Memento Mori
04-08-2008, 08:40 PM
I always think to myself, and I'm certain that I'm not alone here, but what do we look for in bands that we are listening to, and what makes us like the bands that we do like. My top five favorite bands/artists are: Dream Theater, Muse, Opeth, Pain of Salvation, and Thrice. And as far as all five go, I like them all for different reasons. Dream Theater because of their songwriting ability, and musicianship. Outstanding musicianship combined with the ability to write a decent song without going too over the top is something that Dream Theater does time in, and time out. Muse, is all because of Matthew Bellamy. Their songs are lyrically fairly good, and I love the fact that they use a bass-line as their major driving force in their songs, whilst they use a lead or rhythm guitar specifically just to add a layer on the top of things. The piano is a great addition to what they do, and Bellamy's vocals are just outrageously fantastic. Opeth is just so great at what they do. They can become almost a blackened death metal band, and in the next second it could be some clean prog rock or soft rock jazz type of sound. And they do it seamlessly, and it's unpredictable. When you're first listening to an Opeth song, it's hard to tell where the hell it's going to go, and I love that about them. Pain of Salvation writes concept albums, and I love concept albums, and I feel they are the best at that, than any other bands. Dream Theater may have the best album, concept or not altogether, but PoS does it fantastically, and consistently. And Daniel Gildenlow is just a fantastic front man. Great vocals, unpredictable and creative musical arrangements, nothing retarded heavy, or boring soft. Their softer love songs are epic and heart-felt, while their faster heavier songs are pulse-pounding. They do both styles really well, and most bands don't have that ability. And Thrice, well Thrice is the hardest to convey because, they are a pretty straight up band. But I think what sets Thrice aside from most post-hardcore bands (this goes for the band Brand New as well), is that, there is always something different they are offering album to album. They try to stay fresh in the music world, and honestly, I think that's what I respect most about the five bands that I would consider my all-time favorites, is that, they can change it up every album to stay fresh, so I don't have to listen to the same damn thing every time, and they make it sound really good.

And so, with that, what are you looking for in what you listen to?

fastidious percolator
04-09-2008, 08:01 PM
More noise that gives goosebumps in a good way.

Harmony within disharmony~

Top Cat
04-09-2008, 09:34 PM
I like interesting music. Very clich�d and obvious but I can't really go beyond that - so long as it's not dull, boring or predictable I'll enjoy it.

04-09-2008, 11:03 PM
Can't really say i can specifically mention a type of sound that makes me like any song. I've loved simple garage punk songs to the biggest symphonic compostions. Gangsta rap to Hair Metal. This is very cliche' but its all the way the song makes me feel......

I've gravitated to chillout downtempo sounds for the past few years and am slowly falling out of love with the electro sound. Even had a quick flirtation with Pirate rock of all things, more like SKA, Oi with old sea lyrics.

Hex Omega
04-10-2008, 04:26 PM
Lets see, i think ill go through stuff i like and explain why i do. In the end though, its hard to explain what I look for in music. a group click with me or they dont, its as simple as that really.

Dream Theater: Because they do concept albums, shredfests, ballads, instrumentals and epic songs with the same level of awesomeness. Also, they are arguably the most gifted bunch of musicians to have ever formed a group.

Yoko Kanno: I like her stuff because of its sheer versatility. While it may not be original, the scope of her sound is staggering, frankly.

Opeth: Because they have the best vocalist in all of music in Mikeal Akerfeldt, because they seemlessly create epic album after epic album, and have ALWAYS stayed to their roots while at the same time evolved down the years.

Porcupine Tree: Because of their variety, and the genius that is Steve Wilson basically. In Absentia and Fear of a Blank Planet send shivers down my spine.

The Pixies: Because they are pioneers for a genre, and they do the simple rock songs better then anyone.

Kamelot: Because they are such a solid group of musicians, and because Roy Khan pwns the vocals.

The Cruxshadows: Because they're something a little different.

Pain of Salvation: Amazing song writing, topped off with variery and emotion.

Lacuna Coil: Cristina Scabbia. That is all.

fastidious percolator
04-10-2008, 05:57 PM
Lacuna Coil: Cristina Scabbia. That is all.

Listen more to Coil and This Mortal Coil, imo. :D

04-10-2008, 07:58 PM
I pretty much just go for the music that makes me feel something. My latest obsession is Tiger Lou. They give me goosebumps in the right places.

04-10-2008, 11:52 PM
I too like adventurous music. I like music that takes chances. Music with rhythm, soul and some kind of otherworldly quality.

Hex Omega
04-11-2008, 07:20 PM
Listen more to Coil and This Mortal Coil, imo. :D

i have.

04-12-2008, 08:01 AM
I've asked - and still ask - myself that same question - the topic question - plenty of times.
I have many reasons for different bands and genres.
For instance: I like melodic electro/synth music like Depeche Mode and Blaqk Audio 'cause it helps me think, and get into whatever I'm doing even if it's something boring. This doesn't necessarily mean I just like those bands for that reason alone. Tiger Army - although not synth but is starting to use it in their newer stuff - has songs that are full of nocturnal imagery.
Then there are bands/songs I like simply 'cause they bring back memories from my teen years. Songs like Genius of Love and Come As You Are remind me of spring and summertime in L.A, while Sublime and early Chilli Peppers' songs - especially Under the Bridge - remind me of L.A period.
There's songs that I like just for their message or what they're saying like: D.R.I's You say I'm Scum, or 2Pac's Changes

I have lots of reasons why I like different stuff, there's no single reason.
I guess it's easier to answer why i don't like something rather than why I do. :rolleyes:

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
04-13-2008, 03:30 AM
Just a good vibe, be it a nice beat, good vocal melodies, or wonderful instrumentation, all arranged well without too much monotony. I don't have to go too deep into what makes me like something, it's pretty simple really. I don't have a lot of strict rules, especially given that I listen to a somewhat broad range of music.