Miyati Guado
05-10-2002, 06:04 PM
I like him because he is just FINE! But also because he totally kicks some ass!!:D

Vivi FF
05-10-2002, 09:11 PM
I, for one, really HATE him... Has to have dumb hair. Has to force someone to marry him cause no one will by her own will. Has that dumb voice. Is tempting to murder him... (my characters really gave him a beating; aganist that Sin SPawn, I killed Seymour cause I haed him so much!!!) He could've been better if he did more (and some less) and got a serious hair cut :)

Miyati Guado
05-10-2002, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
I, for one, really HATE him... Has to have dumb hair. Has to force someone to marry him cause no one will by her own will. Has that dumb voice. Is tempting to murder him... (my characters really gave him a beating; aganist that Sin SPawn, I killed Seymour cause I haed him so much!!!) He could've been better if he did more (and some less) and got a serious hair cut :)

:mad: How in the hell could say that! I would marry him in an instint! His hair is hot and so is his voice! Who gives a damn if he murders people! I don't! So MWAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!:alien: :shock:

Nanaki XIII
05-10-2002, 11:34 PM
Seymour reminds me of a wussy Sephiroth. Got cool hair, loves to kill, but he talks all formal with no long sword. Sephiroth, then Kefka, then Seymour. Those are how my villian rankings go.

05-11-2002, 05:05 AM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
tempting to murder him... (my characters really gave him a beating; aganist that Sin SPawn, I killed Seymour cause I haed him so much!!!)

i killed him too, with yuna. made him look like a pussy.

05-12-2002, 07:27 PM
i dont like him he's funny looking and im scared by that.:confused: i dont know how u would like him tho.

05-12-2002, 10:24 PM
i hate seymout also but in the battle against sinspawn i used him because he is powerfull.but in all the other battles i opened up a case of whoop ass

Miyati Guado
05-12-2002, 10:31 PM
FUCK ALL YOU PUSSIES!!!!!! You all wouldn't be able to understand why even if it bit everyone of you in your fat asses!!!!! Any way bad guys give alot better in bed than the goodie-too-shoes!!!!! with very few exceptions!!!!! so Fuck the lot of you!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: This is a thread for his fans, not assholes!

Summoner Kasumi
05-12-2002, 11:52 PM
Oh baby! He's Fucking Hot! (Rolls tongue) Okay, I'm fine, since I'm married to Tidus, he might get jealous, and My daddy, Auron, might get mad at me, if he was alive, and of course my dear friend Miyati would do very unholy things to me... And there is also Yuna, who'd jump at Tidus the first chance she's get, thinking I'm outa the picture.... Ahh, so many things could happen.... Ew, I've seen and even ::gulps:: heard what goes on in their mansion... Anyway, I can see why she likes him, I think the long hair thing on a guy is hot... (Umm, Duo Maxwell anyone? And then there's Sephiroth, Zechs... Oh, right, Tidus ::waves sheepishly:: "Hi honey!"... hey, short hair is cute too... Trunks, Spike, Gene Starwind...) Oh and he has long hands you know what that means! ::get's "excited":: And he's evil... Nothin wrong with a tough guy bent on world destruction or devastation!
Hi MEEYAHTEE! Oh, Mai-Yuh-Tai... so that's how it's pronounced....

05-13-2002, 01:31 AM
no offence but you people are creepy. Will you eat my children? Please?! COME ON! I NEED YOU! EAT MY UNBORN UNCONCEPTED CHILDREN! i know that none of this pertains to anything on the subject but the fact that people are arguing over which final fantasy character's ass is better, and such; makes me want you too eat my children.

Miyati Guado
05-13-2002, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Cygnus
no offence but you people are creepy. Will you eat my children? Please?! COME ON! I NEED YOU! EAT MY UNBORN UNCONCEPTED CHILDREN! i know that none of this pertains to anything on the subject but the fact that people are arguing over which final fantasy character's ass is better, and such; makes me want you too eat my children.

Sure I'll eat'em! Yum yum!! Bwahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :alien:

05-16-2002, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
I, for one, really HATE him... Has to have dumb hair. Has to force someone to marry him cause no one will by her own will. Has that dumb voice. Is tempting to murder him... (my characters really gave him a beating; aganist that Sin SPawn, I killed Seymour cause I haed him so much!!!) He could've been better if he did more (and some less) and got a serious hair cut :)
I agree with him he's so stupid, ugly, uncool, and not to mention a jackass I think people who luv are messed in the head. no offense.

Miyati Guado
05-17-2002, 01:02 AM
None taken, everyone is intitled to their own opinion...... I just choose to ignore them.... as previously stated, this is for Seymour lovers, not haters get my drift?

12-31-2003, 10:29 AM
nah...Seymour really cannot make it when compared to the godly Sephy....even in poorer graphics, it is well apparent tt Sephy, despite being mad and cold-blooded, is much cooler than Seymour....

tt guy has no weapon....

wears an ugly costume.....

although his hair was kinda cool.....

a god-wannabe compared to god-like sephy.....

12-31-2003, 10:40 AM
Sephiroth is so cool he forgot his personality at home.

Seriously, after a while, after meeting villains with actual character development and proper motives, Sephiroth has become boring. He is way too 'classic'. Cool, but that's all.

I won't continue because this is about Seymour. Well, Seymour dares to go where no one has gone before. He's really the first FF villain that is "creepy" and well, that makes him very interesting. I was happy whenever he was on screen. He was interesting - in his relationship to Yuna especially. It was something new... He was something new.
Quite unique, and unique is good.

But uhm. Don't argue using all those swear-words.

12-31-2003, 10:52 AM
agree abt the swear words.....

but forcing yuna into marriage is so.....so uncool....

good thing abt it was perhaps the scene where she jumped down and summoned Valefor....

Acherli, he plays the same role as Jenova in FF7 and Seifer of FF8.....

12-31-2003, 02:04 PM
I like him! After the first shock because of his voice I saw that he was really funny! ^^ The fights against him were, well, great! He always said nice stuff like "Death awaits you!" and thanks to him a funny sentence was born "Tea awaits you!"

Besides he had these cute stuff around him wich he called "clothes" ---but they look cool! ^_^

Now i say something about his role in the game and that he is absolutly different from Kuja and all the other villains but everybody should already know that, cause Square no longer uses the "I�m evil because I�m evil" enemies but the "I have a very interesting plan behind my actions, ya know! ^__^"
Oh great. Now I wanted to say something about this marriage stuff but Anna already used the words I wanted to say... -_-
Great. Sometimes I think we�re one person! (-______-)

Seymour is a funny and sympathatic character and one thing to those who really hate him: After using this kind of villain Square will try something different! ^-^

"Lady Auron" :cool:

01-03-2004, 03:28 PM
I don't hate seymour, but he's not really my fav character. I felt bad for him after what happend with his mother, and I understand why he was a little demented.

01-04-2004, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Miyati Guado
None taken, everyone is intitled to their own opinion...... I just choose to ignore them.... as previously stated, this is for Seymour lovers, not haters get my drift?

ummm...its spelled entitled

And seymour was a puss. Hell i took him on with my Valefor in the final battle with him and he only had about 3k hp when he banished it. I killed him just with auron the other times. Man there is no way he can compare to Sephy...or even someone as wussy as seifer. yeesh.

And you people haven't seen aurons ass:p Hahahahahaha;)

Green Arrow
01-06-2004, 06:46 AM
Seymour is a batty boy and if he didn't know magic and had the ability to summon Aeon's he would have been beaten up much earlier for having ridiculous hair and a passion for forcing young women in to marriage.

01-17-2004, 12:34 PM
arial dark blue

seymour i dont like, hes got a dodgey ass voice and he was a wierd ass costume, and the hair as well!

Evad D'Aragon
01-17-2004, 03:47 PM
Hehehe...I loved...kickin' his butt ;)

Seymour was a good villain, though. Not quite the "Sephiroth" or "Kefka" class, but definitely a class of his own. He's one guy you just love to hate...;)

01-18-2004, 05:39 AM
Seymour was alright, but he could have been made more dangerous, more 'Kefka' class like as Evad typed ^_^

He missed something to get to a higher villian level, some ulteriour hidden motives and just overall badness. His voice fit him though :B

his fights were cool and I was jumping around the room when I got to use him against Sin. Too bad I couldn't get his overdrive full ;_; i wonder if it would have been any good, let alone if he has an overdrive.

Evad D'Aragon
01-18-2004, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Veritas
Seymour was alright, but he could have been made more dangerous, more 'Kefka' class like as Evad typed ^_^

He missed something to get to a higher villian level, some ulteriour hidden motives and just overall badness. His voice fit him though :B

his fights were cool and I was jumping around the room when I got to use him against Sin. Too bad I couldn't get his overdrive full ;_; i wonder if it would have been any good, let alone if he has an overdrive.

Oh, according to the official guide, he has an overdrive. I just don't know what it does because I never bothered charging it.

01-18-2004, 02:34 PM
It would have been VERY cool if he hadn't been trying to destroy the world, if his goal had been the same like the group's, if he'd married Yuna and then come along on the journey.
I think this would have made a very great constellation of characters... Having a character in the group that no one likes. :)

Bahamut ZERO
01-18-2004, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Misao
It would have been VERY cool if he hadn't been trying to destroy the world, if his goal had been the same like the group's, if he'd married Yuna and then come along on the journey.
I think this would have made a very great constellation of characters... Having a character in the group that no one likes. :)

Can you imagine Seymour and Tidus travelling in the same party?


They'd be worse than Richie and Eddie from Bottom... Always bickering and getting into fights...

Auron would probably turn and decapitate them both with one swing of his sword. Or something.

01-18-2004, 02:50 PM
That's the whole point! Inner-party conflict!
And maybe near the end in some key scene the realization that the other one isn't such a bad guy. Let's include a scene where the two of them are seperated from the rest of the group, and have to find them again. It's classic stuff! I hope that one day there will be such a party member...

Evad D'Aragon
01-18-2004, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Misao
That's the whole point! Inner-party conflict!
And maybe near the end in some key scene the realization that the other one isn't such a bad guy. Let's include a scene where the two of them are seperated from the rest of the group, and have to find them again. It's classic stuff! I hope that one day there will be such a party member...

You should try Septerra Core on the PC, Misao. There's a few inner-party conflicts that you can choose to resolve in the game.

01-18-2004, 02:56 PM
Hmmmkay, maybe. When/If I find the time... :)

02-09-2004, 04:32 PM
:cool: Master Seymour is bad ass. 1 he has anima the best aeon in the game beside bahamut and 2 he says my saying" death is your saviour":cool:

The Joker
02-14-2004, 04:21 AM
I personally dislike him and Kuja a lot as villians. I don't quite get their motivations for being villians (though that might be my fault for not paying more attention) on top of that they are so damned feminine.

I'm really sick of male ff characters looking like girls. Make men look like REAL men. :mad:

02-15-2004, 03:42 PM
Seymour is cool, although i dont like his attitude.. :notgood:

02-21-2004, 07:47 PM
I hate the guado and that pussy. I agree with the people that kicked his ass in the sin spawn battle I think Im going to play It again and level up just to better kick his ass and then I will have my justice.

on another note why the hell dont they give me a chance kick the shit out that fuck face tremoll I tried to do it in x-2 also and they just dont let me destroy those god dammmmmm guados!!!!!!

oh yeah seymour sucks!!!

02-21-2004, 07:52 PM
oh ya he sucks

02-24-2004, 04:23 AM
The only thing i liked about that lil B**** seymour was his hair other than that i hated him. sephiroth would annihal8 hm any day!!

02-24-2004, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO

Can you imagine Seymour and Tidus travelling in the same party?


They'd be worse than Richie and Eddie from Bottom... Always bickering and getting into fights...

Auron would probably turn and decapitate them both with one swing of his sword. Or something.

That's bloody good.

I used to hate Seymour, but since I met him...I feel differently now. :x

Somebody slap me.

03-05-2004, 08:37 PM
I can certainly agree with the creepy part. Although throughout the entire wedding scene I *really* wanted to smack the stuffing out of him...grrrr... >:E

As a villain he was a bit odd, but interesting. The scene in Zanarkand explaining his past was nifty. The voice just really didn't seem to fit the character at first, but I think it grew on me as the game went on.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-05-2004, 09:19 PM





03-05-2004, 09:40 PM
No he isn't.
Or maybe he is. But he did the best job to piss every player off since Kefka. We hated him, hated everything he said or did, were creeped out and maybe a hint fascinated by this freak. In other words, exactly what the game characters were. Tidus hated Seymour with all his heart, and the others probably only accepted his existence because they told themselves he was powerful and the like, and they had to accept him. Yeah...
Great voice helped in this a lot. Tons. Grrrr... one hell of a cool guy, all in all. From an author's point of view, a great character. Finally a main villain that you do not want to huggle, put in your group or support even. Unlike Sephiroth with his many fangirls, or Kuja with his even more fangirls and all those people who understood them. Like me. Hmm... Loveable villains... are a pain to kill.

Mhm. I know exactly what you mean. Ever since I met Neji.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-05-2004, 09:55 PM
Not me. I didn't get pissed at what he said I laughed at how idiotic it was. I've never heard or envisioned hearing a guy on an FF series with a girl voice. And his hair is blue? (explain because how does human hair genes and Guado hair genes become retarded blue ones?)

03-05-2004, 09:59 PM
Haha, I didn't think it was a girl voice. I hope I never meet a girl with this voice, because THAT will be creepy. Alex Fernmandez did an amazing job. I assume he can do lots of things with his voice. At the end of the game Seymour sounded different, too. Hmm... lots of stuff. o_o

Why is it so weird that his hair is blue? o_o guados have weird hait colours, it's probably something in his family, father's side.

Erh, which hair colour did Tidus' mother have, by the way? I hope she was blonde, otherwise it'd be ... :P

03-05-2004, 10:02 PM
Mm, yeah...I think she was either a blonde or a light brunette...

03-06-2004, 09:35 AM
Seymour is gay, punce ( a punce is like a wuss and girlish), id kick his ass if i had the chance, i think he is the worse bad guy in all the ff games.

03-06-2004, 12:43 PM
Yeah I totally agree. Worst bad guy ever. He just seemed so petty and weak. I mean other than that mortiscorpion thing or whatever He just had that guy wand.
A real bad ass seymor was He's all like dont fuck around or I'll cast a guy little elemental spell.

cross cleave kinda sucked though. But there was protect

bottem line is he just sux!

03-06-2004, 01:07 PM
What use is it to repeat the same "I hate him he was such a pussy" or whatever witty comment you like to make, again and again... Think of something more original to say. :P

03-06-2004, 01:53 PM
Thats why I posted "Bottem line he just sux" in attempt to get people to say something other than He's a pussy. But since everyone is saying the same thing I think he just might be a p.. aw never mind!

:notgood: :notgood: :notgood:

03-10-2004, 01:07 PM
Well, for a change you could come up with reasons WHY he's gay/weak/worst villain ever or whatever you call him.

If you fail to come up with proper reasons, I can just assume that your opinion is built on a first impression and has no meaning whatsoever.

Let's see.

He just seemed so petty and weak. I mean other than that mortiscorpion thing or whatever He just had that guy wand.
I don't think he appeared weak because he lacked an impressive weapon. The only enemy with an impressive weapon that I can think of is Sephiroth with his ridiculously long Masamune. Villains simply don' t need weapons. They're usually using strong magic. So that's a pretty pathetic reason why Seymour should be weak.
You must also understand that weakness is relative. If you levelled up a lot every enemy will appear weak.

A real bad ass seymor was He's all like dont fuck around or I'll cast a guy little elemental spell.
Your English skills hurt my eyes.

06-11-2004, 09:44 AM
i totally agree with Vivi ff, seymour suck. I mean... how can you even like him. he stinks.

06-11-2004, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by scorpionffx
i totally agree with Vivi ff, seymour suck. I mean... how can you even like him. he stinks.


Have you actually experienced his odour? :x