04-20-2008, 07:01 AM
Personally I'd go for japanese anytime, at least when it comes to VG music. There are some good examples, such as "Reset" from Okami and "Castle Imitation", from Breath of Fire V. One can't, however, ignore Mary Elizabeth McGlynn's songs for the Silent Hill games, which are awesome.

04-20-2008, 12:26 PM
Singing ruined a lot of great VG themes. Period. And I have no respect for someone who can't understand Japanese but thinks Japanese singing is great.

Instance: PSO Songs of Ragol - The Whole New World (Lyric Version)
Result: That bitch sucks. I'll take the "La La" version any day.

04-20-2008, 01:32 PM
i'm living in I feel uncomfortable when i listen english. so i prefer Japanese.

and my english is suck. so i wish you understand my condition.

04-20-2008, 07:21 PM
Singing ruined a lot of great VG themes. Period. And I have no respect for someone who can't understand Japanese but thinks Japanese singing is great.

There are tons of people who don't understand a particular language and still enjoy songs that way (including japanese), so I suppose you have no respect for a considerable amount of people all over the world.

04-20-2008, 10:35 PM
I have no respect for someone who can't understand Japanese but thinks Japanese singing is great.

It is idiotic to say that understanding lyrics is necessary for someone to appreciate a song. Think of how many people misunderstand lyrics, even those in their own language. Does that mean they're stupid? Does that mean a person can't have an emotional response to the music?

I agree with you that singing has ruined many ending themes for RPGs because the lyrics and the performances are often drippy and sentimental. But that has nothing to do with a person's appreciation of the sound of a language or the interplay between the rhythms of the words and the music. Whether or not someone is getting the full experience of a song is not for you to judge, nor is it any grounds for making judgments about the person's ability to listen attentively to music otherwise.

04-21-2008, 12:00 AM
I like it in Japanese if it's from japan. When translated to english it tends to sound weird.

04-21-2008, 02:53 PM
Japanese for me, too much Asian culture

04-21-2008, 03:58 PM
I'll take either.

I like it in Japanese if it's from japan. When translated to english it tends to sound weird.

Not always. The songs from kingdom hearts 1&2 were translated from japanese and sounded just fine.

04-21-2008, 09:04 PM
well it depends on what kind of song
sometime the japanese version is better than the english version and vice versa

04-21-2008, 11:55 PM
I can think of a couple VG songs I just don't like in english, such as "Kiss Me Good-Bye" (from FFXII), "Fly" (from Chaos Legion), "Eyes on Me" (from FFVIII), and those featured in both Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3. On the other hand, "True to your Dreams" (from Castlevania Curse of Darkness) was pretty good.

04-22-2008, 12:12 AM
I can't think of too many bad examples because I usually dismiss them and never think of them again, although one fairly recent song in Japanese I didn't like was "Why" from Final Fantasy: Crisis Core.

On the other hand, I really liked "Exceeding Love" from Suikoden III, and I'm not sure what language that's in. I read somewhere that it was ancient Japanese.

Marshall Lee
04-22-2008, 12:16 AM
I like it in Japanese if it's from japan. When translated to english it tends to sound weird.

this is true, since most words in Japanese have different meanings in English. "Simple and Clean" is a good example, a great song nonetheless...

04-22-2008, 12:53 AM
I really have no preference, I just like whatever works best for the song (Katamri Damacy's songs work best in japanese for example)

04-22-2008, 03:21 AM
I ultimately prefer "neither," which is to say, an absence of lyrics. However! In general, I prefer Japanese lyrics for multiple reasons.

First, Japanese has an almost operatic quality that outshines the consonant-heavy and near cacophonous (first word I thought of... how about unpleasant?) sharpness of English.

Secondly, it's easier to hear other instruments when the lyrics are sung in Japanese. Perhaps this has to do with my last reason.

My last reason here builds off of my preference for no lyrics: at present, I do not have a great comprehension of Japanese, which means that I forget about understanding it and listen to the lyrics as its own instrument-- not a blatant, spoken communication. It makes it a whole lot more enjoyable for me.

i'm living in I feel uncomfortable when i listen english. so i prefer Japanese.
That would only make sense.

04-26-2008, 11:24 AM
I find a lot of the singing in Japanese seems out of key; not sure if that's the style but it's often just grating. Suffice it to say -- I say neither.

04-27-2008, 09:43 AM
I like both, when they're in their original state.

When they make a Japanese music theme and then the American release gets a translated version with a much older lady doing the child's voice in the song (*ahem*WarioWare), the English version always sounds out of place!

But when they get the same singer to sing both versions (like Hikari and Simple and Clean), usually they're both good.

Same thing for when they originally make the songs in English even in the Japanese release, as in Sonic games.

04-28-2008, 06:45 PM
Some things are meant to be original.:cool:

04-30-2008, 11:05 AM
It is idiotic to say that understanding lyrics is necessary for someone to appreciate a song. Think of how many people misunderstand lyrics, even those in their own language. Does that mean they're stupid? Does that mean a person can't have an emotional response to the music?

I agree with you that singing has ruined many ending themes for RPGs because the lyrics and the performances are often drippy and sentimental. But that has nothing to do with a person's appreciation of the sound of a language or the interplay between the rhythms of the words and the music. Whether or not someone is getting the full experience of a song is not for you to judge, nor is it any grounds for making judgments about the person's ability to listen attentively to music otherwise.

You should stop interpreting my opinions to the point of insult. I don't recall referring to anyone as stupid or judging their ability to appreciate music so I'm not sure what your beef is...

I didn't know my opinion of these guys meant so much. Why would you get so defensive just because you don't have my respect because I assure you you aren't alone in that club. :)

On topic: Some good songs exist, but they often must start off with vocal arrangements for me to like them like Silent Hill 3's "You're Not Here" or "Passion" in Kingdom Hearts. It irks me when they pave over a perfectly good instrumental with new vocals as the arrangements usually have all the subtlety of a steam roller. Like "The Skies Above" by the Black Mages and Sera's Theme (not sure of the real name) in the Avatar Tuner OSTs.

04-30-2008, 12:01 PM
What the hell are you people bitching about...? If you don't want to feel insulted by someone on the *internet* just don't post personal shit...i'll also say damn a couple of you for liking my songs!!!
P.S: I have written, sung and composed every song in existence..i'm like over 10 quadrillion years old (thats right, i created the fucking universe!). Oh yeah...i went there.(nearly forgot, i prefer english only because i speak english...)

04-30-2008, 01:46 PM
I don't mind about Japanese or English VG Songs.
If the song/music sounds good to me...:love: :love: :love:

04-30-2008, 08:36 PM
Forget it. I felt like you were trying to insult the community, and I momentarily had the grandiose notion that I could/should start an argument on its behalf. But you're right. I shouldn't have taken it personally and shouldn't have posted a response. I think what makes this forum great is that the vast majority of people are willing to help one another and make recommendations and share their knowledge, more often than not without any judgment on another person's tastes or sensibilities. So it made me angry to see you putting other people down simply for what they liked. That was why I posted a response. But it's detrimental to thread discussions to do so, and unnecessarily antagonistic, and opposed to the things I just mentioned that I like about the site. So I apologize. Won't happen again.

On topic: I agree with you that when vocals are added later, most often they don't work. For example, I hated the FFVI vocal tracks.

04-30-2008, 08:45 PM
No harm, no foul, man. I guess I'll try to sound less harsh next time.

But thanks anyway.

05-11-2008, 12:33 PM
It doesn't really bother me, but being a metal fan and vg music fan I'd have to say it makes me feel uneasy when I hear a japanese vocalist, it just doesn't feel right. Not to say there bad or anything, if you heard some of the metal i listened to you'd probably think it sounds ridiculous, deep voices, death grunts etc...that's how most people respond to it.

05-12-2008, 04:45 AM
I'll listen to either, but really it just comes down to what works best for the song (imo of course). I really don't mind not being able to understand the lyrics when it is sung in a different language other than english. Outside of VGM there are a few bands that I listen to that do not sing in english and if I like the music enough (which happens quite a lot) I'll try to find a translation and try to have better understanding of the song.

05-12-2008, 07:40 PM
I prefer songs that are already in it's original composition. Like if the song was first in created in english, then yes of course I'd love it in English. Kingdom Hearts...the song was first written in Japanese then transcended into English might sound fine...but I'd still prefer it in Japanese, because there is no denying that the Simple and Clean in Japanese was sung with more passion than in english.

05-24-2008, 04:47 PM
i'm agree with eltonjohn24. For example "Simple and Clean" from KH1 sounds better in english; "Passion" from KH2, vice versa, is better in japanese

05-24-2008, 05:19 PM
My last reason here builds off of my preference for no lyrics: at present, I do not have a great comprehension of Japanese, which means that I forget about understanding it and listen to the lyrics as its own instrument-- not a blatant, spoken communication. It makes it a whole lot more enjoyable for me.

I agree with you there. I know almost no Japanese, so for me, vocals are more like another instrument than anything. I can listen and enjoy without a lot of distraction, especially when I'm at work and need to concentrate.

I really don't have a preference for English or Japanese vocals. Whatever works for the song.

05-27-2008, 01:35 AM
Neither, I prefer instrumentals.

05-28-2008, 09:02 PM
It depends on the game. For arcade racing games, shooters, and sports, I like the soundtrack in English. For RPGs I prefer Japanese soundtracks. There can always be some exceptions though.

J. Peterman
05-29-2008, 07:36 AM
depends sometimes the japanese ones are better other times they are not

06-01-2008, 02:39 PM
Let's compare japanese classical music and western european classical music. Japanese classical music has a larger range of influences and aesthetics, for example, from electronica-esque Hamauzu songs to full orchestra scoring, while western european classical music is more pretentious and uptight, all based in theory and counterpoints. I must say that I really never liked boring soundscapes like Half-Life or Activision-related games. I think Japanese video game music is putting a little more heart to it. Although, I really love and admire Richard Jacques.

06-01-2008, 06:22 PM
I generally prefer original versions of songs.
Although, songs such as "Melodies of Life" from FFIX which i originally heard in english i prefer in the language i first heard them in. If that made any grammatical sense.

06-01-2008, 07:00 PM
Usually stick with the original version, unless the english version sounds really good

06-02-2008, 07:50 AM
Let's compare japanese classical music and western european classical music. Japanese classical music has a larger range of influences and aesthetics, for example, from electronica-esque Hamauzu songs to full orchestra scoring, while western european classical music is more pretentious and uptight, all based in theory and counterpoints...

I can agree heartily with this based on my own observations of Japanese score (for video games, movies), but I've never actually heard actual Japanese classical music. I've heard all sorts of modern American, Russian (Dmitri Shostakovich is my favorite composer), and British compositions, but none from Japan. I wish I knew how to remedy this.

06-06-2008, 04:50 AM
I usually prefer Japanese rather than English, I think Japanese really cool in making music. ^_^

06-06-2008, 09:31 AM
I can agree heartily with this based on my own observations of Japanese score (for video games, movies), but I've never actually heard actual Japanese classical music. I've heard all sorts of modern American, Russian (Dmitri Shostakovich is my favorite composer), and British compositions, but none from Japan. I wish I knew how to remedy this. Well there's a vastness of difference in classical music between the 2 continents. Shostakovich theoretically annoyed me a lot (because I had to study his music) so I didn't have the privilege to just listen to his music. But still, maybe you should try to hear some orchestrations by Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu, Hitoshi Sakimoto, you will definetely feel the difference. Try to listen to Distant Worlds - Music From Final Fantasy to get started with, maybe you'll like it. :)

06-06-2008, 09:43 AM
it truly depends.
there are some songs which are much better in japanese.
but in other, the english versions are so much better (in MY opinion).
mainly because i like to sing, and i usually sing-a-long.

06-06-2008, 10:56 AM
Well there's a vastness of difference in classical music between the 2 should try to hear some orchestrations by Nobuo Uematsu, Masashi Hamauzu, Hitoshi Sakimoto, you will definetely feel the difference. Try to listen to Distant Worlds - Music From Final Fantasy to get started with, maybe you'll like it. :)

Well, that's not the sort of compositions I was talking about. I mean music written for mostly music's sake, classical. I've heard plenty of soundtracks.

06-09-2008, 06:13 PM
I generally prefer English VG songs, but one gets what they get. Just as long as the music sounds good.

10-29-2008, 06:16 PM
I think i like both. It depends on the game and the artist. There is good japanese musicians and good american musicians. It all depends on how well their music fits with the game.

t0m s3rvo
10-31-2008, 04:47 PM
I agree with you there. I know almost no Japanese, so for me, vocals are more like another instrument than anything. I can listen and enjoy without a lot of distraction, especially when I'm at work and need to concentrate.

I really don't have a preference for English or Japanese vocals. Whatever works for the song.

I'm the same exact way. I know no Japanese as well, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the way a song flows phonetically.

11-12-2008, 04:47 AM
i prefer japanese but there a few songs like simple and clean i like both...however eyes on me i prefer in chinese

01-17-2009, 02:20 AM
I prefer English whenever possible, I was really into anime back in the day but wathced/listened to it so damn much that now I just find Japanese singing really annoying sounding...

01-17-2009, 03:18 AM
Depends on the song's quality. I like the English version of Hikari, Melodies of Life and Passion over the Japanese version but I like the Japanese version of most anime songs.

01-18-2009, 01:46 AM
Well it is kinda weird when u tell ppl you like jap songs even though u don't kno the language...but most of the time i don't pay attention to lyrics in songs anyways.
And even if i do pay attention i don't know what the hell they are going on about....are we human or dancer?? wtf???

01-19-2009, 06:39 AM
I will take my Video Game Soundtracks singing free thank you very much. If there are a FEW songs on a soundtrack that are sung, that's fine (see Portal's Stay Alive, Faunts from Mass Effect, and the Halo 2 soundtrack for examples) but for the most part, I tend to stay away from them.

I can't imagine liking japanese voiceovers to songs if they are anything like the anime intros that I have heard, but I don't play a lot of games with Japanese voices so I guess I can't directly comment on those.

04-12-2009, 03:44 AM
I prefer japanese Astal for saturn had lyrics and Megaman X 3s japanese intro was awesome The Us intro almost sounded like a song from a Porno.:naughty:

04-13-2009, 09:09 PM
Singing ruined a lot of great VG themes. Period. And I have no respect for someone who can't understand Japanese but thinks Japanese singing is great.

6 billion people will like to have a word with you.

i dont understand japanese and i still like some songs from them (exclusively from videogames), but they are very limited.
i dont understand russian and i think glukozanostra has the best songs ever.
i dont understand indian/hindu, but everytime i hear a song of daler mehndi, i make a very poor imitation of dancing.

i have heard plenty of songs in japanese and english, and some of them are simply quite more enjoyable in english.
however, some azn songs have something magical in them that even in english, its so much better in japanese.