05-12-2002, 06:31 AM
I have recently found a Final Fantasy Seven film-style script and have received permission from the author to use it in a project of mine - an audio version of Final Fantasy Seven. The parts below are only from Midgar, as there are just too many characters in the game to cast for all of them at once. Anyway, if you see a character you consider yourself as having a suitable voice for, e-mail me with a wav or mp3 file of the listed line at [email protected]

Barret �C'mon newcomer. Follow me.�
Biggs �Wow! You used to be in SOLDIER all right! ...Not everyday ya find one in a group like AVALANCHE.�
Jessie �SOLDIER? Aren't they the enemy?�
Cloud �I don't care what your names are.�
Aeris �Oh, these? Do you like them? They're only a gil....?�
Soldier#1 �Hey! You there!�
Soldier#2 �That's as far as you go.�
Soldier#3 �Enough babbling! Grab him!�
Tramp on Train �Huh? This is my house, so make yourselves at home.�
Citizen �You see the headlines in the Shinra Times?�
Train intercom speaker �Expected time of arrival is 12:23 AM, Midgar standard time�
Boyfriend �I'm not letting you go tonight.�
Girlfriend �There's only the train graveyard around here. And they say there's ghosts around too!�
Pillar Support Fan �Hey! Look! It's huge, ain't it?�
Marlene �Papa!�
Tifa �Marlene! Aren't you going to say anything to Cloud?�
Newscaster �......today the No.1 Reactor was bombed.�
Johnny �I'm leaving. Goin' faraway.�
Johnny�s Mum �He used to give us nothing but headaches when he was here, but now that he's gone.... I kind of miss him.�
Johnny�s Dad �Ha! Ha!..... I wonder if my son's already left?�
Sector 7 Gossip �Listen! If there isn't anyone to listen, what's the use of getting gossip on everyone?�
Weapon Shop Child �Damn, man!! Just forget about it!�
Weapon Seller#1 �Might be unhealthy fer ya, if ya know what I mean.�
Item Seller �If this keeps up, this store's goin' under....�
ShinRa Manager �....hoodlums again. God, don't I just have all the luck...�
Computerized Voice �Type A Security Alert!!!�
Train Passenger#1 �Please behave while on the train!�
Train Passenger#2 �Does this mean we're in a major bind?�
President ShinRa �...You are beginning to bore me.�
Jenova �......I know you.�
Reno �They were..... Mako eyes.�
Elmyra �Bodyguard.....? You mean you were followed again!?�
Cloud�s Mother �My, how you've grown.�
Sceptical Slum Guy �Hmph.....! Everything President Shinra says is a lie.�
Honeybee card owner �Hmmm, don't make me say it. It's the shop down on the right.�
Hotel advertiser �Hey, you two. Why don't you get some rest?�
Aeris� Admirer �Hey boy! You shore got a good lookin' heifer there!�
Caf� owner �Welcome! Sit wherever you like!�
Caf� customer#1 �I'm gonna get another Pharmacy Coupon today.�
Caf� customer#2 �umf... scarf... glub...�
Caf� customer#3 �I always get the Special.�
Caf� customer#4 �It's thanks to the Don that we can eat like this.�
Caf� customer#5 �umf... grunt... smack... Don't sneak up on me like that!�
Clothes Shop Worker �Welcome. Please take your time.�
Clothes Shop Owner �Y'know I got a friend that has the same taste as him.�
The Don�s Assistant �Hey, and you got another cute one with you!�
Weapon Shop Owner �You goin' up to the plate? You better have a battery.�
Weapon Shop Worker#1 �All this trash. Can't we do anything with it?�
Weapon Shop Worker#2 �But no matter how you look at it, it's just trash...�
Angry Guy �I'm feelin' like there's gonna be a fight!�
Bouncer �You looking for a girlfriend too?�
Big Bro �What? You didn't know?�
Squatter �Big Bro's wig is MINE!!�
Materia Shop Owner �I need to talk... man to man.�
Honey Bee Girl#1 �Ohhh, I just can't seem to lose weight.�
Honey Bee Girl#2 �Don't!�
Honey Bee Girl#3 �What a nice day, today.�
Mukki �Wassup!!�
Medicine Shop Owner �Oh, you have a coupon.�
Don Corneo �No--! If I told you that, I'd be killed!�
Heidegger �Reeve, you should flush those personal problems in the morning!�
Reeve �The Mayor's against this anyway....�
Tseng �That's right. You'll have a hard time disarming that one.�
Little Girl �Everyone climbed up this wire. Looks scary.... Brr.�
Receptionist �Excuse me! If you don't have an appointment, you'll just have to...�
ShinRa Employee#1 �What's keeping her? Did she forget her keycard?�
ShinRa Employee#2 �This is the lounge floor.�
ShinRa Employee#3 �I thought I heard a ruckus downstairs a minute ago. Do you know what that was all about?�
ShinRa Employee#4 �No idea. But no need to worry because everything above the 60th floor is safe.�
ShinRa Employee#5 �The hell are you? What're you doin' around here?�
Hart �This is the Midgar Mayor's Office.�
Mayor Domino �Hmm? Oh, and who might you be?�
Palmer �Rate hike! Rate hike! Tra, la, la!�
Hojo �As a specimen, she is inferior to her mother.�
Scarlet �Something stinks...�
Nanaki �Call me whatever you wish.�
Rufus �Did you know that Sephiroth is an Ancient?�

Remember, e-mail me with your wav or mp3 files at [email protected]