04-11-2008, 08:49 AM
The thread in which we discuss the upcoming Edgeworth/Gumshoe DS game.

I don't have any news apart from the Famitsu scans which I've already linked to quite a bit, but I will post those anyways:

and the official site, which is here (

If any one sees translations of any of this, please post them! I am so curious to find out more about it.

And hey, if anyone here is actually up to translating stuff themselves, I also have an interview I can link to. <3

04-11-2008, 08:57 AM
To reiterate what was discussed in chat:

*The title "Perfect" Prosecutor brings into question when the game is set, if they are going to be literal in their use of the word regarding Edgeworth's record.

*Edgeworth, it seems, will move about the environment as opposed to interacting in 1st person. Some of us liked this, some of us did not.

*It would be nice to know if Gumshoe is playable.

04-11-2008, 10:59 AM
We've been trying to figure out how court scenes might play in this game as well. I think the game will probably be much more about investigating/finding witnesses than court stuff, but Kneg had some really ideas for court gameplay.

We also have been talking on defense attorneys we'd like to see. Obviously, what defense attorneys we'd be able to see depends on when the game is set, which we don't know yet, but as for the time being? I'm hoping for Diego. <3

04-12-2008, 07:29 AM
I found a translation of the article and interview! It's very engrish-y, but it still has good info, so copypasting!

Turn About Prosecutor
Edgeworth Finally Become the Leading Role</center>

New 逆转 Not 裁判 officially start!</center>

Now we have a new game from the GS series! This "turn about" is a deduction and adventure game which take place on the scenes. The leading role is Miles Edgeworth, who was both rival and friend of Phoenix Wright, the leading role of GS1~3. Now we are going to introduce what happened to Edgeworth, and report the interview of the producers, you can't miss it as a game fan!

Miles Edgeworth</center>

Edgeworth is a genius in the prosecutor office, he hates criminal because of his childhood memory. Although he used to be a ruthless prosecutor who did whatever he could to get the guilty verdict, now he changed his style and focus on finding truth. In the game he is involved into a certain case and begin to looking for the truth...?

Discover the contradictions in testimony and exposing the truth: 逆转裁判[GS]</center>

逆转裁判is an adventure game in which you look for clues and evidence in the detective part and debate in the trail part. The game series is well known by the flowing stories and attractive characters.

Edgeworth and Detective Gumshoe</center>

The first shinning point of the new game is the new system: the players can control Miles Edgeworth to discover the evidence and contribution at the scene. The new function of "controlling the character" will bring new happiness to the players. In the game, Edgeworth will go to different places to find the truth, and catch the real criminal in the name of genius prosecutor!! Here are some screen shots and design, please try to picture the world and system by your self~

Dick Gumshoe</center>

The detective of local police department. He's in charge of the early investigating. He walks here and there to investigate the scenes. He believes in Edgeworth's ability from the bottom of his heart, his trust is so strong that it's even beyond the relationship between a detective and a prosecutor. People usually call him as 线锯刑警.

Investigating in the different places</center>

The story in the GK will happen around scenes. Edgeworth and Gumshoe will go to variety of place to discover the truth. We can see a scene looks like a restaurant or a bar, and a room which seems to be belonged to a stock dealer. What will happen there? We are curious.

Discover the contradiction!!</center>

Sometimes you have to find out the contradiction which are hidden at the scenes, or try to inquire people about the clues, or present evidences like what we do in the previous games. Plus, the game contains a totally new system of investigating and deduction. Please wait for the following report for more information!

[about the screen shots on the right...]
*arrow^*use the stylus to point out what contradict with the scene.Also can be controlled by using the keyboard.

Find out the contradiction and expose the truth!</center>

Please focus on the murder weapon iron tommy bar! Discover the contradiction by using limit clues!!

We will see coolest deduction from the beginning to the end?!</center>

Stylish characters is one of the attractions of the GS series. This time there will be more interesting characters appear in the game, and they usually do some tiny actions on the screen. Here we've got a draft design of a character. We are not sure if the character will be in the game, but according to the draft, it succeed the funny style of the GS characters' design.

Who will be there waiting for Edgeworth...?


The latest game of the series <Turn About Prosecutor>
Interview of the game makers!!</center>

Here we start the interview of the game makers. The interview contains the original idea and what in the game. It's quite rich. Further more, the producer Miss 松川美苗 also told us something interesting.

Mr. 江城元秀:producer
Mr.山崎 刚:overseer
Mr. 岩元辰郎: characters' designer

Looking at the <Turn About> form another angle.
——Why a prosecutor becomes the leading role this time?

江城元秀(江城 from now on) I kept on playing the GS series and I found it very funny. Then the idea " How about take the view of this angle, make a game about prosecutor?" occurred to me. It probably was the earliest idea of the game. Then I talked "I've got the idea of the game, how do you think of it?" to producer山崎, he answered:"Not bad." The next step was making an out line of the lay out.[/color]

——You were thinking about controlling Edgeworth in the game at the moment?

江城 At first we had a lot thoughts, and one of them was if we can develop the GS system. The previous games were divided into detective parts and trail parts, and you go to many places in the detective parts, yes? So we decided to focus on "going to variety of places",try to make the characters do some walking. It's like, learning from failures over and over, and here we go.[/color]

——Quite different withe the previous games.
江城 We name the games with same main characters but different system as spin off games. It would be fun, but I thought if we take a different view angle, it would become more interesting, right? Capcom is a company in which you can challenge yourself. Now they let us make a quite different game with the previous ones in the name of famous series GS

——What did you think when you first heard the idea of the game, Mr 山崎?

山崎 刚(山崎from now on) I didn't only make the game GS, but used to play it as a fan, so I pretty love the GS universe. I thought it would be a good idea if we view the universe from another angle. Because we've already had a universe here, so I was thinking about if we can offer more and different fun.

——What did you think when you heard that the players will control Edgeworth?

山崎 The attraction of GS, I suppose, is making an animation by using the lattice pictures.[...What on earth it is?!] I think we can show a totally new style of the game by controlling the character, and see the attraction of the characters,right?

——In other words, there will be a lot characters' animation in the game, right?

江城 We have a few different ideas about the animation, running style included. Like, how to express Edgeworth's emotion by moving the character on the screen.

岩元辰郎(岩元from now on) To me, the animation is more flowing and beautiful. We focus on if the animation looks pretty and feels good. Even the characters become small, we don't change our original mind.

——I guess there will be quite a few fans who are surprised by the running Edgeworth [/color]

江城 It's the first time for Edgeworth to run.

岩元 Edgeworth is an emotional character, so when he's in dangerous, or felling panic, he reacts as strong as possible. Anyway, we did carefully on his running animation.

江城 We did try a lot. It feels like, not running for you life, but being graceful while doing effort.

岩元 And looks like walking really fast accidentally.

——Talking about this, it's the most important part of picturing Edgeworth as a leading role.

江城 The key is how to form Edgeworth's image. I suppose the GS fans probably will notice this part, let's say, if the character we create feels like Edgeworth. We hope that we can show some part of Edgeworth which has not been described, like oops I didn't expect Edgeworth would act like this. Of course, it should be acceptable to the fans.

岩元 Let's say we don't want to be at a standstill.

江城 I think there is an Edgeworth in every fans' mind. We tried to take ours if possible, and express the character in a different way. It feels not like a departure, but a development of Edgeworth's world.

山崎 We used to learn Edgeworth from the angle of Wright, but this time we will view the world through Edgeworth's eyes. I suppose we can see a new Edgeworth image.

—— I see. By the way, care to offer the GK's time line?

江城 Around GS3, I suppose.

山崎 Edgeworth is no longer the jerk in the GS1, but the one whose mind is changing during the battle with Wright.

——Can we see more familiar GS characters in the game?

江城 The game is a kind of "fiesta game", so of course, we will join some popular characters, but we can't leak out who they are now.

岩元 Our goal is making new players feels intend to play the GS series, and previous fans have some questions like "Huh? what happened earlier?" Players will see the connection between GK and GS.

——When Mr. 岩元 was making the game, what did you particularly focus on?

岩元 Well, I think I focus on how to keep the characters design simple. If I want to draw something gorgeous,I would design the most important part, like a key, and the color. Because this time the characters move on the screen, so I think more about how to make the animation cooler and more interesting.

——Although this time we only learned something we've already known from the previous games, but there will be new systems in the game, right?

江城 Of course. The keyword of this game is " investigating at the scenes". There must be contradictions, evidences and hints at the scenes. The players have to find this kind of stuff and present them to the characters. This is all what we can tell now. We are planning to make a game in which the players can deduce new stuff like important witness by collecting the clues. It's like "Edgeworh would come out with this conclusion, he would act like this, right?".

山崎 I think Edgeworth is quite different with Wright, what he does is doing coolest deduction. I hope we can let the players to experience the process of deduction.

江城 For sure Edgeworth can be on edge, and the "turn about" would occurred. I can't tell you how to turn about in details now, but the keyword "turn about" is still the focus point of the game, so please wait patiently. Plus, I think the fierce psychological battle of trail debate can be reappear even the circumstances has been changed. I hope I can manage to do it in the GK, we will see.

Miss 松川美苗's special testimony </center>

Profile: Producer of GS

—— Does Mr. 巧舟 also take part in the game producing?

松川美苗(松川 from now on) No he doesn't, but he will present the "special trail 2008"(the GS special trail 2008 contest which will be hold on 2008/4/20) and the other important activities.

——Which part of the plan you are interested in now?

松川 This time both new and old staffs of the game produce group are doing their best to challenge themselves. I really appreciate their enthusiasm of "letting the players learn the new face of GS".

——Let's take a new topic. Has the preparing work of the " Special Trail 2008" been done?

松川 Now we are working around the clock to make the animation of Special Trail. The crocheter concert is still quite far away to me. We really hope every one will see the cooperation between these two! I'm sure every one will be happy from entering the hall to being on their way home.

——What about the surprise at the concert?

松川 We will announce it to the present players. We are also going to announce the GK trailer, which will be published in Japanese for the first time. You will see real moving Edgeworth~

The game has been made around 40% now.

04-12-2008, 08:17 AM
While I'm still not done with the first game (almost there, I'm hot on the trail of the last investigating segment for the last case), I definitley find the investigating segments extremely boring and not very much fun, compared to court, so hearing that the game will be focused on investigating is saddening... Then again, I still have three more games to play through so I guess we can just wait and see?

I do like Edgeworth, though. I quite like his style in clothing, especially. He's got a pretty cool car.

You know, talking about Edgeworth reminds me of a puzzle:

What would happen if everyone in the country bought a pink car?

04-14-2008, 05:30 AM

04-14-2008, 05:35 AM
Whoopsi. The original scan was full page :o

Sorry about that Chewey. ty, though <3

04-18-2008, 01:22 PM

This issue is due out April 21, so sure we'll see some neat new stuff then, and we'll learn even more when someone is kind enough to translate it!

Until then, any ideas who the lady behind Miles and Gumshoe is?

04-18-2008, 04:17 PM
sweet that issue is gonna have big and easy to see maps of Mario Kart Wii's courses. Can't wait!

I also like how even though the PP images are on the front, the biggest text is for Mariokart Wii and Brawl.

04-20-2008, 09:38 PM
At the Gyakuten Saiban orchestral concert, there was a big presentation on Gyakuten Kenji. You can see all of it here ( You can see some awesome swag, a long interview (in Japanese) about the game, and best of all, a trailer!

The trailer includes some quick flashes of known characters who I am guessing will make an appearance in the game! As far as I can tell, they include

Wendy Oldbag
Cody Hackins
Will Powers
Lotta Hart
Adrian Andrews
Franziska von Karma
Ema Skye

If anyone catches anyone else, please let me know! It also shows the mysterious girl who will be in the game. They talk about her at one point during the interview/presentation segment, but as far as I could tell, they didn't say her name. I know very little Japanese though, so please correct me if I am wrong.

Here are a few screens from the trailer:

And here are some other pictures:

04-21-2008, 02:55 AM
More in-game pics here ( These ones are really clear and nice. :)

04-21-2008, 03:26 PM
Court Records has scans of the Nintendo Dream issue. :)

Looks like it's full of great info! Soon as I can find a translation, I'll post it here. :)

05-05-2008, 01:11 AM

I know I linked to the official site before, but you can watch the trailer there now, without all the extra stuff from my original link. :)

05-05-2008, 01:18 AM
No port, we learn to read Japanese (Kanji?) PERIOD. <33333

execrable gumwrapper
05-05-2008, 01:28 AM
Or find a translation FAQ...

05-05-2008, 01:29 AM
Learning would certainly be very practical. It would allow us to play other unported games, as well ^^

05-14-2008, 04:27 AM
New magazine scans/interview:

No translation, but what I can tell you is:
no new info on mystery girl
Phoenix will only be in the game in either a cameo or just in mentions

06-12-2009, 03:26 PM
The game is called Miles Edgeworth - Ace Attorney. Did Edgeworth become an attorney like he said he would (1st game, though it seemed like more of a passing joke) or is he just fooling the yellow bearded judge again?

06-12-2009, 11:06 PM
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth.

I just read the preview in GameInformer. It said it focuses much more on investigation and the court room isn't necessarily a consistant feature, if at all.

I can't say, I haven't played the Japanese version and I haven't visited Court Records in a while, though I did want to start posting there more :o

06-13-2009, 12:33 AM
I actually enjoyed the investigative portions of the previous games more interesting and fun than the court room stuff. I mean the court room stuff is what differentiates the series from any other mystery-type game, but I like looking at all the details, no matter how irrelevant or minuscule they might be.

07-23-2009, 05:23 PM

07-23-2009, 07:31 PM
I already have it reserved!!!!


I may want to tone the ruffling fanboy down...

08-18-2009, 03:42 AM
Joystiq (

What has changed was the original plan for Investigations' protagonist. Eshiro revealed that "scientific investigator" and Apollo Justice detective Ema Skye was intended for the role. "The director originally proposed to use Ema as the main character," he said, "but according to the feedback we got from our fans it seems Edgeworth was the more popular character." And thus we have a game with a "Logic System" instead of a "Snackoo-Eating System."

08-18-2009, 03:48 AM
This game will be great:D

08-18-2009, 04:15 AM
Joystiq (


09-27-2009, 02:52 PM
All credit for these go to Mandi:

What looks to be the official site:
Hands-on blurb:

10-03-2009, 12:22 AM
Kind-of related but not really...

10-03-2009, 12:28 AM
I'll allow it. 3 awesome things together is never a bad thing.

11-15-2009, 11:56 PM
Just posted about this on my DS blog and I thought I should share it here too. Capcom's released a short demo for Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, which you can play here ( It's flash based so no need to download anything. I haven't played through much of it yet, but it looks like it starts at the beginning of the first case, and you get to try out the logic system. Neat stuff!

11-16-2009, 12:01 AM
Yep, saw that it was up on Court Records. I'll just wait. Imma play Apollo Justice again, soon.

02-18-2010, 08:47 PM
Definitely picking this one up after I finish Sands of Destruction.

Nintendo Power gave it an 8.0. Here's the review...

If you ask me, prosecutor Miles Edgeworth is just the man Capcom needs to inject new life into its lighthearted cult-hit legal-drama series. With new main characters, newly interactive environments, and new variations on the gameplay, Ace Attorney Investigations offers enough fresh elements that it doesn't feel simply like the same old game with a new skin. At the same time, it retains all of the key components that have made the series successful, such as an eminently likable supporting cast and top-notch cartoon-style visuals. It's definitely a step-up from the franchise's last entry (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney), due not only to the confident, collected demeanor of protagonist Miles Edgeworth, but also to the comprehensible yet mystery-filled plot, satisfying story resolutions, and new play mechanic of logically linking clues together. Being able to freely move around crime scenes to talk to witnesses and look for places of interest adds extra depth, too. Of course, the tried-and-true Ace Attorney activities are still a lot of fun; despite the fact that the game isn't set in the courtroom (for the most part), you'll have plenty of opportunities to listen to testimonies, press suspects for more info, and wave evidence in your opponents' faces to point out contradictions. There's certainly room for improvement - some character cameos seem forced, there are a few logic holes, and the story and writing aren't quite as good as they were in the Phoenix Wright games - but overall, fans of the Ace Attorney series and graphic-text adventure games in general will find little to object to in this excellent title.

02-18-2010, 08:48 PM
GI gave it a 7 something.

02-23-2010, 12:22 PM
I've been playing through it on and off the last couple days (Rasse pretty much forced me to). I'm up to the third case right now and I'm not enjoying it all that much, really. The first two cases were pretty great, though. I really wish they hadn't attempted to tie all the cases together with some overall story, since it feels really forced (AND SHITTY) to me.

Also, I am tired of the girl sidekick thing. They're always the same character (except for Ema, I suppose) and they're never interesting. I was pissed when they took away Gumshoe and replaced him with Kay in case 3. Terrible.

The fan-servicey things are pretty cool. I bet this game has hardly as much appeal to those who haven't played the original games in the series.

Anyway, I'll force my way through case 3 since I hear the final act is neato. I really wasn't expecting much from the game, but I've enjoyed most of my time with it so far.

I've still got to play Apollo Justice (read: I'll never play it, ever).

02-23-2010, 03:16 PM
The final act is not neato at all, unfortunately. The through story about the smuggling ring is (as you have already suspected) deeply uninteresting.

Don't get me wrong - I am a huge, huge fan of the Ace Attorney series, but this game just hasn't got it. The interaction between characters is massively toned down, and the whole thing just seems far too CSI now.

I.e they focus on the actual investigations, instead of the characters. And it isn't like the cases are any more involved than usual. The logic idea is okay, but used far too sparingly.

You still can't solve the cases any quicker than the game allows you to. Edgeworth solves his cases quicker than Wright due to a few things that are in his favour:

1) He has full access to crime scenes, whereas Wright usually has to sneak or charm his way in and wait until the trial to speak to important witnesses.

2) The sheer amount of recurring fanservice characters severely reduces the amount of possible suspects in a case. Most of the people accused in all 5 cases are part of Edgeworth's team, or old friends, and we and Edgeworth both KNOW it won't be them.

3) The cases are simply much easier and more straightforward, generally speaking. The game often throws in red herrings just to complicate things, and they never seem to tie in as neatly as in the old cases (i.e they feel like they're just put in to drag cases out).

Most of all, the game lacks emotional punch. It never feels as important as the bigger cases from the previous games. The feeling of true menace and/or the presence of true evil, despair etc is never felt.

Aside from the intro movies, there is never any sense of dread or really powerful drama. Even the final villain is more a Redd White slightly jokey kind of villain.

And the new characters, Kay Farraday and Shi-Long Lang don't get anywhere near enough to do. Lang particularly is bizarrely underused.

Perhaps most damning is the fact that the game doesn't contribute many (if any) great new characters to the AA universe. It doesn't develop Edgeworth as a character at all, despite us being with him the whole time, nor does it do anything to develop Gumshoe, Franzsika etc.

They stay exactly the same throughout, come to no great new revelations or anything like that.

All in all, a tremendously underwhelming game. It's not bad as such, but it's treading water rather treading new ground.