Omega Flare
05-12-2002, 08:24 PM
wich one is the best

05-12-2002, 08:42 PM
Don't we have enough of these Console War threads?

Oh and... it's Xbox.... not X-Box, not XBox, not X-box, but Xbox. =P

05-15-2002, 01:48 AM
Sorry I can't pick if its Playstation2 or Gamecube but I now XBox sucks.:D

Divine Strike
05-15-2002, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by Punisher
Sorry I can't pick if its Playstation2 or Gamecube but I know XBox sucks.:D

I know it is difficult because the PS2 has great games, but then again GC has some good games and it has better I really don't know which one to choose.......I will most likely get them both eventually.

Crazy Chocobo
05-15-2002, 04:31 AM
the cube. I like it more and more each day, and it was a present too. Much easier to carry around. It has a cute little handle! ^_^

05-15-2002, 07:34 PM
#1 why would u need to carry your consol around? mine just stays were it is all the time

#2 i think graphics isnt a good argument for what system is better ...the ps2 graphics are fine and if i wanted i could say better then gamecube heh

#3 its the games that count now what the system can do...between u all and me but i think super nintendo has better games then some sytems now adays which makes it a better system

but my opinion..ps2 is the best ...its got better games and besides most consols all get the same games except for the final fantasy series (hahaha gc'ers and xbox'ers dont get it !) yeah oh sure were missing out on mario...but no offense mario is sorta childish now adays ...and from the games ive seen nintendo is like a playschool company with more childrens games then probably wrong though

Crazy Chocobo
05-15-2002, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by Surprentis
#1 why would u need to carry your consol around? mine just stays were it is all the time

Well, I need to put it away sometimes, every tuesday, when my dad pays someone to come over here and help him clean up... probably part of the reason I got an allowance cut.