," etc. etc. So this thread is definitely something different. It has a 35% Tomatometer -- which is, admittedly, up from where I saw it last. I guess we'll have to see how the box office bears out -- not really my type of film, though. I'll be spending my money on Prince Caspian.

Oh yeah, I loved it. So much in fact, that I'm going to see it again tomorrow on IMAX. I honestly don't understand why people hate the film so much. The plot is fairly straightforward. Not a mess at all. It's not even that complex. I will admit it IS a bit long, but if it had been shorter, the races wouldn't have been good, or the plot would have suffered. I have to wonder if anyone who reviewed it even liked the show or had expectations of it being a dark and serious film? It's escapism at its finest. It is happy. It is upbeat. The bad guy gets his and the good guys prevail. What's wrong with that? Is there something wrong with a good, wholesome, clean-cut happy ending?

This movie looks terrible. The internet isn't going to cheat me out of $15 this time.

Your loss.

Atom Narmor
05-13-2008, 10:57 AM
Oh yeah, I loved it. So much in fact, that I'm going to see it again tomorrow on IMAX. I honestly don't understand why people hate the film so much. The plot is fairly straightforward. Not a mess at all. It's not even that complex. I will admit it IS a bit long, but if it had been shorter, the races wouldn't have been good, or the plot would have suffered. I have to wonder if anyone who reviewed it even liked the show or had expectations of it being a dark and serious film? It's escapism at its finest. It is happy. It is upbeat. The bad guy gets his and the good guys prevail. What's wrong with that? Is there something wrong with a good, wholesome, clean-cut happy ending?

Your loss.

Yeah it is my loss because you just spoiled everything for me, damnit. Next time take the TIME to put spoiler tags or some shit!

05-14-2008, 04:03 AM
Oh yeah, I loved it. So much in fact, that I'm going to see it again tomorrow on IMAX.

Don't. It was awful on IMAX. Too much movement, couldn't see the races since my peripheral vision isn't that of a giraffe. Much better in original theaters

Mario Murderer
05-14-2008, 05:41 AM
Don't. It was awful on IMAX. Too much movement, couldn't see the races since my peripheral vision isn't that of a giraffe. Much better in original theaters

Harhh- Harhh. That's only in YOUR opinion. Let 'im see it in IMAX if he wants ta!

05-14-2008, 09:46 PM
hahahaha, the movie is so awesome!!!
yes, looks like they dont need a coloring book there, they consume all the colors in the world!!!
Rain, the korean superstar just hit big time with his first film in the hollywood!!!

05-26-2008, 06:45 AM
I loved the movie. I really don't remember the anime... just a few things. When I saw the movie, I ran immediately to my home to search for the Anime!!! I'm so excited and I could just go and watch it over, and over, and over again!!!

Master Nabeshin
05-29-2008, 08:22 AM
Yeah it is my loss because you just spoiled everything for me, damnit. Next time take the TIME to put spoiler tags or some shit!
Oh right. Sorry I forgot what a morose story Speed Racer is. It just slipped my mind that in the anime, so many horrible, sad, terrible things happen and the bad guys prevail over the good and pure. Right. Completely spaced there. I don't see how anyone could have guessed what sort of ending it had, despite the fact that I didn't touch on any plot points aside from the fact that it has a happy ending. :P

Don't. It was awful on IMAX. Too much movement, couldn't see the races since my peripheral vision isn't that of a giraffe. Much better in original theaters

If at first you don't succeed, maybe IMAX is not for you. I DO have the peripheral vision of a giraffe (proved at my driver's test), and I loved it (plus, I have an un-medicated case of ADD, which is perfect because there's not much else for me to look). Would I go to see it again on IMAX? No, just because its so expensive and the nearest one is like 45 minutes away.