Lagunas Backup
05-14-2002, 12:43 AM
If you have ever read any walkthroughs that say after you beat adel there are no places open, they are wrong. there are two places; sorceress memorial and deep sea research center.

05-14-2002, 08:07 AM
**SPOILER KINDA o_O *******

Yea, fun... you can't do nothing at the memorial except walking around if you could actually do that whilst time in compressed.
Since time is compressed all place get 'locked' because they are outside time and the Deep Sea research department just disappears :eye:

Green Arrow
05-14-2002, 01:29 PM
Yeah but I mean there is really no point having them open coz you can't do anything with them or when your in them. So quite frankly it was and is a waste of time. Although I could be wrong, if so, then I stand corrected.

Anima Relic
05-14-2002, 04:03 PM
No, but I think they mean like towns and shit. Once time is compressed you can travel to certain areas, hell, you could go to the Centra Ruins if you wanted, that's still open too, but they are referring to the towns and stuff you go through, places like Galbadia, Balamb, Timber, Deling City... all those places are closed.