Grey Eclipse
05-14-2002, 12:00 AM
Just curious, but It seems that video gaming has taken the greatest hold in White(not really a race but a bunch of races with the same color skin grouped together-ughh now THAT is racism) and Asian(isn't this a grouping of similar cultures too?) communities. Now I don't mean to offend anyone, I am just stating my neutral observations here(I am "White"=more specifically Irish= so I feel it is my duty to point out the flaw in that racial grouping). Anyway I am seriously interested in different view points from different perspectives and I would appreciate your cooperation here.

The question I am asking is this:
Who here is Asian?
What culture are you from and where do you live now?
Do you think that people of different cultures expect different things from video games?

Once again I don't mean to offend and if you don't like what I say, tell me. This curiousity was sparked by the fact that FF has taken root in all cultures and everyone seems to Identify with the characters...more specifically, there are a lot of view points on the forums, and I just thought ,"Hey, don't assume these people are just like you! Ask them what they are like, where they are from!" Basically, this video game has brought hundreds of people together to discuss it's ups and downs, and since I plan to go into the gaming industry I figured that since I know what most of my culture thinks about, and expect from, games, but when I am on the forums, I'm not sure where these opinions are coming from and I hope to gain a better understanding of my target audience if I know whether or not there is a difference.

I don't mean to single anyone out, but I figured I'd get more replies if I put the main subject as Asian, as it is the largest gaming community. Feel free to reply regardless of who and what you are.

One last thing, I know that this has been a long post and I applaud you reading this to the end. I may have been hypocritical, but to be afraid of makinging mistakes is to be nothing at all, am I right? Thanks!:)

05-14-2002, 03:43 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">This has more to do with video games in general rather than FF11 and beyond, so I'm moving it to general gaming...

05-14-2002, 04:00 AM
I'm an Asian, I'm Vietnamese and I live in the deep ghetto part of California... though I don't like to think of myself as Asian. =P

Most of the people around here (Hispanics, Latinos, Asians) are fans of the fighting catagory, you would expect a good challenge from ANYONE around here. Most Asians and Hispanics around here often play Dance Dance Revolution, a game that you wouldn't really see a person of a different race ever play... I guess it's how they see it, defining it as "gay" or downright "retarded."

Course, sometimes people would be like "Damn asian people" while I play Dance Dance Revolution with my friends... which I do take seriously, often I would just stop playing and confront the person myself... but I won't go into much on this. o_O

Crazy Chocobo
05-14-2002, 04:31 AM
I'm Asian, Chinese, parents are from taiwan, and I live in Saratoga, California. I like almost any kind of game. However, like Dj Mogk', I don't really see my self as Asian, I see myself as an idiot! ^_^ (however, my friends go to the extreme, with screenames like "Azn Ghetto Cow", "Azn Super Dragon", etc.)

I SUCK at DDR, unless I play with the controller.

As for your last question, no, I don't think so.

Grey Eclipse
05-14-2002, 05:31 AM
My apologies to you, Serienne. I now realize that I posted in the wrong place, and I do appreciate your patience for moving it to it's proper location.
Now...Thank you DJ MogK and Crazy Chocobo for posting. I expected more resistance and offence to be taken at what(at a first glance) might be mistaken for a racist remark. I do appreciate the info and you can rest assured that I will put it to good use. Its all smiles on this end of the monitor!:D :) :cool:
I also encourage other people to please post info so I may get a broader perspective on this issue. Thank you all!

After seeing the conduct of moderaters in other forums that shall remain nameless, I find the fact that a moderater would let me know why and where my thread was moved to be exceptionally generous. Thank you Serienne for your courtesy.