05-12-2002, 05:56 AM
I have heard a variety of ways to get it and my friend who has it had his friend get it, and his friend won't tell me :( Please tell me, HOW do you get Tifa's final limit??? All I know (or rather think) is that it involves the piano in her room. But I can only get 1 gil out of it. Please tell me how to do it... I've been trying to do it for so long :(

Nanaki XIII
05-12-2002, 07:32 AM
Tifa's Final Heaven manual can be gained on disk 2 or later, anytime after
getting Cloud back from his coma. You simply return to Nibelheim with Tifa in
your party, and make your way to her room in her house. You want to play the
piano there. You'll need to remember the tune you played in the flashback. If
you can't recall, it goes like this: X, Square, Triangle, R1 + Triangle,
R1 + Square, X, Square, Triangle, R1 + X, O, X, Square, X. If you did it
correctly she should say something about having the sheet music for the song
and you'll also get her Final Heaven manual.

05-12-2002, 06:21 PM
Thanks a whole lot!!!! I could nvr figure that out

05-15-2002, 10:07 AM
I get stuck on that too, but how do you play it? Slowly? Quickly? An easy pace? All I seem to do is get one gil. I know the tune. But can you have more than one attempt? I've tried many ways, what am I doing wrong?

05-15-2002, 08:28 PM
your probably on the wrong disk....

05-16-2002, 06:36 PM
I have never got Tifa's final limit, except when I used GameShark, it's called Final Heaven...I think

Final Dragon Angel
05-19-2002, 06:40 AM
I get stuck on that too, but how do you play it? Slowly? Quickly? An easy pace? All I seem to do is get one gil. I know the tune. But can you have more than one attempt? I've tried many ways, what am I doing wrong?

I know how you feel, I played the song over 30 times before I got the manual. This song is the overworld theme, I think if you play it like it sounds on the overmap you will get the manual. I also think you can't have mistakes otherwise it will screw up.

02-17-2004, 02:48 PM
Did you know you can play the Cosmo Canyon theme and the Highwind theme, also you don't have to play a certain tune when trying to get Tifa's final limit i didn't and i still got it, just make sure you play her piano when you go to find her back on disc 1 when your in Kalm and Cloud's telling them about his past.

"Why don't you ask about him?"

"Because i'm scared."
Tifa & Barret