otaku unite45
04-13-2008, 07:55 PM
this is something i just whipped up on my mac, but I do not own the real tune


otaku unite45
04-13-2008, 07:59 PM
never mind, forum won't let me upload it

04-13-2008, 08:41 PM
Good thing, then, considering Transformers: Animated is horrible. It's like watching Teen Titans: Robots In Disguise (at least that's what I call it).

04-13-2008, 09:27 PM
Yeah, considering Transformers already had numerous anime series and a live action movie, I guess they just ran out of ideas. Now I think about it, Transformers-Animated makes the Transformers-Robots in Disguise(Transformers meets Power Rangers) anime series look better.

04-13-2008, 11:56 PM
Hmm, I'd still like to hear a remix of the theme, if you've taken the time to make one...

I'm a *HUGE* G1 fanatic, but even I've got to admit, the new show makes enough homages to G1 to make me happy, from the Dinobots and Soundwave, to the "Headmaster" villian and the mutant "transforming" humans that looked suspiciously like certain Pretenders... The new theme isn't terrible either, to be dead honest...

As I realized with the live-action film, as long as you come to terms with the fact that it just *isn't* G1, no matter how many homages they make, it's still quite palatable;

(And do give "Robots in Disguise" another chance, albeit in Japanese, where it's known as "Car Robots 2000", roughly... The US version was horribly mutilated, replacing the kickin' guitar rock battle songs of the japanese version with bland thumping cheap techno-esque music, right down to replacing the awesome japanese theme, "burning overdrive" with a baaad bland song....)


04-30-2008, 07:08 AM
Actually, Car Robots/Robots In Disguise wasn't all that bad. The only that killed the enjoyment of the series for me was September 11, 2001. I missed 3 episodes because of continuing coverage on the Twin Towers (may they rest in peace).

04-30-2008, 07:28 AM
Man, I was really looking for that track!
If it's anything to the fans, the first episode did feature snippets of the G1 cartoons of old during the first minute or so. Even G1 Megatron could be seen here.
Personally, while the art style may cause most people to turn away from the show, I applaud them for their efforts in putting THE ENTIRE franchise into one convinient package, even Beast Wars!
It's fun just trying to pick through all the possible references!
Just give it a chance, m'kay?

04-30-2008, 09:37 AM
I actually expected Animated to be horrible due to the animation style and original premise, but as I watched, I found that that it's actually not half bad as far as an American Transformers series goes (since G1). And I say that since all translated japanese series have been beyond crappy (I can only watch that stuff in original japanese. English Transformers hurts my ears). How crappy? The translations are so poor, the story gets modified.

Example: Cybertron involves Unicron's essence and how it's his fault the black hole exists. Galaxy Force on the other hand has absolutly nothing to do with Unicron, nor is he even closely ever mentioned. All Galaxy Force has in common with Micron Densetsu and Superlink is that it's part of what has been called the Micron Trilogy ... NOT the Unicron Trilogy.

Lastly, I said Animated is really the only good American series since G1. I say that because I've assumed that Beast Wars is actually not American but Canadian (Mainframe is a Canadian company). Though Beast Wars was okay, It's not in my top 5 TF series.