Lagunas Backup
05-12-2002, 02:34 AM
what is with the movie. personally i thought it was drastically overrated. "You've saved me once, now save yourself" has got to be th gayest and probably the sappiest line i have ever heard in those kinds of movies. What in the hell was that about anyway. i mean i know the whole alien story and all that battling(personally the best parts in the movie) but what in the hell the perpose of it. ive played 8,9,some of 10, and tactics and i fully understood them but that thing was just plain confuusing. :confused:

05-12-2002, 04:27 AM
your talking about the spirits within right? yeah, for a ff movie I would want it to be an anime, and have alot of elements from the games like Black White mages,knights,dragoons,airships,crystals,chocobos, and a long journey. That would be cool.

05-12-2002, 06:31 AM
The two Final Fantasy animes didn't do so well either... it's better off as a game instead of a Movie or an Anime. =P

05-12-2002, 06:41 PM
Well i don't know about that I think if they would have a real movie not just in CG or Anime, it would be a hit but you also have to remember when was the last time a video game was a hit at the box office.

05-13-2002, 12:57 AM
Yeah, the movie confused me to. All I really thought was decent were the CG art and motion. Crazy and life-like. But yeah, nothing I expected. Nothing like the games. All in all, it bombed. x.x;;

Also, the two FF @.@