04-18-2008, 10:07 PM
just finished the game in the uk, import usa, and i just wanted to ask and make a poll if you liked the game and thought it was to short? to long? hell i liked it, best game i played in ages

04-21-2008, 04:21 PM
The mere fact that the game doesn't suck should be good enough for anyone. . . but it is far better that not sucking.

don't push this, but I know you will
zack dies

04-22-2008, 04:50 AM
I just absolutely hate how easy the game is. Even on a fresh start on Hard mode, it felt like it was just the same AI with more HP. I know most people are going to retaliate and say, "It's not all about the gameplay, the story counts just as much!" or some shit like that, but I like to PLAY games and not watch them.

It'd be nice to have a game with a good story that could turn you upside down, turn you inside out, piss on you, and read you your last rights, but that's just not the case these days (Like the MGS games when you crank them up to Extreme). It seems as though game devs these days are just too focused on the shock-and-awe that they forget to make a game that's more than a glorified trailer.

As for Crisis Core as a whole (minus difficulty), it was decent. It presented a decent story with decent character development at best and slapped it on a portable system to make probably the best-looking game for the PSP. They could probably have done better if they expanded the story via more installments of Last Order, because that's what it felt like. Just a gap-filler for some of the many holes in FFVII's story.

The only challenging fight in the entire game is Minerva. This is only due to the fact that she suffers from Square's Superboss syndrome, a.k.a. millions of HP and cheap-ass attacks.

Marshall Lee
04-22-2008, 04:55 AM
The mere fact that the game doesn't suck should be good enough for anyone. . . but it is far better that not sucking.

don't push this, but I know you will
zack dies

zomg that was such a spoiler mang! You just ruined Final Fantasy VII for me!

04-23-2008, 11:24 PM
took me like 25 mins on the final boss that was the only pain about the game

04-26-2008, 10:39 PM
took me like 25 mins on the final boss that was the only pain about the game

Sorry, but this game had a mediocre final boss. The end cut-scene battle with ShinRa troops was more memorable than "Uber-Gackt".

04-28-2008, 10:40 AM
i agree with you

04-28-2008, 05:06 PM
You have something against my beloved Gackt?
Though I agree ShinRa troops cut scene was far more better than Uber Gackt...

I couldn`t get a PSP because of several problems.. But I had chance to play this game a bit. A friend of mine lent me his PSP so as far as I played the game it`s marvelous, the story is really touching and in fact I like it even more than the original FFVII.

shaman smurf
04-30-2008, 04:41 AM
the game was good. could be been much better but i'll take it and be happy. i was a little sketchy picking it up though cause part of me still remembers playing DoC through the first time

04-30-2008, 04:58 PM
yup, Doc wasnt very good, but this game, its a great game