04-27-2008, 10:45 AM
Does anyone else think that this is a really pointless product? It's just a board that you stand on and do boring things like lean or do press-ups. I can probably do everything that you can on wii fit but for a lot less money. I don't see why loads of people are so excited about it, it's a waste of money.

04-27-2008, 11:03 AM
I'll be buying two on launch day.

04-27-2008, 12:29 PM
Nintendo making exercising fun doesn't sound pointless to me considering there are many lazy fat fuckers out there.

04-27-2008, 02:24 PM
Does anyone else think that this is a really pointless product? It's just a board that you stand on and do boring things like lean or do press-ups. I can probably do everything that you can on wii fit but for a lot less money. I don't see why loads of people are so excited about it, it's a waste of money.

Why are loads of people so excited about the internet? All you do is sit in front of a computer and do boring things like type and click a mouse every now and then.

Since you're clearly a bit slow on the uptake, here's a pertinent piece of info: Ninty isn't targeting ye olde gamer demographic. They're going after the rest of the world. Last time I checked, at least here in America, lots of people are excited about losing weight. Ninty's promoting Wii Fit as a fun weight-loss "game" for everybody, not just for your stereotypical socially-inept uber-gamer geek who has a complete (and reasonably accurate) tier list for SSBB, a 16-digit gamerscore on his Xbox Live Gamertag, and likely hasn't seen sunlight in six weeks.

Desert Wolf
04-27-2008, 02:32 PM
Why are loads of people so excited about the internet? All you do is sit in front of a computer and do boring things like type and click a mouse every now and then.

Since you're clearly a bit slow on the uptake, here's a pertinent piece of info: Ninty isn't targeting ye olde gamer demographic. They're going after the rest of the world. Last time I checked, at least here in America, lots of people are excited about losing weight. Ninty's promoting Wii Fit as a fun weight-loss "game" for everybody, not just for your stereotypical socially-inept uber-gamer geek who has a complete (and reasonably accurate) tier list for SSBB, a 16-digit gamerscore on his Xbox Live Gamertag, and likely hasn't seen sunlight in six weeks.

When the wii did first come out I thought it was going to have people up jumping around the room with its new motion sensor. This is far from the case as most of the things can be done by just randomly waving the controller around. Maybe if they made more games that required you to actually do something then we could have fun and exercise playing a game thats actually good.

04-27-2008, 02:41 PM
Nintendo making exercising fun doesn't sound pointless to me considering there are many lazy fat fuckers out there.

As a lazy fat f*cker I intend to get as soon as payday comes round

04-27-2008, 02:44 PM
As a lazy fat f*cker I intend to get as soon as payday comes round


Although I still think DDR is a better workout, to be honest.

execrable gumwrapper
04-27-2008, 02:49 PM

Tolan = fat fuck from hs, famous for breaking a PS2 metal DDR pad after a game.

04-27-2008, 03:17 PM
America needs something like this dude. Im not going to buy because im not a tub, but there are plent fat fucks out there that need it. They dont want to excercise, so Nintendo is going to try and revolutionize excercising i guess. It may work - it really is just a marketing techinique though. People will lose weight and praise nintendo, and that will be 1 more thing for nintendo to brag about at next years E3. And if no one actually loses weight, they will make up storys about people that have. Not trying to bash nintendo, thats just how business works.

J. Peterman
04-27-2008, 03:28 PM
I'll be buying two on launch day.

i'm getting 12

04-27-2008, 04:43 PM
This video is so funny. It's a parody of the wii fit.


Emma of the stars
04-27-2008, 04:58 PM
lol, I wanna get Wii Fit. I'm lazy and fat... it could be a good thing. XD

omg, and that parody thing is hilarious. XDDD

execrable gumwrapper
04-27-2008, 05:16 PM
This video is so funny. It's a parody of the wii fit.


Yeah, really found nothing funny there.

04-27-2008, 07:54 PM
Yeah, really found nothing funny there.

Tough crowd.

04-27-2008, 08:27 PM
When the wii did first come out I thought it was going to have people up jumping around the room with its new motion sensor. This is far from the case as most of the things can be done by just randomly waving the controller around. Maybe if they made more games that required you to actually do something then we could have fun and exercise playing a game thats actually good.

Thing is, folks outside ye olde gamer demographic don't get that. I know that because I see my parents and in-laws, who are most decidedly outside ye olde gamer demographic, playing Wii Sports, on a fairly regular basis.

Tough crowd.

Or a vid packed full of ignorance, perhaps? Seriously, have you ever attempted yoga/pilates before?

04-27-2008, 09:20 PM
Or a vid packed full of ignorance, perhaps?

The video is a parody it's not meant to be an unbiased discussion about the wii fit. It's for entertinment. Geez, people can take things too seriously some times.

Seriously, have you ever attempted yoga/pilates before?

Can't say that I have or ever want to.

04-28-2008, 02:32 AM
Or a vid packed full of ignorance, perhaps? Seriously, have you ever attempted yoga/pilates before?

I thought the video was kind of amusing, like the line about it going well with anything from Ikea.

If it gets people to try real yoga/pilates, that's pretty cool I guess. You certainly can't claim wiifit will really change many people's lives. They'll get it, see it as a novelty for maybe a month, and then get tired of its exercises. Hopefully, they'll take the fun they had with it (if they had fun) and start doing something else with their lives.

I don't think it's really that amazing, though, but I'm glad it's somewhat of an effort?
Of course, as someone who recently began eating right and exercising regularly after being a completley fat lazy fuck, I'm probalby not exactly the target demographic for this.

04-28-2008, 03:05 AM
Nintendo Power Pad FTW!

04-28-2008, 03:33 AM
I can see a lot of women buying this.

Tons already do basically what Wii Fit is offering through yoga, pilates, etc. (ie: standing in place, leaning side to side, sticking one leg out). Pretty much exercise without exertion (also known as pointless exercise.)


J. Peterman
04-28-2008, 03:55 AM

04-28-2008, 04:29 AM
Garamond, you are a good son ^_^

J. Peterman
04-28-2008, 04:49 AM
and you are a bad one!

04-28-2008, 05:02 AM
Here's a bit of good news if this thing sells:

Our local gyms will now have more open space due to a drop in yoga/pilates classes and a lack of fat fucks just sitting on the machines and benches.

I mean honestly, I pay to go and lift weights because there's not enough space for me to have a home gym. I do most of my running away from city streets. I even try to eat right most of the time. But it's shit like this that frustrates me. Okay, so people are going to be more flexible, is that it? I've seen my share of fat, flexible people, but not so much of the 300+ pound, 55" waisted folks that could run a mile in 7 minutes.

But before you write me off as one-sided, I do think that some aspects are noteworthy. Well, maybe not a few, but based on the list of games I'd think that the only ones that would be more useful than their gym-related counterparts would be that "roll the ball in the hole" thing and the "tightrope walking" game. Other than those, real boxing is more strenuous, hula hooping with a weighted hoop is more physically demanding, real jogging gets you fresh air if you go outside, push ups only help you if you're tremendously weak (otherwise the bench press is leaps and bounds better), and real skiiing/snowboarding/sports in general give people the fresh air they need.

Short version: If you want to improve your balance without going all Karate-Kid-trying-to-learn-Crane-form on everyone, get Wii Fit. If you want to be healthier, then eat right and get some fresh air and exercise.

04-28-2008, 10:24 AM
i have a wii fit

04-29-2008, 01:19 AM
I look at many things that can be ways to help improve something about the body that needs improving. Take the dance for hard techno (can't remember the name), if you have horrible balance, you're going to have a hard time doing the dance. So my suggestion to help you center your balance more; play DDR. Helped me loads when I was in martial arts because there was a certain kick that I just couldn't land without catching my balance. With this Wii Fit, it might actually make people want to go out and do real exercising. Although it's just a guess, but if people actually do find exercising fun through this game, then wouldn't everyone win in the long run? Assuming many of them actually play the game of course.

Desert Wolf
05-03-2008, 08:59 PM
I actually played wii fit yesterday. Like most wii games its good fun with a group but I reckon it would just be boring on your own. Yes you might be getting exercise but jogging out in the fresh air is still much better. Im pretty impressed with how it works though. All about centre of gravity and stuff for the balancing ones which is cool. It also checks your bmi and weight. So I guess its not too bad really but again the kind of thing ill play with at my friends house but thats as far as it goes.

05-03-2008, 09:13 PM
i do not think i will get this =O