04-13-2008, 07:30 PM
Im not quite sure where to post this in the forums but I thought the General Final Fantasy would be a good place.
My friends and I created a final fantasy spoof and I edited it and asuff. (Im the one in the bandana and the massicve sword)

There are alot of funny things in the movie at the screens so pause if you need to to read some of the stuff.
There is a little language so i would give this a PG-10 rating haha.

Constructive Critism Please. I know the effects are a bit scetchy.
Just for referance:
I Got the music from FF republic and the sound effects I recorded off my TV.
Weapons were made by my friend.
I custom made the menues on adobe photoshop elements 4
i edited using adobe premeir elements 4

04-13-2008, 08:23 PM
Good job man. I like stuff like this and it made me laugh. Nice work.