Omega Flare
05-10-2002, 07:07 PM
I've just bought them and I thikn there the first 4 layers are a bit dull. It is dope to see how this girl develops vrom nothing to a computer expert. but is is going to be like this or does it changes if i go watch the rest of it

05-10-2002, 10:16 PM
No way...Its total buildup, granted there isnt mindless fight scenes, but thats probably not what you want. It gets alot better storywize at about the 6th layer...I dunno its been a while, so dont get mad if thats not the spot.

05-12-2002, 07:39 AM
I loved it. I haven't seen an anime that weird in a long time, but that's not why I liked it. It shows the an interesting world from and interesting perspetive, a technocratic furture through the eyes of a child. It's basically a pure, hard-core cyberpunk, and while many think it's a shonen genre, cyberpunk in its raw form is majorly ultra-shojo. This is just my opinion, but this one blurs the lines between shonen and shojo.

Now I was into it by layre 3, and I knew what was going on to an extent by layer 4. The story was there well before layer 6, but this really is one you must either think about or be completely thoughtless, in order to enjoy. You really have to interpret if you want the story to connect. If you can't use your anylitical imagination, you aren't going to be able to see anything more than a long series of random events. (which it is more than that. The hints are there.)

Well... that's all I have to say for now.
