04-30-2008, 06:37 PM
Now that the long awaited GTA4 is upon us, let us all look back in the series and reflect on the memories that made the main character of their respective series badass.

To get to my point, I have set up a poll for all the GTA fans and gaming fans in general here to see who you all think is the BIGGEST BADASS in the GTA series.

04-30-2008, 07:28 PM
Here is how to rate the characters

Dress and Apperence
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Weapon Combat
Overall Average

04-30-2008, 08:31 PM
Do you realize just how retarded that is?

They can all wear a bunch of different outfits, so rating how they dress is pointless. Attitude is a part of personality, and they pretty much all have the same personality anyway. None of them are particularly smart. The combat is pretty much the same in all the games and are entirely dependent on personal skill, so you can't say any were better than the others in that regard.

And when I spell it out in terms like that, it's pretty clear that there's nothing to discuss, so I'm closing this.