Lagunas Backup
05-12-2002, 02:13 AM
on the execution site i get killed every time i try. that black night really takes a toll on my guys. i forget what level i am on considering i havent played in like 2 months because of school projects. what level should i be on and what advice for jobs.

05-12-2002, 11:12 PM
Well, be atleast level 25-35. Also, have a knight who can do weapons and shield break. It'll help massivley. Have a priest who has item throw, and strong curing spells. A summoner is also very useful. That's what I had when I fought that battle. Yeah, it's hard, took me nearly an hour, but I survived. Also, buy extra armor and weapons...some of the people there break your current items. x.x;

05-15-2002, 07:59 PM
yeah this one can be tuff but a few knights help.

05-22-2002, 06:28 PM
i used mustadio and used arm aim (dont act) then i used ramza (as a squire with 2 swords) and i kept using steal on him till i got his damn sword from him.... after that he runs like a little girl...

also try moving all your people to the top where the time mages are, and defending yourself there... you have height advantage, and long range attacks hopefully....

hope this helps