Omega Flare
05-12-2002, 08:13 PM
How can I defeat mister gaiacreater. when I attack him he will cast protect on himself or shell or another protectingspell, I mean that trance kuja is a piece of pie(hmmm nice creampie with jelly and donuts and other stuff........) oops got a little carried away. but how do i defeat him, I don't use dagger because of her healing, I use her when I need to. Zidane only can attack because his trancebar is to low to reach. steiner with the thundagasword or firagasword and vivi with other strong magic like meteor os meaby bio. with vivi I've got the add effect on and the auto-life and with the rest as much as possible with statusdefending. does the return magic actually works with vivi because what I can remember is that I heald him instead of hurting mistergaiacreator. Come to think of it that music that they were playing on terra, I don't know who they were but they played some damngood music. To play with sound I have to put my stereotower or something on and I just putted the volume almost to max, It was so good to hear for my ears, like a angel is peeing on you're tong. well can't wait to hear some good tips on defeating mistergaiacreatordestroyer.

Angel Aeris
05-12-2002, 08:38 PM
This is my strategy...

Equip: As many status covers as possible, also elemental-weapons like Coral ring and Madains Ring, they make you absorb from Blizzaga and Thundaga. Auto-Regen is also very useful in here

If protect and shell cause you a problem, I'd succest to take Eiko to your team. She's useful white mage, she can take care protect/shell problem with Dispel. She also has Full Life, which is also is very useful skill. Plus, without Necron's shell, and with Boost, her Madeen can cause 9999 damage with each!!! So, think about it!!! And you get little more time if you equip Guardian Mog.

You can also use your Dark Matter if you haven't used to it. If Zidane has Ultima Weapon, cast Berserk and let him attack. Otherwise let him attack 'normally.' Put every possible status cover you can, so you're safe from that attack...(sorry can't remember it's name anymore). With Vivi, you do right, let him use the powerful flares and meteors. Don't know about Steiner, since I haven't never used him in the final battle, but I succest you do right.

Don't loose you nerves, the ending is worth of it!!!

Omega Flare
05-13-2002, 09:21 AM
thanks Angel Aeris, if this works that means you really are a angel after all

Angel Aeris
05-13-2002, 03:08 PM
No problem, glad if I can help.

Tell if it worked ok? :)

05-13-2002, 04:07 PM
I'd also use Garnet's summons like Ark and Bahamut (boosted of course). Having everyone at least level 70 will also greatly help your chances of survival. Equip Auto-Regen on EVERYONE, therefore, if your party is close to death, just have Garnet summon Ark, then sit back and watch the HP steadily fly in as 'Mr Mecha' deals out some incredible damage (As much as 9999 HP, if Garnet's magic power is high.).

Having Vivi cast Flare(I wouldn't worry about Doomsday, as it's more trouble than it's worth.), along with Steiner equipped with either preferably Ragnarok, or at the very least, Excalibur, will also do big damage to Mr 'lord of Nothingness'. With this, your party should have no trouble putting Necron away reasonably quickly. Just watch out for his super move, Grand Cross. This doesn't do any physical damage to your HP, but will hit all of your party with three or four random (and very nasty) negative status effects, like poison, mini, petrify,slow petrify, death sentence, trouble, berserk, undead,and instant death. Undead, death sentence, and instant kill are the most annoying to deal with. Just make sure you have a white mage in your party (ie Garnet or Eiko), so they can ressurrect any KO characters.

Other than that, you should be able to defeat Necron with not too much trouble(he has around 60 000HP if I rememeber correctly), so, just keep you party healed, destroy Necron, save Gaia, and enjoy the awesome ending!

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"Starkle, starkle, little twink. Now it's time that you guys sink!!!" Gilgamesh, trying to taunt your party with a twisted revision of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', FFV.

Crazy Chocobo
05-14-2002, 02:20 AM
Equip Auto-Regen, Auto-Haste, Auto-Whatever, Boost... etc. Attack, attack, and attack with Zidane, Freya should jump, that can save you from major spells. (which reminds me, the first time you fight trance kuja, when he casts his last spell and the fight ends, Freya will fall out of the sky if she is in the middle of a jump) Garnet should summon her most powerful summon, and Vivi should cast doomsday like there's no tommorow.

zidane tribal
05-14-2002, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Enkidoh
I'd also use Garnet's summons like Ark and Bahamut (boosted of course). Having everyone at least level 70 will also greatly help your chances of survival. Equip Auto-Regen on EVERYONE, therefore, if your party is close death, just have Garnetsummon Ark, then sit back and watch the HP steadily fly in as 'Mr Mecha' deals out some incredible damage (As much as 9999 HP, if Garnet's magic power is high.

Having Vivi with Flare(I wouldn't worry about Doomsday, as it's to much trouble than it's worth.), along with Steiner equipped with either preferably Raganarok, or at the very least, Excalibur, will also do big damage to Mr 'lord of Nothingness'.With this, your party should have no trouble putting Necron away reasonably quickly. Just watch out for his super move, Grand Cross. This doesn't do any physical damage to your HP, but will hit all you party with three or four random (and very nasty) negative status effects,like poison, mini, petrify,slow petrify, death sentence, trouble, berserk, undead,and instant death. Undead, death sentence, and instant kill are the most annoying to deal with. Just make sure you have a white mage in your party (ie Garnet or Eiko), so they can ressurrect any KO characters.

Other than that, you should be able to defeat Necron with not too much trouble(he has around 60 000HP if I rememeber correctly), so, just keep you party healed, destroy Necron, save Gaia, and enjoy the awesome ending!

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"Starkle, starkle, little twink. Now it's time that you guys sink!!!" Gilgamesh, trying to taunt your party with a twisted revision of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', FFV. exact same strategy i use.... he wasn't easy, but i defeated him using my classic reflectx2 spell on my own characters then using doomsdayx2 when vivi gets trance....pretty powerful shiznit.....:D

05-18-2002, 09:18 AM
oh man, was necron EVER easy...
he was soooo simple, you have no idea
(the only thing that was strenuous was the length of time it takes to beat that weird thing... -oh, and where's his legs!? nothing but a bunch of rings and...)
but i'm usually one to level up all my characters to the max and have just about all the ap stones to cover up every ability.
you might just want to make his level meaningless by taking the time to train your troops hard ;)
(besides, it feels good to be invincible:p )
-later on, you'll find that ozma is harder to beat than any boss battle in FF9... but then again, it only SEEMS hard, it's
(oh wait, that seems a little... errr... you take that message in any BAD way, then you've got a sick mind... **tries not to think about it** i can't think of any other way to phrase that and i don't want to dwell on it, so, i'm going to leave that one alone and hope you skim through this message very briefly and sneeze when you get to that line so you can read from the next one on...)
well, i have to make this short because you guys need room in here too...
(oh man...)

Vivi FF
05-18-2002, 05:04 PM
Equip auto-haste and auto-regen. That's very much needed. Also combined with 5 hour Ark, you can heal your entire team that way (and about 1000 times over too :)). Then all you gotta do is use your strongest commands while having a good stock of Remedys (15+) and Holy Waters (20+) ad use them if you get any status effects on you. Esspecialy cure Zombie, or that auto-regen will be a slow and painful death...

Zidane: Theievery or Regualur Attack (whatever does more)
Vivi: Flare (2x in Trance)
Eiko: Holy (2x in trance) or Madeen if you need more health (auto-regen)
Steiner: Shock or Climmhazzard or Flare/Doomsday Sword
Garnet: summon Bahamut, Odin, or Ark depending on your situation
Freya: Jump or Dragon's Crest/Breath
Amarant: Throw ALL you good things or use No Mercy
Quina: Frog Drop, attack, or cure

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
05-30-2002, 08:04 PM
Have your characters at somewhere near level 60. As said before, put on all sorts of stuff to guard against status effects and (this might not have been said) elements. The Protect Ring is great if you have it.
Have Steiner use Shock if you hve it (can't go wrong with 9999 every time). Vivi should use Flare and other powerful spells. Don't use Doomsday unless all of your characters have something to nullify or absorb the Shadow damage. Have Zidane attack of course. Garnet summoning isn't the best idea. It might do a lot of damage, but you might want to save the MP for healing.

A little off topic, but why do you call Necron Mr. Gaia Creator Destroyer and not just Necron?

05-30-2002, 10:29 PM
Man! Necron was eaaaaassssyy for me!. All me charecters were at about lvl.70..... It took a little while but was not "on the edge, ever hit counts hard" you know??? My party was Zidane, Stiener,Dagger, and Freya. Was I the only one who used Freya? I mean COME ON each of her Dragons Crest hits caused 9999hp:rolleyes:

Maybe thats why Necron was sooooo easy for me:cool: .

05-30-2002, 11:35 PM
you must be pretty retarded if you think necron was hard. i actually couldn't believe he was the last boss. i didn't realize he was the last boss until i saw the last fmv. my friend who was beside me as i was fighting necron was askin me if he was the last boss and i said " no, i'd say there still a bit to go cus it was so easy.
bosses on the second disc were harder than him. i was disapointed because i do love a bit of a challenge. jesus the power of life and death must not be very strong if i can beat him easily on lvl 55.
my team was zidane - attacks and trance
amarant - throwing thing
garnet - summons
vivi - magic and trance
Abilities are the key to success in this game. you don't have to be that strong just earn loads of ap and get the key abilities such as summons, auto regen(on everyone)



05-31-2002, 12:41 AM
He can be beatin below level 30, But if ur having trouble beating him, the easiest way is to just Level up. Gain a bunch of levels then go back and fight him.

08-17-2002, 06:38 AM
To Beat Necron:
I used: Zidane ( Skills and Trance- Use Grand Lethal if you trance!) , Dagger(Summoned Odin and Bahamut ), Vivi( Used Meteor, and Doomsday ), and Armarant ( Chakra -use on party member...I would get him to trance...- tell you how to do that in a minute-..I would use Aura when tranced to give auto-life to all character and then use Doomsday with Vivi...cause it will kill you character but if you have auto-life equipped they will come back at hp 1 which I had the AP skill that made them gain HP and the point of using Aura if they have auto-life anyways is in case Necron kills them before they build their HP back up.
Characters Level should bein high 50's or low 60's or anything higer than that.
1: Try to have your party have ALL AP skills equipped
2: I have equipped your strongest Weapons
3: Get your party's trance guage in the middle that way when you fight Trance Kuja the meter will be almost to trance when you fight Necron
4: When Zidane trance..Grand Lethal every round he has trance
5: Dagger sgould Summon Odin and Bahamut when she trances summon Bahamut so it will automatically use Mega Flare
6: Vivi should Cast Meteor and Doomsday, when he trances use Meteor for both attacks
7: Armarant should Have Chakra so he can give your party Hp and MP incase you are low on Elixir and Ether..he should use revive and character if they are dead....and then use Aura on them ASAP! If he trances........use Chakra and Aura on pary..curse and Demi Shock on Necron..
Then get ready for a well desrved ending!

the one
08-17-2002, 04:43 PM
i just mashed him with quina frog move thing that dus more damage the more frogs u catch(mins dun 9999 everytime) i used steiners 'shock' dun 9999 every time used zidanes thing where dus more damge the more u steal(dun 9999 every time also) and just used freya to heal i think:D

beat him first time:rolleyes:

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-18-2002, 04:47 PM
Well before I get all of Steiner's abilities learnt this will make the battle a whole lot quicker, stuff like Climhazzard will be useful.
Also use stuff that counters Abnormal Statuses.

But when I got to Necron, it was all easy because I had Excalibur II and Ultima Weapon, so it was just a few normal attacks for me and he was down for the count.

Hope you beat him.

08-21-2002, 12:06 PM
I have used a way to beat Necron ever since around level 30, although it involves an exploit in the game's AI, so you might not want to use it.

When you are down to two characters or fewer, Necron will always use that Blue Whatever move that reduces a character to one hp three times in a row, then Grand Cross, then Neutron Ring. As long as you have enough life to survive Grand Cross and Neutron Ring, you never have to worry about dying unless you have horrible luck with Zombie and Mini status effects on your characters.

Basically, let Necron kill all but two of your characters (note: one of them must be a white mage). Basically this means don't heal two of your party members when Necron does Grand Cross. I left Steiner (with Shock) and Dagger alive.

The next three moves, Necron will use that Blue Something move and reduce a character to 1 hp. *Don't heal the character yet!* He will still cast that spell two more times, so if you heal yourself chances are he will just knock you back down again. Instead, this is the time you want to use both character's most damaging attacks. Be careful though, because as soon as Necron casts that Blue Something spell the third time, you need to multicast Curaga in preparation for Grand Cross. After Grand Cross multicast Curaga in preperation for Neutron Ring, and then repeat.

If for any reason one of your character's dies, get them back to life during the Blue Whatever phase, and then if you have enough time use your damaging attacks.

Since I have never seen shock do less than 9999 unless the monster has protect on, you can usually kill Necron after repeating this strategy about 3 times (less if your white mage can do some decent damage with a summon or Holy).

If you have killed enough dragons, you might want to use Freya's 9999dmg dragon move instead of Steiner's shock. The one advantage of this is that Freya's does full damage even if she is mini-ed, which basically means only horrible luck with Zombie status can kill you.

Also note that you can do this with just regular attacks or other techniques, (minus strike might be good considering you will probably be sitting at 1hp for a good portion of the battle), the battle will simply take a while longer.

08-21-2002, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Jenova
you must be pretty retarded if you think necron was hard. i actually couldn't believe he was the last boss. i didn't realize he was the last boss until i saw the last fmv. my friend who was beside me as i was fighting necron was askin me if he was the last boss and i said " no, i'd say there still a bit to go cus it was so easy.
bosses on the second disc were harder than him. i was disapointed because i do love a bit of a challenge. jesus the power of life and death must not be very strong if i can beat him easily on lvl 55.
my team was zidane - attacks and trance
amarant - throwing thing
garnet - summons
vivi - magic and trance
Abilities are the key to success in this game. you don't have to be that strong just earn loads of ap and get the key abilities such as summons, auto regen(on everyone)


Why are you calling you some one retarded when Necron isn't even the last boss you twit! Ozma is and it is at level 99 It is a shadoow, flying bubble looking thing. The hardest boss in the game is Ozma....