Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-03-2008, 10:56 AM
Ok who the hell else has seen it? I thought it was pretty damn great over all, gave me all the fan wank I could've ever wanted and it was really well put together!

You can watch a review I put together (I put a lot of effort into it) here if you want:

Be warned though, it's 11 minutes of me totally nerding out.

I'm probably gonna see it again, I guess I'll go for a matinee show this time.

So...what did you guys think?

05-03-2008, 11:13 AM
My mother's god son went to go see it and he said he didn't like it. When asked exactly what was wrong with the movie I got,

"Ahh, I just.. well, it was boring. I just didn't like it, I don't know..."

So instantly his opinion is chock-full of fail.

Now Chris, I did enjoy your 11 minutes of com-gasm and it has given me a shining ray of hope. I believe I will be seeing this movie once a spare few hours are available at hand.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-03-2008, 11:24 AM
I'm sure every movie is boring to some people, but yeah that's definitely not how I'd describe this one

Hope you enjoy it when you see it man, thanks for putting up with the video

05-03-2008, 11:28 AM
It was on par with on par with the first Spiderman movie and X2 as one of the better Marvel movies. I really enjoyed it.

I missed the extra scene after the credits though :(

05-03-2008, 11:41 AM
Thank you for the review. I was a bit scared about going to see this film due to the general poorness of most comic adaptations. However after listening to the views of an obvious comic book fan I will now go and see it with less trepidation. I hope the amazing ending you mention involves Fin Fang Foom in some way!

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-03-2008, 11:49 AM
Well please consider we all have personal taste, so if you don't like it as much as me don't kill me! Most reviews I've read have been favorable though, so hey

Thanks for watching it, hope you like the movie

05-03-2008, 03:18 PM
I...Am...Iron Man! DUN DAN NAN NAN NAN!

Just seen it today, enjoyed it thoroughly, probably my favourite Marvel movie so far, but have to say, they just couldn't seem to fit any more action in it, that's the sequel's job, I hope, but apart from so, it was fucking ace!

Erebus Wraith
05-03-2008, 04:24 PM
I saw it last night and I thought it was great. To be honest, I didn't expect it to be all that good going into the movie. However, I thought it was put together really well. There was alot of really funny one liners that didn't feel like they forced humor on us. The action was pretty damn good.

All and all I would give it roughly a 9/10

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-03-2008, 08:02 PM
The humor was way better handled than other movies in the same sort of genre like Spidey 3 and Transformers, it was never distracting or overly ridiculous

05-03-2008, 09:02 PM
I LOVED Iron Man. Did you see the clip after the credits were over.

The following is a SPOILER

Samual L. Jackson is Nick Fury!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
and he says something about the Avengers!!!! Yay

I have heard rumores that Tony Stark will make a apperince in the Incredible Hulk movie......maybe they will also tie in Nick Fury recruting members for the Avengers.

Master Nabeshin
05-04-2008, 09:03 AM
It was a very good movie. It was entertaining. The dialog was witty. The good characters you loved and cared about and wanted to know what was going to happen next with them, and the villains are despicable and easy to hate. From a film making and storytelling point of view, it was extremely coherent and well-presented.
Case in point: Tony Stark. Robert Downey, Jr. was an excellent choice for the role. He looks like Tony Stark does in the comics, and he plays the character very well. At the beginning of the film he perfectly portrays the billionaire happy-go-lucky playboy, and over the course of the film he convincingly shows the audience the steps in Tony Stark's transformation from the carefree playboy into a man with conviction and a deep sense of responsibility for his past actions and inactions.
Speaking of action, the action was killer. From the Jericho missile at the start of the film to Iron Man's debut in an Afghanistan village to the showdown between Iron Man and the Iron Monger, it was all right on. it was never overdone, but never underdone either. When he was pounding terrorists with his MK. I suit in the cave, it was satisfying. When he flew around Malibu in the MK.II suit, it was exciting. When he showed up just in time to save the villagers in Afghanistan, the audience was practically cheering him on. Seriously. I was like "Yeah, get those bastards!" The battle with the Iron Monger suit was so intense yet never over-done.
The only thing I'm not sure I like about the movie was the ending, but I also believe the idea was that it was supposed to be controversial. I love it and hate it at the same time.
So, there's my two cents.

05-04-2008, 11:45 PM
Saw it yesterday morning.

I must say, I started getting my doubts as the release date approached. The hype was getting to the point where I started thinking "I really hope it doesn't bomb with all the high expectations its receiving, especially from fanboys".
I'm glad it delivered. Best adaptation since.

I hope they make just as good of a job with the upcoming Hulk, Thor (2009), Captain America (2009), and Ant-man (2010) movies, that way we can finally hear Cap say "Avengers, Assemble!"

05-05-2008, 12:26 AM
I think this is one of the few comic book adaptions that has actually survived its transition to film. The film managed to avoid surviving on effects alone [not that special effects are a bad thing], and the characters were well portrayed by their respective actors. All in all its a cool film

05-05-2008, 04:24 PM
The movie is so exceeded my expectations!!!
Not just ordinary superhero movie!!!

05-05-2008, 10:32 PM
Loved it loved it loved it. I was concerned it wouldn't do the comic justice (huge Iron Man fan, here) and was convinced I'd need to find things I liked about it at least if it was screwed up. Turned out I was just being paranoid (although after the last few Marvel hero movies, not sure how I couldn't be). Now if Marvel Studios can just keep this up for its other upcoming projects.....

05-06-2008, 12:27 AM
Aye, Iron Man was pretty good now. I wish though that they had got the Hoff to appear in the post credits scene, his rendition of Nick Fury is hilarious.

05-06-2008, 01:37 PM
Honestly, I didn't expect much more than some flashy action and a lot of one-liners from the movie. I definitely did not expect to walk away from it thinking that it may be my favorite super-hero movie of all time. But since everyone else is geeking out completely over it, I'll be the guy who pokes and prods it with a stick until it shows some imperfections.

As much as I liked it, there were some things that left me shaking my head. The score was mostly very bland, for one. Why can't we ever get a decent hero theme out of movies these days? It's all just dull background music, except for a couple of scenes where random guitar riffs come to the forefront.

Another gripe I had was that pretty much the entire length of Stark's captivity felt out of touch with the rest of the film. A bit of random banter between him and Yinsen would have given it some much-needed levity and bound it more tightly to the tone of the rest of the movie.

And what the fuck is with a tank driven by terrorists being able to shoot a small fast-moving target out of the air? I really don't think it's too much to ask for action scenes to make sense while exploring their own possibilities.

I can probably come up with some more gripes, but why bother? I loved the hell out of the movie, and nitpicking it won't change that.

05-06-2008, 10:18 PM
was really good

05-07-2008, 03:34 AM
The humor was way better handled than other movies in the same sort of genre like Spidey 3 and Transformers, it was never distracting or overly ridiculous

Transformers sucked. Iron Man, on the other hand, didn't.

Maybe Prak should change his avatar...

Eblis O'Shaughnessy
05-07-2008, 03:54 AM
As much as I liked it, there were some things that left me shaking my head. The score was mostly very bland, for one. Why can't we ever get a decent hero theme out of movies these days? It's all just dull background music, except for a couple of scenes where random guitar riffs come to the forefront.

Some of us prefer movie music to not overpower what we're watching, but just to do exactly what movie music is supposed to do: set the tone without banging the audience over the head with it.

Another gripe I had was that pretty much the entire length of Stark's captivity felt out of touch with the rest of the film. A bit of random banter between him and Yinsen would have given it some much-needed levity and bound it more tightly to the tone of the rest of the movie.

You must not have paid too much attention, because I recall Stark and Yinsen throwing some subtle smartass remarks at each other while they planned things (usually along the lines of the other person being inept, or "you think you can do this without blowing us up" type things).

And what the fuck is with a tank driven by terrorists being able to shoot a small fast-moving target out of the air? I really don't think it's too much to ask for action scenes to make sense while exploring their own possibilities.

Considering that these were the same terrorists given Stark Industries Tech by Stane, I really don't think it's too far of a stretch to think he'd have given them anti-aircraft/missile counter-measures (even if it was just an anti-missile defense system, which I could easily see knocking the MK III out of the air since Stark was still winging it even up to the fight with the Iron Monger at the end--or did you miss him trying to fire a repulsor beam after he'd already removed the glove on the roof?).

I can probably come up with some more gripes, but why bother? I loved the hell out of the movie, and nitpicking it won't change that.

I'd say that the only real flaw with the movie is that the primary villain in this movie wasn't quite threatening enough.

Or, rather, that all through the movie Stane is built up as a real intellectual threat against Stark (cold, calculating and ruthless as hell--as evidenced with what he did to the Ten Rings group once he got his hands on the MK I ruins), but once he gets into the Iron Monger suit he becomes a complete moron.

Ah well, maybe we'll get to see some Hulk Buster armor in the new Hulk movie or in the Avenger Initiative movie whenever it comes out.

05-07-2008, 06:25 AM
I'm a bigtime Iron-Geek, and this movie definitely won my approval. I had some nitpicks of my own (the tank, wishing for another vigilante scene, etc.) but I was still very happy with the movie. They didn't make the mk3 super hi-tech but it still was very, very impressive. And finally my last fear- that they'd use that Iron Man rock song...well, I'm glad it was left alone until the end credits. Mind you, I just don't like the song. Looking forward to where this all goes in IM2 and Avengers.

The music could've been better but I found some pretty good highlights in 2 of the instrumental tracks and for some godforsaken reason, I keep playing the "DamnKid" track by DJ Boborobo (from the awards scene video). Actually I'd like to find more music like that.

05-07-2008, 06:54 AM
I think the terrorists were the most interesting part of the movie. They weren't protrayed as insane saudi's out to destroy the west, but a group of different individuals united under a common ideology (which was kinda muddled, as they were depicted pillaging an afghan town). Particularly interesting was how the dudes spoke different languages with each other (farsi/pashtun, and urdu dialects), and weren't making some suicidal tape...well i won't spoil it but u know what it was for

but u knew those ignorant bastards couldn't be the main villains of the piece, there almost had to be someone more diabolical lurking around, so the ending wasn't too surprising

05-07-2008, 01:41 PM
Some of us prefer movie music to not overpower what we're watching, but just to do exactly what movie music is supposed to do: set the tone without banging the audience over the head with it.

I mostly agree with you about that, but there are times when it's useful, such as opening/ending credits or when we have long scenes with no dialogue or important/interesting sound effects.

You must not have paid too much attention, because I recall Stark and Yinsen throwing some subtle smartass remarks at each other while they planned things (usually along the lines of the other person being inept, or "you think you can do this without blowing us up" type things).

Subtlety is not the movie's strong point.

Considering that these were the same terrorists given Stark Industries Tech by Stane, I really don't think it's too far of a stretch to think he'd have given them anti-aircraft/missile counter-measures (even if it was just an anti-missile defense system, which I could easily see knocking the MK III out of the air since Stark was still winging it even up to the fight with the Iron Monger at the end--or did you miss him trying to fire a repulsor beam after he'd already removed the glove on the roof?).

Now who wasn't paying attention? That was very obviously a shot from the tank's main cannon. And my gripe isn't about Stark's skill with the suit. It's about the gunner's supernatural aim.

I'd say that the only real flaw with the movie is that the primary villain in this movie wasn't quite threatening enough.

Or, rather, that all through the movie Stane is built up as a real intellectual threat against Stark (cold, calculating and ruthless as hell--as evidenced with what he did to the Ten Rings group once he got his hands on the MK I ruins), but once he gets into the Iron Monger suit he becomes a complete moron.

Total agreement there. Stane's descent into being a gibbering buffoon was pretty lame.

Master Nabeshin
05-08-2008, 07:29 AM
Ah, I think Stane's descent was intended to echo his desire to hang on to power. Notice how he was a the intellectual businessman at the beginning of the film? He was pretty nice, fairly agreeable then. There was no threat to his power. This could also be because he had planned everything out. He hired the Ten Rings to kill Tony, but they didn't before they realized who he was. When Tony comes back and shuts down the weapons manufacturing, you can tell Stane is a bit flustered, but he hides it well. He tries to lock Tony out of the company, when Tony prods, he comes right out and tells him so. He becomes less cool and less calculating throughout the film. He starts to act more and think less as he clamors to cling to power. He steals the miniature reactor out of Tony's chest. Does he deliver it to his research team? No, he puts it in his Iron monger suit. Once he was in the suit, it was the power he desired, embodied. He was drunk with power.
Or something like that...I'm up a lot later than I should be. I'm probably not as coherent as I think I am.

05-08-2008, 08:02 AM
Ktulu, I enjoyed your review. I pretty much agree entirely with it! Mine is not as detailed or awesome, but here it is pasted out of my livejournal anyway. It does contain one major gripe about the movie which no one has mentioned yet, but it is not the type of major gripe that makes me say the movie was bad. Overall I really loved it.

Saw Iron Man tonight. Might be a spoiler or two in here for those who are worried. But first, before I start the spoilers, if you're not going to read on, just read this. Make sure you sit through the credits. I know people told you to do that on X3 and it wasn't very exciting, but trust me, THIS is exciting. It is far, far better than you can possibly imagine. It is almost the best thing about going to see Iron Man.

So anyway, the movie is terrific in my estimation. It is my second favorite super hero movie right after the Spider-Man trilogy. I've never been a huge Iron Man fan but this movie is just done extremely well. The story and character are treated very well, and Tony Stark's transformation from asshole playboy into selfless hero is a surprisingly believable one. The movie is very funny as well. The humor tends to revolve around slapstick gags, but they are clever and Robert Downey Jr. is very good at pulling them off. You can see a couple of them in the trailer but they are actually not the best jokes at all.

There are also some really terrific nods to Marvel fans, including an obvious allusion to War Machine which is undoubtedly part of a planned sequel. I won't spoil the rest of them as they really are neat surprises.

My only actual complaint is that I'm already getting tired of seeing Marvel heroes fight against evil versions of themselves for their big villain. They already did this in X2 and Spider-Man 3 and it seems they are dong it again in the upcoming new version of Hulk. I was glad to see Venom, but this bad guy Iron Man suit was just kind of... eh. It didn't really feel very meaningful, and I didn't think it was as good of a fight as it could have been either since Stark was at such a disadvantage that it really just amounted to him running away and stalling until an outside measure could be used against the villain. A fight where he started out at full capacity would have been much more exciting, as it really would have pitted the two suits against each other full scale.

In fact, this hits on a major pet peeve I have about final battles in movies. Often it seems that the filmmakers think it's more dramatic to have the hero be completely overpowered by the villain and somehow manage to pull through with a clever last-minute trick or something of that sort, but it just isn't. You know it's going to happen as soon as you see the hero start losing. Some examples of much more exciting final confrontations would be Luke Skywalker against Darth Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi, Hot Rod vs. Galvatron at the end of Transformers: The Movie, and Beatrix vs. Bill at the end of Kill Bill. These are all scenarios where the hero is either equally matched with, or actually stronger than the villain, which creates a sense that we respect this hero for a good reason: he or she really is that skilled, brave, and strong. When the hero is overpowered but wins by pulling a lever at the right time, it just makes me think he is a lucky person of inferior skill.

Well, that was a bit more about what I see as the movie's only real fault than I meant it to be, so don't get the wrong impression. I loved it and I recommend it very highly, and I am very excited for the inevitable sequel.

05-08-2008, 10:01 PM
Well........ They have already confirmed a Iron Man 2.
Not only that but I heard that Tony Stark will be appearing in the new Hulk movie. They will also be making a Thor movie, as well as a Cap. America movie. I bet that they will tie all of these movies together somehow, like they did at the end of Iron Man with Nick Fury recruiting members. So you know what is coming after all of these movies right.....?............ YES the Avengers movie.YAY :)

05-08-2008, 10:20 PM
Nice review. I only just saw it recently. Robert Downey Jr. pulled off playboy Stark rather well.

Also, Marvel's really overdoing it on the hero films. Hopefully the new Hulk movie won't blow as badly as Ang Lee's.

05-08-2008, 10:47 PM
wondering when will they give Iron Man its Proton Cannon

05-09-2008, 02:33 AM
Well........ They have already confirmed a Iron Man 2.
Not only that but I heard that Tony Stark will be appearing in the new Hulk movie. They will also be making a Thor movie, as well as a Cap. America movie. I bet that they will tie all of these movies together somehow, like they did at the end of Iron Man with Nick Fury recruiting members. So you know what is coming after all of these movies right.....?............ YES the Avengers movie.YAY :)The rumors are that each movie will feature a cameo of some sort from the other Avengers members, whether in costume or as their alter egos. For instance, Thor is rumored to come out in Iron Man 2.

Eblis O'Shaughnessy
05-09-2008, 04:07 AM
Ktulu, I enjoyed your review. I pretty much agree entirely with it! Mine is not as detailed or awesome, but here it is pasted out of my livejournal anyway. It does contain one major gripe about the movie which no one has mentioned yet, but it is not the type of major gripe that makes me say the movie was bad. Overall I really loved it.

Saw Iron Man tonight. Might be a spoiler or two in here for those who are worried. But first, before I start the spoilers, if you're not going to read on, just read this. Make sure you sit through the credits. I know people told you to do that on X3 and it wasn't very exciting, but trust me, THIS is exciting. It is far, far better than you can possibly imagine. It is almost the best thing about going to see Iron Man.

So anyway, the movie is terrific in my estimation. It is my second favorite super hero movie right after the Spider-Man trilogy. I've never been a huge Iron Man fan but this movie is just done extremely well. The story and character are treated very well, and Tony Stark's transformation from asshole playboy into selfless hero is a surprisingly believable one. The movie is very funny as well. The humor tends to revolve around slapstick gags, but they are clever and Robert Downey Jr. is very good at pulling them off. You can see a couple of them in the trailer but they are actually not the best jokes at all.

There are also some really terrific nods to Marvel fans, including an obvious allusion to War Machine which is undoubtedly part of a planned sequel. I won't spoil the rest of them as they really are neat surprises.

My only actual complaint is that I'm already getting tired of seeing Marvel heroes fight against evil versions of themselves for their big villain. They already did this in X2 and Spider-Man 3 and it seems they are dong it again in the upcoming new version of Hulk. I was glad to see Venom, but this bad guy Iron Man suit was just kind of... eh. It didn't really feel very meaningful, and I didn't think it was as good of a fight as it could have been either since Stark was at such a disadvantage that it really just amounted to him running away and stalling until an outside measure could be used against the villain. A fight where he started out at full capacity would have been much more exciting, as it really would have pitted the two suits against each other full scale.

In fact, this hits on a major pet peeve I have about final battles in movies. Often it seems that the filmmakers think it's more dramatic to have the hero be completely overpowered by the villain and somehow manage to pull through with a clever last-minute trick or something of that sort, but it just isn't. You know it's going to happen as soon as you see the hero start losing. Some examples of much more exciting final confrontations would be Luke Skywalker against Darth Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi, Hot Rod vs. Galvatron at the end of Transformers: The Movie, and Beatrix vs. Bill at the end of Kill Bill. These are all scenarios where the hero is either equally matched with, or actually stronger than the villain, which creates a sense that we respect this hero for a good reason: he or she really is that skilled, brave, and strong. When the hero is overpowered but wins by pulling a lever at the right time, it just makes me think he is a lucky person of inferior skill.

Well, that was a bit more about what I see as the movie's only real fault than I meant it to be, so don't get the wrong impression. I loved it and I recommend it very highly, and I am very excited for the inevitable sequel.

The only real problem here is that your common gripe is also a common element of many Marvel heroes. From the Iron Monger to Titanium Man, Iron Man/Tony Stark usually wins by outsmarting the other pilot rather than flat-out brawling with them and winning because the MK III was a better suit than theirs.

But as far as that goes, it can only get better in the sequels as everything was quite clearly from the point of view of Stark not being especially skilled when it comes to real tactics with the suit yet. I figure that'll change dramatically in any sequels we see--especially in an Avengers movie in a few years where Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Ant-Man and one other character take on some world-destroying threat.

05-09-2008, 06:09 AM
I'm not opposed to him having to win by outsmarting the opponent, it just would have been nice if he had done something other than run away or get beaten up for the entire fight. It just wasn't a very pleasing fight imo.

05-09-2008, 08:16 AM
It lacked Unfly Infinites, Smart Bombs, a Proton Cannon, and BURN.

05-10-2008, 02:12 AM

All these fanboy gripes make me laugh.
Why is it that fanboys tend to gripe about Iron Man not having all the intricate, sophisticated weaponry as the comic book. They tend to forget that the early Iron armor didn't have all the Hi-tech stuff it has now. As a matter of fact, I thought the evolution of the MKI to MKIII was a bit quick, but the fanboy in me quickly shrugged it off with all the eye candy.
Aside from that little nit-pick, I thought they balanced it just right to be a believable story for everyone rather than just another comic book movie for fanboys to get all wet over.

05-10-2008, 09:49 PM
I thought this was a fairly decent comic book outing i dont know all the back history about Iron Man but if there ever was a sequal made i would defiently go and see it.

05-10-2008, 10:16 PM
It was very "eh". Your standard run-of-the-mill hollywood superhero movie.

05-11-2008, 12:58 PM
it was one of the best movies so far, its up there with spiderman1 and xmen

06-10-2008, 09:55 PM
I have to say, Iron man is the best Comic to film conversion I've ever seen.

I just think that everything worked brilliantly, the CGI was used to enhance the film, the lines were snappy and well written, the humor was good, the action was superb.... I've NEVER left a comic book movie with such a grin on my face ( and I've seen this 3 times!) Right from the moment Mk 1 appears all the way up to the final fight with Iron Monger, I was grinning like a child

My only (very minor) gripes were the fact that Stakrs office Computer was a Dell, and that he drove an Audi ( I kinda think that a billionaire would drive something flasher. However I can forgive the Dell)

With regards to what Prak said about the Cave scene, I think it was ment to be darker than the rest of the film, in fact I think it needed to be. Like the old adage "its always darkest just before dawn" at that point (from Starks prespective) everything was at rock bottom, but infact, everything was just starting and as we see, he hits new heights.

And as For the Gripe that he just gets beaten up or runs in the last fight, umm that was to be expected. Before he even engages Iron monger he's down to less than 50% power, the reactor he was forced to use wasn't designed for the MK 3 armour, where as Iron Monger had the upgraded version, and was a damn sight bigger.

So yeah, Iron man shows film makers how comics SHOULD be converted

P.s Applogies for the bump

06-11-2008, 05:22 PM
Wow, awesome, f@cking awesome movie!
Really best comic-movie eva!
(ok, I didn't count in Sin City and 300 :P )

06-24-2008, 11:40 PM
The rumors are that each movie will feature a cameo of some sort from the other Avengers members, whether in costume or as their alter egos. For instance, Thor is rumored to come out in Iron Man 2.

by the look of this, thor should be out before iron man 2, which would make sense going off the way the other cameos have worked so far, i.e. someone appearing at the end of the film to recruit the hero of the film, cue edward norton recruiting thor to the avengers at the end of the thor movie... cue boner... erm...

06-25-2008, 02:06 AM

by the look of this, thor should be out before iron man 2, which would make sense going off the way the other cameos have worked so far, i.e. someone appearing at the end of the film to recruit the hero of the film, cue edward norton recruiting thor to the avengers at the end of the thor movie... cue boner... erm...LOL!!! got to love that re-enactment.

What I really like is how they've mentioned other characters and organizations from the Marvelverse. They espesially did it in Hulk...


For those who haven't seen Hulk, don't read the next section!!!

... Stark came out at the end and spoke to Gen. Ross, also mentioning his attempt at creating the "Hulk Buster" Armor! Also, did everyone catch all the Marvel Character mentions when Ross said: "Do you know how many people want to get their hands on him!"
If I'm not mistaken, Ross even mentioned Wolverine when he said: "...not to mention A Canadian who's just itching to pick fight just to see what he's made of!"

[End of Spoiler!!!]

06-25-2008, 02:13 AM
I can't just wait for Avengers anymore!

06-25-2008, 02:14 AM
yeah, it was fucking awesome!!! i love how they're dropping all these little hints in and stuff at future marvel flicks!!! i wonder if the upcoming wolverine origin's film will be linked to the avengers film and if the avengers film will have wolverine in, him frequenting the team and all!?!

06-25-2008, 02:18 AM
LOL!!! got to love that re-enactment.

What I really like is how they've mentioned other characters and organizations from the Marvelverse. They espesially did it in Hulk...


For those who haven't seen Hulk, don't read the next section!!!

... Stark came out at the end and spoke to Gen. Ross, also mentioning his attempt at creating the "Hulk Buster" Armor! Also, did everyone catch all the Marvel Character mentions when Ross said: "Do you know how many people want to get their hands on him!"
If I'm not mistaken, Ross even mentioned Wolverine when he said: "...not to mention A Canadian who's just itching to pick fight just to see what he's made of!"

[End of Spoiler!!!]

Spoiler for Iron Man

Yeah, and at the end of Iron Man, when samuel L says " We are looking forward to working together." or something like that, then Tony Stark says " Who is "we" "

I think that's another nice little taster. Recruiting Iron Man for the Avengers.

06-25-2008, 02:19 AM

06-25-2008, 04:35 AM
yeah, it was fucking awesome!!! i love how they're dropping all these little hints in and stuff at future marvel flicks!!! i wonder if the upcoming wolverine origin's film will be linked to the avengers film and if the avengers film will have wolverine in, him frequenting the team and all!?!
Who knows, but I kind of doubt it. I read an interview with Norton, who said that he re-wrote some stuff from the script and added lots of stuff from the Hulk books. So it could be a nod to the first appearance of Wolvie. Then again, it could also be Wendigo who was also fighting Hulk in that issue.

I think the Cap movie is going to bring the back story of HYDRA.
And if they really want to get Fanboys wet, they could go reticon, and put a cameo of Wolvie (pre-adamantium), Nick Fury (a Sgt.then) and the Howling Commandos fighting alongside Cap against Red Skull, Baron Zemo, Baron Strucker, HYDRA and the Nazis.
Now THAT would be Hardcore Fanboy Porn!

06-25-2008, 08:42 AM
I want to see Bucky! :-P