View Full Version : Thread 54823">FFShriners Pok�mon D/P Battle League (take 2)

Lord Brimstone
05-04-2008, 09:41 AM
OK, so a long time ago there was a thread that was dedicated to having shriners trading and battling each over via wi-fi. That has since disappeared into the abyss or it when somewhere that I haven't been to yet. (if it is option B, I apologize for my noob relapse and request a link to the battle thread.)
If the is indeed dead, I will set this thread up in the hopes of resurrecting the fun of battling each other with cute, bizarre, seizure monsters. If you are interested in battling and or trading post your pal pad here. If a lot of people show interest I may indeed host FFshrine League tournaments for prizes and stuff. Thank you for your time.

Lord Brimstone: 2964 9283 0243
Edit: my Friend Code had changed due to new DS. This is my new code.