05-09-2008, 01:10 AM

could someone please post it up

Speed Racer is the soundtrack of the film of the same name. It was released on May 6, 2008. It is composed by Michael Giacchino.

Track Listing

1. I Am Speed (:37)
2. World's Best Autopia (1:15)
3. Thunderhead (3:07)
4. Tragic Story of Rex Racer (4:49)
5. Vroom and Board (3:38)
6. World's Worst Road Rage (2:41)
7. Racing's In Our Blood (1:52)
8. True Heart of Racing (4:05)
9. Casa Cristo (4:02)
10. End of the First Leg (2:20)
11. Taejo Turns Trixie (1:37)
12. Bumper to Bumper, Rail to Rail (3:07)
13. The Maltese Ice Cave (2:04)
14. Go Speed, Go! (1:24)
15. He Ain't Heavy (1:45)
16. 32 Hours (3:49)
17. Grand Ol' Prix (6:13)
18. Reboot (3:08)
19. Let Us Drink Milk (4:33)
20. Speed Racer (4:21)